Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies Essay

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This interview seeks to establish necessary skills and competencies that are important for success in a specific area of interest. My major is Business Studies in Accounting. I have an interest in this area because it contributes to economic growth. My desire to succeed in business creates the impetus for the actualization of relevant ideals and aspirations. I am interested in accounting because it offers me an opportunity to understand practices that ultimately determine success and competence in commercial activities. My choice of major also emanates from family influence and background. Most of my family members are successful business practitioners. This gives me the courage and willingness to pursue this area of study. To actualize this interview, I interviewed Chris, a successful executive in a pharmaceutical company. He is also an alumnus of Southern New Hampshire University. A mutual friend introduced me to Chris. The interview was face-to-face because Chris was available. However, he rescheduled his activities to accommodate the interview. He expressed a willingness to assist me through mentorship and other forms of assistance.

Summary of Informational Interview

What occupations suffice concerning this major?

With a major in Business Studies (Accounting), graduates can pursue careers in specialized business management. Such jobs include auditing, marketing, finance, administration, and portfolio management. However, it is essential to have specific areas of interest in the realm of business studies. This facilitates concentration, thereby channeling energy towards the realization of overall ideals and aspirations.

What is the relevance of the internship?

The internship offers opportunities for hands-on experience in the field of expertise. During the training, graduates interact with leaders in their area of study. This instills confidence and a desire for success.

What keeps you focused on your job?

It is essential for everyone to pursue a career that is interesting in its entirety. Most people choose careers without prior research and planning. I derive pleasure from my job because I made a choice to work as a business executive.

If I pursue this degree, how do you recommend I get the most out of my education?

You should focus on academic units that consolidate efforts towards the realization of core objectives. For instance, it is wise to consult career counselors within your institution to ensure that you understand important aspects of your major. This bolsters your desire for success and accomplishment in business studies.

What essential skills will I learn with this degree?

By pursuing this degree, you will learn best practices in business management and oversight. It shall also accord your opportunity to learn from global business leaders through lectures and publications. The most important skill is learning how to manage business entities through practices that enhance profitability and sustenance.

What clubs or organizations would you recommend to a student interested in this major?

Students should associate with contemporaries who harbor similar goals and aspirations. This facilitates positive action towards the realization of plans that complement career goals and aspirations. For this major, business and investment clubs serve as launching pads for future career undertakings.

How would you describe the students who pursue this degree?

Students who pursue this degree are motivated and driven to succeed in contemporary business practices. They are usually passionate about the economy and factors that influence their growth.

What do you enjoy most about this major?

This major gives me the opportunity to understand my role and position as a business leader and manager. It also broadens the scope of understanding with regard to modern business practices.

What do you think is the least exciting aspect of this major?

This major leads one to careers that are too demanding. This ultimately affects the relationship with friends and family.

If you were starting out again, what would you do differently?

I would not do anything differently because I feel satisfied with the current level of success. However, I would always strive to create opportunities for future success.

If I decide to look for a job in this field, how would you advise me to go about it?

Always associate with organizations that offer the opportunity for career progression.

Do you have any other advice for me?

You must maintain focus and dedication towards achieving your goals. Always interact with people who add value to the realization of your objectives.

Reactions and Conclusion

The interview was detailed and informative because it offered valuable insight regarding my major. It precipitated fresh ideas and perspectives on the essence of crucial skills that ultimately complement my quest for success in business studies. I learned the importance of focus and dedication towards the realization of various goals and aspirations. I also reaffirmed my commitment to the development of skills and competencies in pursuit of academic and professional excellence. The interview intensified my resolve to acquire skills in business management. I believe in my ability and will to fulfill requirements for the attainment of relevant credentials in my major. Through the interview, I learned the importance of hard work and dedication towards the fulfillment of course requirements in my major. I feel that my current path is satisfactory as it provides an opportunity for success and boundless achievement in my area of interest. The interview has improved my decision-making process because I have realized essential areas that require attention.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 20). Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies.

Work Cited

"Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies." IvyPanda, 20 Mar. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies'. 20 March.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies." March 20, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies." March 20, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Interview: Necessary Skills and Competencies." March 20, 2021.

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