Incorporating Human development theory Research Paper

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There are numerous inferences that can be drawn from Piaget and Maslow’s ideologies that they formulated, ratified, and presented to explain various aspects of human development and other considerable provisions. Human development is an elaborated process requiring various considerable factors in order to illuminate its diverse aspects.

Concurrently, it is crucial to consider such aspects in the context of human development. This paper endeavors to compare Piaget’s use of concrete and formal operations and Maslow’s use of concrete and abstract thoughts to establish and explain various human phenomena. Understanding this context in the realms of human development and other considerable features is important.

Concurrently, it is vital to incorporate human development theories into the drug abuse/addiction prevention theories in order to illuminate its various aspects. This is a considerable phenomenon despite the looming challenges. Piaget based his arguments on actual and formal operations.

Thus, he endeavored to explain his ideologies formally and considerably. He was able to relate the nature of knowledge itself and how people develop progressively to attain various behaviors. Addiction is relevant in this context due to its gradual development in the body system. Its acquisition occurs gradually regardless of the situation. Conversely, Maslow developed numerous ideologies meant to set various human principles and explain various phenomena.

He ratified credible and abstract thoughts in order to distinguish vast ideologies concerning human development. This is a crucial provision when considered in this framework. It is crucial to understand these provisions in the developmental context in order to comprehend the aspects of drug abuse and its characterizing addictions (Hogan, 2003).

How they are similar

The aspects of human development are critical in this context. Concurrently, it is important to incorporate human development theories into the prevention mechanisms (regarding addiction). These relate to the similarities drawn from ideologies presented by Piaget and Maslow.

Firstly, both theorists unveil the cognitive and physical development concerns. These factors are important in understanding various aspects of human development in the context of drug abuse and addiction. Piaget’s concrete and formal perceptions merge perfectly with Maslow’s actual and abstract thoughts meant to explain various aspects of the human development.

This is a considerable provision in the creation of relevant ideologies applicable in explaining and preventing addiction and its aspects. It is important to understand such provisions as demonstrated before. Precisely, both ideologies endeavor to explain various aspects of human development that can be used to understand numerous provisions in the context of drug abuse and addiction.

Additionally, both theories converge at a single point with regard to human development. For example, when Maslow’s formulated the hierarchy of human needs, physiological provision majored in the list. This indicates how the aspects of human development and other relevant factors must be fulfilled first (Hodson, 2001).

This is supported by Piaget in his actual and formalized ideologies. Addiction is a physiological provision, which must be addressed for an individual to operate normally. In this context, it is important to incorporate such provisions in the prevention mechanisms meant to alleviate the aspects of drug abuse and addiction. Treatment options recommended in this context are numerous. Nonetheless, they might possess some disparities in the realms of principles and other relevant factors.

It is imperative to understand such aspects before considering the ideologies presented by these theorists as futile and void. This is a crucial consideration when discerning the similarities that exists amidst the Piaget and Maslow’s ideologies and human developmental principles.

The developmental processes, genetic epistemologies, and other considerable life concerns are fronted by these theorists (Shaffer & Kipp, 2010). They endeavor to explain various principles applicable in the prevention factors regarding drug abuse and addiction. Understanding the provision of addiction in the context of human development is important as demonstrated by both ideologies.

How they are different

While comparing Piaget’s use of concrete and formal operations and Maslow’s use of material and abstract thoughts, numerous disparities are discernible despite the similarities indicated earlier. Both theorists based their ideologies on varying principles with regard to human development and other considerable factors.

It is crucial to understand these provisions in order to establish substantial disparities amidst the two ideologies (Hogan, 2003). Evidently, Piaget formalized his findings in order to discern critical aspects of human development, addiction processes, and other relevant provisions applicable in this context.

It is understandable to establish various components of human development in the realms of drug abuse, addiction, and other relevant provisions applicable in this context. Another disparity is that Maslow based his ideas on abstractions when making ultimate conclusions on critical matters (Hodson, 2001).

Ideally, it is important to draw critical life aspects of these ideologies. The ability to integrate the elements and effects of an activity/happening is an important concept in this case. Continuous application or use of something might trigger the aspects of addiction and other relevant provisions meant to explain this concept. It is evident that both Piaget and Maslow possess different opinions in this provision; nonetheless, there is a conventional consideration in this context.

Whether there are value judgments inherent in either view

Agreeably, there are value judgments inbuilt in either view. This is evident by the explanations and values possessed by both virtues. It is crucial to understand this phenomenon in various aspects. When Piaget presented his concrete and formal ideologies in order to explain the provisions of human development and other relevant aspects, several issues emerged so as to formulate addiction prevention mechanisms and other appropriate remedial factors worth consideration.

Understanding the biological, cognitive, and psychological aspects of addiction is critical in this note (Shaffer & Kipp, 2010). They constitute the value judgments embraced in the prevention programs meant to treat various components of addiction. Concurrently, the theories fronted by Maslow and Piaget constitute considerable and valuable provisions applicable vastly.

This is quite critical in the human contexts. Concurrently, Maslow’s theories on the provisions of human needs and other relevant ideologies tend to explain critical aspects of human development. Thus, it is important to agree that both views have inherent value judgments.


Conclusively, comparison of Piaget’s use of concrete and formal operations and Maslow’s use of concrete and abstract thoughts indicate critical provisions in the context of human development. It is possible to incorporate the aspects of human development in the prevention programs meant to curb drug abuse and addiction.

The arguments presented by Piaget in his works provide critical ideologies helpful in this context. Additionally, Maslow coined the hierarchy of human needs in order to categorize and illuminate various life provisions helpful in this context. The two ideologies presented by Piaget and Maslow contain varying similarities and other disparities. Nonetheless, both have inherent values applicable in discerning human developmental aspects.


Hodson, C. (2001). Psychology and Work. London: Routledge.

Hogan, J. (2003). Substance abuse prevention: The intersection of science and practice. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Shaffer, D. & Kipp, K. (2010). Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 14). Incorporating Human development theory.

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"Incorporating Human development theory." IvyPanda, 14 May 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'Incorporating Human development theory'. 14 May.


IvyPanda. 2019. "Incorporating Human development theory." May 14, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "Incorporating Human development theory." May 14, 2019.


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