Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue Essay

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Social justice has become a major concern for many countries around the world, with hunger being one of the most pressing issues. Hunger is an issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds and can lead to serious health complications if not addressed. To tackle this issue, it is important to create policies that address social justice related to hunger and propose solutions that will help to reduce its prevalence.

One policy that can be implemented to increase social justice related to hunger is expanding the current Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP is a federal program that provides food assistance to low-income households (Bleich et al., 2020). It can be expanded to include additional assistance such as allowing more people to qualify for the program and increasing the amount of assistance provided. This would help to ensure that those who are in need of food assistance would have access to it. Additionally, SNAP could be used to provide access to healthier food options, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, which are often more expensive than processed foods (Rivera et al., 2019). This would help to ensure that those who are receiving assistance are receiving nutritious food as well.

An additional strategy to advance social equity in connection to hunger is to afford access to educational materials. Oftentimes, individuals facing hunger may lack the awareness or capacity to access the aid they require. Offering access to educational initiatives can assist in informing people about the resources that are obtainable to them and how to make use of them. In addition, making available job training and job-related resources can empower people to attain the abilities they need to gain employment and become independent.

In conclusion, there are a variety of measures that can be taken to enhance social justice in regard to starvation. Widening the SNAP system and offering access to educational and occupational assets are two such policies that could be applied to tackle this matter. These measures would ensure that those wanting aid have access to the sustenance they require to live and maintain a strong lifestyle. Ultimately, these policies could help to lessen the occurrence of hunger and cultivate a more equitable society.


Bleich, S. N., Moran, A. J., Vercammen, K. A., Frelier, J. M., Dunn, C. G., Zhong, A. & Fleischhacker, S. E. (2020). . Annual Review of Public Health, 41, 453-480. Web.

Rivera, R. V. Maulding, M. K. & Eicher-Miller, H. A. (2019). . Nutrition Reviews, 77(12), 903–921. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue.

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"Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue." May 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue." May 26, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Increasing Social Justice Related to the Hunger Issue." May 26, 2024.

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