Data Sourcing
Data for five assets will be collected for the analysis. The five assets are KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation (KS), Baxter Inc. (BAX), Bank of America Inc. (BAC), S&P 500 index, and the US 13-week Treasury bill. The S&P 500 index represents the market index while the US 13-week Treasury bill represents the risk free asset. Further, monthly data will collected for the period between December 1995 and December 2005. Finally, the data are collected from the Yahoo Finance Website (Yahoo Inc. 1a; Yahoo Inc. 1b; Yahoo Inc. 1c; Yahoo Inc. 1d; Yahoo Inc. 1e). The table presented in appendix 1 shows the monthly values of the five items.
Trend Lines and descriptive statistics
The time series plots for the monthly returns of the three companies, market index, and the risk free rate of return are presented in appendix B. In the graph, it can be noted that the monthly returns of the five securities are oscillating around zero. This shows that the monthly returns are stationary. A stationary data set is consistent with the random walk hypothesis and the efficient market hypothesis. The two theories state that the past trends cannot be used to predict future trends. Thus, the monthly prices reported in the future are independent of past performance. Since trend does not appear in the values of monthly return, it implies that the mean, variance, correlations and other variables are constant over the period of analysis. The concept of stationary data is an important aspect in statistics because it ensures that the results of the analysis are meaningful.
A summary of the descriptive statistics is presented in appendix B. The mean monthly return for KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation was 3.92%, while the standard deviation was 15.66%. The minimum return was -46.28%, while the maximum return was 62.91%. In the case of Baxter Corporation, the mean return was 1.14%, while the standard deviation was 8.36%. The minimum return was -34.34%, while the maximum return was 27.86%. In the case of Bank of America Inc., the average monthly return was 1.40%, while the standard deviation was 7.6%. The minimum return was -27.9%, while the maximum return was 17.32%. Therefore, out of the three stocks, KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation had the highest value of the mean and standard deviation. The S&P 500 index had a mean of 0.70% and a standard deviation of 4.50%. The maximum monthly return was -14.58%, while the maximum return was 9.672%. Finally, the 13-weeks US Treasury bill had a mean of 0.30% and a standard deviation of 0.14%. The maximum and the minimum monthly returns were 0.06% and 0.52% respectively.
The X-Y plot for the standard deviation and mean is presented in appendix B below. In the graph, it is evident that a positive relationship exists between the risk (standard deviation) and return (monthly return). This implies that return increases with an increase in risk. This is consistent with the theory which outlines that risky assets offer high return in order to compensate investors for pursuing such investments.
The correlation coefficients of the three securities and the S&P 500 index are presented in appendix B. There is a strong positive correlation between the monthly return for Bank of America and S&P 500 index (52.66%). This shows that the movement in stock prices of this stock will tend to follow the direction of the market. Thus, if the S&P 500 index increases, then the stock prices of Bank of America are also likely to increase. This is followed by the coefficient between monthly returns for Baxter Corporation and S&P 500 index (35.35%), and KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation (9.9%). Therefore, the monthly returns for Bank of America are most likely to move in the same direction as the market while KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation is the least likely to follow market trends. Also, it can be noted that there is positive correlation between the three securities.
Equally-weighted portfolio risk and return
In this section, a portfolio of the three stocks will be created. It will be assumed that the stocks have equal weight that is 100/3%. The results of the calculations are presented in appendix C. The results show that the equally-weighted portfolio mean is 2.15%, while the standard deviation is 6.78%. The Sharpe ratio for this portfolio is 0.2726.
Regression: Beta estimation
Regression analysis will be used to estimate the value of beta for each stock. The excess return of each stock will be regressed on the excess return of the market. All the regression results are presented in appendix D below. For KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation, the estimated value of beta is 0.3559. The p-value of the coefficient is 0.382. This shows that the estimated value of beta is not statistically significant. The coefficient of determination is 0.9812%. It is low and this implies that the explanatory variable does not adequately explain the variations in the dependent variable. The F-test also shows that the overall regression line is not statistically significant. Therefore, the beta of this company is not valid and alternative values of beta such as industry beta can be used for future analysis. In the case of Baxter Corporation, the estimated value of beta is 0.656. The p-value of the coefficient is 06.94E-05. This shows that the estimated value of beta is statistically significant.
