Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare Essay (Article)

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The 340B Drug Pricing Program is a legislative policy implemented in the United States in 1992. This policy allows eligible healthcare providers to purchase outpatient drugs at significantly reduced prices. While the program intends to lower drug costs for hospitals serving vulnerable populations, there are concerns about its effectiveness and impact on healthcare delivery. This article will discuss the positive and negative aspects of the 340B Drug Pricing Program and provide recommendations for policy revisions.

The 340B Drug Pricing Program has positively affected healthcare by reducing drug costs for eligible healthcare providers, ultimately benefiting patients in need. This policy enables healthcare providers to redirect saved resources to other patient care services, improving access to care for underserved communities (Han, 2023). This program aligns with the biblical worldview of helping those in need and promoting equality and justice in healthcare (Bible Gateway, 2023, Proverbs 31:8-9). Despite its positive intentions, the 340B Drug Pricing Program has been criticized for potentially increasing healthcare costs and distorting market incentives (Desai & McWilliams, 2021). Additionally, the program has faced concerns regarding transparency and accountability, as some hospitals may use savings unrelated to patient care (Han, 2023). From a cost perspective, the 340B Drug Pricing Program may lead to higher drug prices for non-eligible providers and patients with private insurance, as pharmaceutical companies offset the reduced prices by raising costs for other payers (Desai & McWilliams, 2021). This unintended consequence may exacerbate healthcare inequalities and increase overall healthcare costs.

To address the concerns surrounding the 340B Drug Pricing Program, it should enhance transparency and accountability by requiring healthcare providers to report how savings benefit patients and underserved communities (Desai & McWilliams, 2021). Modify the program’s eligibility criteria to target hospitals and clinics primarily serving vulnerable populations, ensuring that resources are directed toward those in need (Han, 2023). Implement a cap on drug price increases to prevent shifting costs and maintain affordable access to medications for all patients. By making these revisions, we can create a more equitable healthcare system that effectively serves the needs of vulnerable populations.

In conclusion, the 340B Drug Pricing Program offers advantages and challenges for healthcare. While successfully reducing drug costs for eligible providers and improving care access, concerns about overall healthcare costs, transparency, and accountability persist. Addressing these issues through policy revisions, including enhancing transparency, refining eligibility criteria, and capping drug price increases, will ensure the program’s ongoing effectiveness, aligning with the biblical worldview of promoting healthcare equality and justice.


Bible Gateway (2023). . Web.

Desai, S. M., & McWilliams, J. M. (2021). 340B Drug Pricing Program and hospital provision of uncompensated care. American Journal of Managed Care, 27(10).

Han, D. (2023). . Journal of Health Economics, 102754. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare.

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"Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare." May 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare." May 26, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Impact of 340B Drug Pricing Program on Healthcare." May 26, 2024.

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