International Organizations in Global Politics Essay

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The recent rapid growth of the range of globalization resulted in the establishment of new relations between states. The modern information relations promote the evolution of tools used for the international communication. The combination of these facts also influences the sphere of the international relations and foreign policy of states. Being altered by the new tendencies, the sphere of this relations evolve and cover new aspects of the interaction between the states. Nowadays, the international cooperation of states includes the relations between banks, society and organizations which play the most important role in the functioning of a state.

A number of scientists tend to prove the idea that the progress in the evolution of the international relations results from the growth of companies and organizations which become influential enough to act at the international level (Willets 328). The scale of the influence of these companies is so significant that some researchers tend to consider the organizations of this sort to be the main actors of the relations between states (Willets 329).

However, a state also plays an important role, providing the background for these relations and establishing the norms and limits. Accepting the impact a state has on the global relations, researchers outline five main categories of political actors in this sort of relations, which are governments, transnational companies (TNCs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) (Willets 329).

These categories evidence that the state serves as the determinator of the nature of the an organization and the impact it has on the world. The term state also initiates a number of ardent discussions. It is vital to accept the fact that state is not the same as the nation and that both “international relations and transnational relations cover relations across ‘state’ boundaries” (Willets 330). This evidence proves the importance of the government in the system of these relations. However, it could be compared to TNCs, INGOs, and NGOs which continue their growth and act as very powerful agents. Being directed by the government, IGOs could serve as the markers of the states interests and its priorities while INGOs and NGOs might pursue their own interests at the international level.

One of the main peculiarities o the modern world financial system is its overwhelming dependence on the international companies which control the money flows. For this reason, the sphere of the global relations becomes more unbalanced. The increase of the activity of the NGOs at the international level could have a great negative impact on the further evolution of the global environment as it might introduce several threats to the security of the society.

In this regard, the role of the state is still investigated by researchers who try to create the efficient model of the interrelations between the government and IGOs and NGOs. At the current stage of the evolution of the given sphere the situation is balanced; however, the growth of the role of various agents could change it.

Works Cited

Willets, Peter. “Transnational actors and international organizations in global politics”. The Globalisation of World Politics. Ed. John Baylis and Steve Smith. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 356-383. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 29). International Organizations in Global Politics.

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"International Organizations in Global Politics." IvyPanda, 29 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'International Organizations in Global Politics'. 29 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "International Organizations in Global Politics." August 29, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "International Organizations in Global Politics." August 29, 2020.


IvyPanda. "International Organizations in Global Politics." August 29, 2020.

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