The R-square is 12.5%. It is low and this implies that the data does not fit the model well. The F-test also shows that the overall regression line is statistically significant. Therefore, the estimated value of beta is statistically significant and can be used for further analysis. Finally, for Bank of America, the coefficient of S&P 500 index is 0.8887. It represents the value of beta. The estimated value of the intercept (0.0073) represents the alpha (Verbeek 138). The p-value of the coefficient is 5.427E-10. This shows that the estimated value of beta is statistically significant. The R-square is 27.74%. The value is low and this implies that the data does not fit the model well. The explanatory variable only explains 27.74% of the variations in the dependent variables. The F-test also shows that the overall regression line is statistically significant. Therefore, the estimated value of beta is statistically significant and can be used for further analysis. Based on the measure of the goodness of fit, the estimated regression lines for the three securities are weak. This indicates that there are several other factors that affect the value of beta of a stock (Verbeek 138).
Implementing CAPM
The results of the required rate of return are presented in appendix E. Using the CAPM model, the required rate of return for KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation is 0.44%. Further, the estimated required rate of return for Baxter Corporation is 0.56%, while for Bank of America is 0.66%. A comparison of the required rate of return using the CAPM model and the mean monthly return shows that the later overstates the required rate of return. The results of mean monthly return of all the three stocks are higher than those generated using CAPM model. Further, it can also be observed that the raw mean of the three stocks are not consistent with the beta. Beta is a measure of risk. From a theoretical point of view, it is expected that as the value of beta increases, then the return on the stock should also increase. In the results, KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation has the lowest value of beta yet it has the highest value of mean as compared to the other two securities. This shows a lack of consistency.
The optimal portfolio
A summary of the results for the minimum variance optimal portfolio is presented in appendix F. In the results, the optimal weights for KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation, Baxter Corporation and Bank of America are 12.67%, 39.01%, and 48.32% respectively. The estimated portfolio return is 1.61%, while the portfolio standard deviation is 5.84%. The Sharpe ratio for this portfolio is 0.2248. When iterations are carried out, the weights of stock that maximizes the Sharpe ratio are 37.32%, 22.72% and 39.96% for KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation, Baxter Corporation and Bank of America respectively. The mean for the portfolio is 2.28%, while the standard deviation is 7.18%. The Sharpe ratio is 0.2758.
The results of part 11 above differ from those of the equally-weighted portfolio. The minimum variance portfolio yields a lower mean and standard deviation than the equally weighted portfolio. On the other hand, the maximum Sharpe ratio portfolio yields higher return and standard deviation than both the equally distributed portfolio and the minimum variance portfolio.
Works Cited
Verbeek, Marno. A Guide to Modern Econometrics, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2008. Print.
Yahoo Inc. 13 Week Treasury Bill (˄IRX). 2016a. Web.
Yahoo Inc. Bank of America Corporation (BAC). 2016b. Web.
Yahoo Inc. Baxter International Inc. (BAX). 2016c. Web.
Yahoo Inc. KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation (KS).2016d. Web.
Yahoo Inc.S&P 500 (˄GSPC).2016e. Web.
Appendix A
Part a – Data sourcing
Data of stock prices, S&P index and Treasury bill.
Appendix B
Part b – Trend lines and descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics.
Correlation matrix.
Appendix C
Part c – Equally weighted portfolio risk and return
Equally weighted portfolio.
Appendix D
Part D: Regression results
KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation.
Baxter Corporation.
Bank of America.
Appendix E
Part E – CAPM
Summary of calculations.
Appendix F
Part F – Optimal portfolio results
Minimum variance.
Maximum Sharpe ratio.