Drones as Technologies with Potential Benefits for Work and the Economy
Nowadays, technologies are becoming more and more crucial to the public and organizations. For example, in Anderson’s article, the author explains how drones can be crucial in every industry. Anderson discusses their use in both construction and farming activities (Anderson, 2019).
While drones can be viewed as toys that are engaging for both children and adults, in reality, they are tools that can provide high-resolution pictures of the areas (Anderson, 2019). Therefore, instead of relying on inaccurate, outdated, or low-resolution images, drones can offer quick and easy access to real-time data. In this case, better equipment can help producers, which in turn will have a positive indirect effect on the economy. Nevertheless, there are still costs that are associated with the use of technologies.
Potential Problems Arising from Technology Issues
The problems caused by technology is the reduction in jobs offered by companies. Since firms see more advantages in the automation of their processes, which gives them more efficiency and profitability, a rise in unemployment can follow, with more people being left without jobs (Fickensher, 2019). As a result, such a trend can lead to negative effects on the economy, which might experience stagnation.
Strategies for Maximizing the Benefits of Technology for Jobs and the Economy
However, as seen from history, technology has played a significant role in society for hundreds of years, and it is unlikely that the situation will change. The ideas that can help make the technologies more beneficial and less harmful are to embrace lifelong learning and promote entrepreneurship and innovation. On the one hand, with lifelong learning, people will understand how to adapt to changing realities quickly. On the other hand, the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation will create more jobs and reduce the risks of economic stagnation and unemployment. Therefore, such concerns should be addressed immediately by policymakers to ensure no significant barriers or challenges experienced by both the public and companies.
Anderson, G. (2019). Drones go to work. In E. Duran & L. Mecucci Springer (Eds.), Science and technology: A Bedford spotlight reader. Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Fickensher, S. (2019). The cutthroat jobs strategy Amazon uses to conquer retail. In E. Duran & L. Mecucci Springer (Eds.), Science and technology: A Bedford spotlight reader. Bedford/St. Martin’s.