Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention Research Paper

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Modern technologies have revolutionized the way human beings pursue their goals. The Internet, for instance, has streamlined communication processes and transform business operations. Unfortunately, these innovations have created a new problem that continues to complicate the roles and objectives of law enforcement agencies. This paper describes the issues revolving around digital terrorism and the future of Internet-related crimes.

Impact of Utilizing Information Technologies

The use of advanced information technologies to deal with digital crimes is something embraced by different agencies. The rationale for this approach is that technology can ensure that culprits are identified much faster and prosecuted. However, different government agencies must incur numerous expenses to stay ahead of criminals. Consequently, the move can result in economic disorientation. The use of such technologies can also expose more business operations to cybercriminals (Mamandi & Yari, 2014). When this happens, businesses and governments can lose funds or intellectual properties to hackers. Information technology (IT) environments are also becoming complex every day. Huge resources must, therefore, be available to achieve positive goals.

The model has the potential to affect the social welfare of different populations. For instance, people might be discouraged to use the Internet for socialization since they stand a chance of becoming potential suspects. Consequently, more individuals might decide to abandon their cultural and social norms (Dilek, Cakir, & Aydin, 2015). The political impact of the use of technologies to deal with digital terrorism cannot be ignored. The existence of divergent cybercrime laws can result in diplomatic hostilities between nations. These issues must be addressed if the fight against cybercrime is to be won.

Challenges and Proposal

Every law enforcement agency is guided by powerful policies and standards. Agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and the Secret Service have their models for pursuing computer crimes and criminals. Consequently, the country has been forced to use huge resources to support each agency’s model (Dilek et al., 2015). This challenge makes it easier for the United States to minimize the problem of computer terrorism. The second challenge occurs whenever a single crime is pursued by two or more agencies. These organizations are unable to share crucial information, thereby disorienting every investigation process. Consequently, it becomes impossible for law enforcers to complete their roles successfully.

The U.S. government should implement an evidence-based model whereby different agencies form a task force or unit to deal with computer-related crimes. The unit will be designed in such a way that it utilizes resources from every agency (Dilek et al., 2015). The ultimate goal is to pursue every form of cybercrime, minimize costs, and streamline operations. This move will address the above challenges and deliver positive results.

Aligning the Efforts of Federal Agencies

The nature of modern technologies is empowering cyber criminals to commit a wide range of Internet-related offenses (Mamandi & Yari, 2014). The government should come up with a new model to align the efforts of federal agencies in an attempt to protect the nation. This model should be informed by a new policy. The guideline should compel different federal agencies to share crucial data, collaborate with different departments and professionals, promote the power of community policing, and encourage technology companies to be part of the initiative (Ajayi, 2016). This model will streamline investigatory processes and ensure that more criminals are prosecuted.

The concept should also be updated continuously to resonate with the changes propelled by modern technological developments. These agencies should also hire competent programmers and IT specialists who can identify potential cybercriminals (Mamandi & Yari, 2014). The alignment of these efforts will create a powerful strategy that can be implemented to protect the nation from digital terrorism.

I believe that future digital terrorism posses an existential nightmare or threat to global society. As technologies continue to advance, the number of competent cybercriminals capable of attacking complex systems is on the rise. Additionally, more people, businesses, and organizations are being connected to the World Wide Web (WWW) every single day (Ajayi, 2016). The global population is also threatening the way the Internet is being used to pursue personal goals. In the recent past, most of the implemented strategies have not delivered meaningful results. Consequently, more cybercrimes are being reported across the globe (Irons & Lallie, 2014). The preparedness of different agencies and governments is another risk factor for this problem. This argument explains why more people and institutions have increased the chances of facing the wrath of future digital terrorism.

The fight against cybercrime cannot be won without an evidence-based strategy. The U.S. government must collaborate with other nations and support the implementation of new laws that can support the pursuant of global cybercrime (Irons & Lallie, 2014). The strategy must be supported by both local and international agencies since digital terrorism knows no boundaries. This evidence-based approach has the potential to transform the situation.


This discussion reveals that the pace at which innovations are emerging is outstripping the capabilities of agencies to deal with digital terrorism. This is the case because cybercriminals use the same technology to pursue their deeds and offenses. Evidence-based and collaborative efforts will be needed if different international agencies are to deal with this predicament.


Ajayi, E. F. (2016). Challenges to enforcement of cyber crimes laws and policy. Journal of Internet and Information Systems, 6(1), 1-12. Web.

Dilek, S., Cakir, H., & Aydin, M. (2015). Applications of artificial intelligence techniques to combating cyber crimes: A review. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, 6(1), 21-39. Web.

Irons, A., & Lallie, H. S. (2014). Digital forensics to intelligent forensics. Future Internet, 6(3), 584-596. Web.

Mamandi, K., & Yari, S. (2014). A global perspective on cybercrime. Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 33-37. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 24). Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention.

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"Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention." IvyPanda, 24 Sept. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention'. 24 September.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention." September 24, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention." September 24, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Internet Crimes and Digital Terrorism Prevention." September 24, 2020.

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