Thanks to advances in information technology, we have all witnessed a major transformation in life. The internet has turned the world into one global village. In addition, the Internet has opened up new grounds for exciting careers, with most multinational companies adopting web-based recruitments to allow for access to the global market. It has had unnumbered benefits, making it one of the greatest revelations of its kind.
However, it has also had disadvantages, which could be severe if adequate attention is not taken (Carr 1). Problems ranging from scammers to health and addiction, among others have been reported, with people and businesses increasingly adopting its use for commercial purposes. Among the worst hit are children, who find themselves addicted to it given that they are in the process of development. Health cases have also risen with behavioral changes observed in most children who use the internet. This paper will explore the internet and its impact on children’s health, behaviour as well as addiction.
Definition of Internet and IT
Internet refers to a universal system that connects all computer networks, which utilize internet protocol setup (TCP/IP) that serves billions of people. Businesses, governments, among other networks utilize it, networked through optical and electronic technologies. Internet carries a lot of information accessed by various users at different times. Its contents include videos, games, and documents, among others. IT refers to information technology and describes any form of technology that can be used to produce, and manage information systems. It is also used to refer to the study, design, execution, management, or advancement of information systems. Children enjoy playing online games, accessing educational information as well as other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter among others. As much as this has been of help, it has been noted that children end up with many complications. These are categorized as shown below (Carr 1).
Health Risks
Health risks associated with internet access for children include both physical and mental risks.
Physical Risks and Their Solutions
Children love to listen to loud music in online games and videos; this is detrimental to their eardrums especially if they use earphones. Media multitasking, which is most prevalent in children especially those aged between 6 and 17 impairs their social and cognitive development. Besides, they spend more hours either playing games or surfing and this affects their relaxation time, children generally need over eight hours of sleep, plus more time for physical exercises, which are important in their physical development. Long exposures to the screen can also impair their sight leading to blindness or future eye complications (Center on Media and Child Health 1).
Control Measures
Solutions to these physical risks would include the use of protective glasses on screens to minimize eye damage, reducing screen exposure time for children to offer the opportunity for other activities, and controlling the content viewed to avoid negative content that may make them react aggressively.
Mental Risks and Their Solutions
Mental health concerns for children using the internet include anxiety, memory loss, as well as brain overloading, among others. Children are expected to develop as they grow, however, according to Nicholas Carr, a psychiatrist with UCLA, the internet retards Children’s brain development, this is because it minimizes their deep thinking ability, thereby lowering their creativity. It also offers a huge cognitive load on their brain, which affects their long-term memory (Carr 1).
Control Measures
This can be controlled by regulating the information accessed from the internet. This will ensure that the brain is not overloaded. Instead, children should be involved in physical exercises to help them relax since repose is a necessity for the brain.
Behavioural Risks
Children seek to spend most of their time playing games, surfing, or watching their favourite online movies. This has affected their behaviour, as they are forced into multitasking to find satisfaction. Another behavioural effect is aggressiveness, which is observed in most children who view very violent content, these kids tend to confront their teachers or get involved in peer fights (Palo Alto Medical Foundation par. 2-10). Furthermore, Internet undermines family values in children as they spend most of their time acquiring other values that may be distorted and misleading. These distort their behaviours and could vulgarize their minds at this tender age while this is a taboo in most communities.
Control Measures
To help nurture children’s behaviour, parents should educate them on the safety and risks involved in internet use. In addition, programs that filter negative sites like pornography should be used. This way, children will develop good morals that would shape their behaviours (Viswanathan par. 7).
Internet addiction can be referred to as compulsive use of the Internet. This has been identified to cause psychological mayhem in children as they suffer from anxiety when stopped from its use. Its use is increasingly observed among children; they spend most time accessing web pages on blogs, email, and social sites among others. This has made its use indispensable, developing into addiction for not only kids but also adults. Addiction has been prevalent, especially in those using online games, social sites, and adult content that are known to cause addiction. This has directly interfered with their normal schedules and in the process affected their academic performance.
Control Measures
Addiction is very serious and can develop into serious health complications like anxiety and mental disorders. It, therefore, requires early detection and control to avoid such complications (Saisan; Smith; Segal, Robert and Segal, Jeanne 1). Parents should also regulate the time children spend with computers to prevent addiction.
Internet refers to a universal system that connects all computer networks, which utilize internet protocol setup (TCP/IP) that serves billions of people while, IT refers to information technology, and describes any form of technology that can be used to produce, and manage information systems. The internet offers a double-edged sword to children. Even though its benefits are many and important in a child’s development, its limits are also quite destructive.
While children can learn and improve their performance through the internet, chances of behavioural effects such as anxiety, health risks like impaired ears and sight due to long exposures as well as addiction to bad content like pornography are highly likely. It is therefore a parent’s sole responsibility to regulate the content accessed by children as well as their exposure time. Other measures include creating awareness of its effects and using filtering programs, which would help regulate the content viewed. In addition, parents should expose their children to other hobbies like scouting, which would help limit their time behind computers. Internet is therefore essential for children, but only under monitored access.
Works Cited
Carr, Nicholas. The web shatters focus, rewires brains.Wired. 2010. Web.
Center on Media and Child Health. Internet and Computers: Research on the news about the effects of media on the health of children and adolescents. 2010. Web.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation. The impact of Video games on children. 2010. Web.
Saisan, Joanna; Smith, Melinda; Segal, Robert, and Segal, Jeanne. Internet Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, and Self-Help. Helpguide. 2010. Web.
Viswanathan, Gomathi. Impact of internet on children’s attitude and behavior. EzineArticles. 2010. Web.