The Idea of Political Realism in the International Relations Essay

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When speaking about international relations, one is to keep in mind that in this aspect the key notion is considered to be the idea of political realism.

They say that political realism is mostly associated with liberalism. As far as national politics seems to be based on the authority of law, the characteristic feature of an international politics seems to be injustice, as different states have different views concerning the same ethical norms or standards.

When speaking about the roots of the realist tradition, it becomes obvious that at different times the basic points of politics were interpreted differently. For instance, one of the most well-known political theorists Thucydides considered politics as a branch which main aim was to resolve certain moral issues.

However, there is a need to point out that the ideas of famous classical political theorist impacted on general features of realism in international relations. Thus, human nature is recognized to be one of the most important points in realism.

Nonrecognition of authority seems to be a determinant factor of the outcomes of international politics. So, ‘The lack of a common rule-making and enforcing authority means, they argue, that the international arena is essentially a self-help system.

Each state is responsible for its own survival and is free to define its own interests’1. Security as one of the basic issues and the relevance of morality are also recognized to be important elements of realism in international politics.

International Relations: Conventions and Challenges

When speaking about conventions and challenges in international relations, one is to keep in mind that it is conceptual introduction of global politics, which is to be considered. The most important events of the 20th century are also to be touched on.

Thus, it is necessary to remember World War I and World War II, Cold War between the USA and USSR, the appearance of the United Nations and global political economy formation. The above-mentioned events are the primary events the world experienced. Of course, these events impacted on the development of global economy as well as international relations.

International relations consist of numerous spheres, including diplomatic, political and educational relations. When speaking about the effects of global communication, which seems to be an integral part of international relations, one is to keep in mind that broad challenges took place.

For instance, cultural, economical and technological boundaries were expanded, ‘Economically, separate industries that had developed around each of these technologies are combining to service the new multimedia environment through a series of corporate mergers and alliances.

Politically, global communication is undermining the traditional boundaries and sovereignties of nations’2. Film industry, computer technologies, photography and many other fields appeared.

Marxism, realism, liberalism, postmodernism, and communitarianism were the most widespread schools of the so-called international relations theory. The central objects of international relations were the states, as ‘States decide to go to war.

They erect trade barriers. They choose whether and at what level to establish environmental standards. States enter international agreements, or not, and choose whether to abide by their provisions’3.

The states are to ‘implement relevant international Conventions, including the harmonization of their domestic legislation with those Conventions, and conclusion of mutual judicial assistance and extradition agreements’4.

The most serious global or international challenges include transmitting diseases, climatic changes, hunger, ecological problems, pollutions, etc.

The most important International Conventions which were held include ‘an International Conventions for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and an International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings’5.

The Conclusion

Still, when speaking about communication technologies on the military arena, it becomes obvious what effects of global communication are.

For instance, in 550 BC communication and control systems included postal system equipped by relay stations with fresh horseman (Persian Empire); in 500 BC there was postal system manned wazzu by postal runner (Chinese Empire).

In 350 BC voice and fire signaling were known (Greek Empire); BC – 476 AD road system from center to peripheries appeared (Roman Empire); in 632 – 1259 AD surface mail by horses and airmail by wazzu pigeon carriers appeared (Islamic Empires).

In 1500-1970 print was known (European Empires); 1844-1914 telegraph appeared (British Empire); 1900-1945 radio broadcasting was invented (Competing Empires); 1945-1989, TV, satellites, computers, and the Internet appeared (Bipolar System); 1989 – present Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), Cyborgs appeared (Globalist System).

Generally, global challenges facing humanity include sustainable development and climate change, clean water, population and resources, democratization, long-term perspectives, global convergence of IT, rich-poor gap, health issues, capacity to decide, peace and conflict, status of women, transnational organized crime, energy, science and technology, and global ethics6.

They say that, ‘Smart chemists. Innovative thinking. That’s the key to solving global challenges of the 21st Century’7.


Global Challenges/Chemistry Solutions. Web.

Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes. Draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 2010. Web.

Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes. International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings. Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 2010. Web.

Korab-Karpowicz, J. . Stanford: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010, p. 1. Web.

Lake, D. The State and International Relations. Web.

Tehranian, M. . The International Journal of Peace Studies, 1996, p. 1. Web.

The Millennium Project. Global Challenges for Humanity. 2010. Web.


  1. J. Korab-Karpowicz, Political Realism in International Relations. Stanford: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010, p. 1.
  2. M. Tehranian, Clobal Communication and International Relations. The International Journal of Peace Studies, 1996, p. 1.
  3. D. Lake, The State and International Relations , n.d., p. 1.
  4. Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes. Draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 2010.
  5. Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes. International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings. Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 2010.
  6. The Millennium Project. Global Challenges for Humanity.
  7. Global Challenges/Chemistry Solutions.
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IvyPanda. (2019, April 3). The Idea of Political Realism in the International Relations.

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"The Idea of Political Realism in the International Relations." IvyPanda, 3 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'The Idea of Political Realism in the International Relations'. 3 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "The Idea of Political Realism in the International Relations." April 3, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "The Idea of Political Realism in the International Relations." April 3, 2019.


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