Individuation implies that people behave in their unique ways, and all people join each other, but each portraying different behaviors. Besides, it refers to the process of adjusting the desires or wants of a person while considering his or her particular characteristics. The term could also be utilized to imply the differentiation or the manner of perceiving an individual within a group (Schweitzer 93). This paper focuses on discussing the apartment lobby in the context of site individualization.
Individualization is critical in ensuring that a person obtains the help that is required for him or her to enjoy perform his or her duties as a citizen (Schweitzer 90). People who are affected should be at the forefront of planning what affects them. Under normal circumstances, each person has unique potentials, interests, and requirements.
Site of individualization refers to a location that is designed to help people to meet and learn about their needs. In a site of individualization, people behave in their unique ways. Money that is used in funding an individualized site can be compared with the help that has been offered (Schweitzer 95). Planning should involve the target group and should focus on their strengths and wants.
My choice of apartment lobby was driven by the fact it is diverse. Many people from different countries around the world have always enjoyed chatting in the apartment. Besides, it is a beautiful place that can be utilized in studying. There is adequate space that accommodates many people from diverse cultures. In the compound, there is attractive scenery that makes the environment cool for interacting. Due to the welcoming atmosphere, many individuals have been coming to the apartment. Being a social place, various behaviors would be portrayed, facilitating the process of conducting research. This is for the reason that many people, especially when they are in a spacious place, can display their behaviors without their being aware of their actions, revealing their self-identity.
Also, my choice was driven by the fact sources of funds that would enable me to carry out the study have already been released by the government. This will facilitate the collection of data, lunch, and fare of the informant, especially where an interpreter would be required, and purchasing of materials that are vital to conducting research.
The research question in the study is: How do different cultural backgrounds affect interactions? Varied cultures have impacts on one’s socialization process. The way a person behaves is influenced by people around him or her, who could be from different cultural backgrounds. Culture refers to the way of life of a group of people in society. This implies that people in a society have distinct cultures that distinguish them from other societies.
Notably, people modify their behaviors according to other people’s reactions to them. About the lobbying apartment, it is evident that when people relate to each other, they express a set of gestures, which some persons evaluate. Arguably, interventions concerning personal presentation and evaluation by others assist in constructing a person’s individuality. This is because social identities and internal personalities affect an individual. Cultures help people to interact with others, making them negotiate in various social situations. Cultures help individuals to be aware of themselves and to respond to stimuli that they get from the environment while passing some social messages.
Thus, social interactions can be viewed as a series of interactive presentations, whereby individuals are continually changing to conform to the acceptable social norms of people. Moreover, individuals portray all their aspects, including gender, which is used to make hypotheses regarding their values and personalities. Notably, normative ideas vary across traditions, and when people come together, they share different aspects that are experienced in various communities. In the lobby apartment, persons who come both for holidays and for leisure would represent diverse cultures.
The research about the lobby site is being conducted systematically. Obtaining clearance from the relevant authority has been done. The study is being conducted by collecting data on the subject of the lobby apartment. Information regarding the neighborhood is gathered to understand the surroundings. The cultures of the people around are being investigated. The literature review that is related to individualization is being evaluated. This will help to gain more insights on earlier studies.
The data on the subject of the frequency of visitors are being collected. Adequate preparations are being made to avoid misuse of time. Interviews are being conducted to obtain information regarding different cultures, and how people benefit through interactions. Most of the time is spent interacting with people to experience what they learn through individualization. For example, eating habits, dressing codes, and the manner of expressing oneself are being studied through observations to gain more knowledge concerning the way they affect individuals.
After collecting data using the aforementioned methods, further study would be conducted by reviewing the current literature that is related to the roles played by cultures in promoting interactions among individuals. Literature related to individuality would be analyzed to gain more insights concerning what characterizes an individual’s personality. Visiting different people typified by varying traditions will be studied.
The research will borrow many of its ideas from sociology. This is because it deals with the socialization process of people, and the way cultures shape interactions. Besides, psychology will be vital in helping me to understand how personality differences influence cultures, which would later shape relationships. Individual attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions impact one’s interactions. Many ideas will be drawn from sociology and psychology. Finally, the language will play a vital role during interviews. Besides, it is part of cultures because communities have different languages, which act as forms of social identities. The study of language will be important in tracing the origin, migration, and settlement of the people being studied.
In conclusion, individualization helps one to be identified in a group due to his or her unique characteristics. Cultures affect the way people interact in society. This is because they determine how people should behave. Relationships among members of society are also determined by culture. A lobby apartment enables people to interact and study different traditions. Therefore, the topic under study is important in forming the basis for further studies.
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