About sixteen million people served in the American military at the period of World War II events; three million faced the start of the war in the Pacific serving there at that time. It is necessary to stress that the analysis of war causes and consequences gives an opportunity to evaluate the reasons for war start and underline the power of international forces and their impact on war events in the Pacific.
It should be noted that before Pearl Harbor, the US was on the way to filling the nation’s demand for qualified naval officers. Inadequate and slow military actions on the part of the USA before the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese army were characterized by poor advancement for officers and personnel. This fact influenced the flow of war events. Nevertheless, it is necessary to dive into the depth of Pacific War causes analysis in order to understand its relation to the events in Europe and outline the basic effects it brought to the countries; the paper will concentrate on the investigation of war causes between the USA and Japan on the basis of documents and scientific analysis.
Pacific War Start, its Causes
The beginning of World War II is referred to as 1939, the period when France and Britain started the war on Germany. It is necessary to underline the fact that the true causes of the Pacific War have no relation to these events; it should be noted that the period is connected with the rivalry between Japan and the United States of America. One should underline the idea that both countries had strong beliefs in their rights to impact Pacific region events, looking for military power as the principal way to establish control within the region. The countries appeared to be in opposition striving to gain as much influence on the territory as possible; the USA and Japan were eager to invest in China in order to get desired profits from their investments.
Military strategies began with the development of Japanese campaign by Manchuria occupation; as a result the US military expressed reaction through Chinese armies’ support in their fight against enemies. The events were followed by trade restrictions on the part of the USA. It is necessary to underline the fact that in 1941 the territory of Japan suffered significant shortages of essential materials; military planning was concentrated on land expansion on the basis of European war events advantages. Japan prevention from controlling the territory was impossible for the France; as a result Americans managed to freeze all the Japanese funds and stop their oil supply. It should be stressed that Japanese attempts to be a modernized country faced difficult position on the international level and within internal structure. It was impossible to survive through the lack of oil; so, it was necessary to invade the Asian territory to use oil fields, leading to the burst of war with the USA.
Hull Note
Hull Note is considered to be characterized as the US proposal for Japanese Empire introduced before the Pearl Harbor attack and war declaration. It is necessary to stress that the note was treated as the ultimatum presented by American nation to Japan; it disclosed the conditions of their future cooperation underlining the necessity to withdraw all the troops of Japan from the territory of China and French Indochina. It should be stated that the document was presented as provocative issue; the scientists believe that the note appeared to have the format and style of sharp ultimatum stimulating Japanese to war actions.
According to Akira Iriye, the professor of Harvard University, ‘Japanese officials in Washington and Tokyo took the Hull Note as an indication of the wide cleavage between the two countries, and they were of course right’ (Iriye, p. 124) Nevertheless, some historians consider that this note was perceived as an ultimatum by mistake; the document was considered to be the restated position of America as to China, the Dutch and Britain. Hull Note was just the invitation presented to Japan for it to become the part of new re-established order within Asian-Pacific region. Some documents state, that through the note the representatives of American nation strived to demonstrate their desire living in peace. On the other hand, the note was also interpreted as the demonstration of Japan’s intention to fight, rather than the one of Washington. However, the point is considered to be arguable; the documents express different fact which can be interpreted from various angles. It is a questionable issue whether the Americans strived for peace or expressed a provocative offer; it was said, ‘It was Tokyo that intended to attack if the negotiations failed’ (Spector, p. 128) It is necessary to underline the fact that the interpretation of the note was based on the nation’s desire to get the power and control over the territory of Pacific region, even through war battles.
The Hull Note message is perceived as an intricate intention of Americans to demonstrate their power and influence on the situation faced by both countries. It was found out that the peace expectations could be realistic, in case of agreement reaching through the modus Vivendi, and the delay of opening hostilities; the emphasis of Hull Note’s invitation to join common strategic plan without the modus Vivendi appeared to be treated as ultimatum for Japanese nation, and resulted in a number of invasions.
Turning points in War
The turning points in the Pacific war were concentrated on industrial conflict between two strong nations, and their desire to fight for power. The war between the United States and Japan is considered to have controversial causes being discussed by different critics and historians; it is necessary to stress that the origin of conflict and the turning points in war causes appeared to be based on the Japanese past, economic weakness and the USA strive for power and control over the large territory. The analysis of war event and cooperation between the nations demonstrated the idea that the Battle of Midway appeared to be the turning point in relations between America and Japan.
The Battle of Midway is considered to be treated as the turning point in the Pacific War in 1942. It should be stressed that after suffering the humiliating defeats, the USA was eager to reach the aircraft carriers completion and battleships for the purpose of turning the war in their favor; while the Japanese firmly believed in their complete control over Pacific region after the victory in Midway Battle. It is necessary to stress that Japan had no idea of US Navy’s codes breakages and planning counter operations. The battle appeared to be Japanese navy’s disastrous defeat leading to the lack of any prospect to defeat the America. The Japanese over confidence in their victory resulted in making fatal mistakes. The documents prove the fact that the Battle of Midway can be interpreted as the rare occasion when the nation’s fate was determined by several spontaneous and decisive steps.
The balance of power between the USA and Japan was ruined by American bomber squadrons and Japanese weak decision-making resulting in benefits for American nation. It should be stressed that Japan was deprived of any industrial capacity to perform the replacement of aircraft carriers in the battle which led to the nation’s decline. (Cook, and Cook, 2005)
The turning point in the Pacific War can be characterized through the US victory in the Battle of Midway bringing the nation initiatives following future war events. It should be stressed that the Japan weak position and internal breakage of the nation because of the heavy losses suffered during the battle, managed to influence the country’s further actions and strategic planning. Though the turning point brought power and confidence to American nation, the Pacific War made the USA to cover vast distances for liberation of the countries being conquered by Japan.
Taking into account the documents and facts reflected through them, it is necessary to underline the idea that Pacific War was based predominantly on cultural and social conflict between the nations. It should be noted that industrial interactions and obstacles were closely related to cultural position and social environment of both countries striving to prove their power and ability to win the control over Pacific region. (Spector, 1985)
The paper disclosed the nature of the principle conflict between the USA and Japan underlining central caused for the World War II events promotion. It is necessary to stress that the period appeared to be characterized by sharpened relationships between two strong nations based on industrial, social and cultural misunderstandings.
Hull Note document analysis proved its arguable nature through various interpretations by scientists and historians; it should be stressed that it is difficult to identify true intention expressed on the part of both nations, though one should note that the countries were united by common desire to invade and get the territory of Pacific region.
Cook, H. and Cook, Th. Japan at War: An Oral History. DIANE Publishing Company, 2005.
Iriye, A. Pearl Harbor and the coming of the Pacific War: a brief history with documents and essays. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999.
Spector, R. Eagle against the sun: the American war with Japan. Free Press. 589 pp. 1985.