IT Investment and Sourcing Report (Assessment)

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Introduction is a website devoted to covering the trends in the IT industry. The website aims to provide a one-stop information point for all the latest happenings in the world of IT with particular emphasis on the role of the CIO or the Chief Information officer in a company. The CIO’s role has become more prominent in recent times due to the outsourcing phenomenon and increased spending on IT projects by all companies. These factors combined with the current “age of technology” have meant that this website remains popular among CIO’s and anyone who wishes to have insights into the various facets of IT spending and outsourcing.

Summary description of its structure and purpose

The website is structured in such a way that it covers the trends, market watch, expert opinions, case studies and a blogs section as well. These main headings are then divided into sub categories giving the user a comprehensive experience in terms of finding information. The purpose of the website, as explained above, is to provide content for anyone who wishes to know the CIO’s perspective. The topics such as IT investment and outsourcing are covered in a balanced way with data like ROI (Return on Investment) etc. supporting the conclusions in each of the articles.

Its overall “look and feel” and apparent target audience

The “look and feel” of the website is professional though it gives an impression of being “cluttered” with too much information at times. One thinks that given that the website is an IT portal, the team would have done something about “information overload”.

The emphasis is always on mapping out future trends and potential growth areas. This is with an eye for anyone who wishes to capitalize on the opportunities available in the IT industry.

What you find useful about this site

At a developer level, the information about the trends in IT coupled with the salary surveys is quite useful. Also, the expert opinions and the technologies to watch out for is a good guide for anyone who is wishing to enter the IT industry either as an employee or as an entrepreneur.

Links there that you either did or intend to follow up: This link to the webpage related to security was bookmarked for follow up. This is an interesting and useful link since this is one of the emerging areas and “top of the mind” for any CIO at the moment.

Any other things about the site that you find interesting: The blogs section and the opinion pieces by experts make for good reading. For someone at the entry level, insights such as these would give an idea of what the leading voices are saying about IT and related areas like outsourcing and investment.

Bottom-line evaluation of its value to you: The site is extremely useful for beginners and experts alike. Though the content can be pruned down to reflect crisp and concise text, nonetheless, by deft browsing through the content, one can get an idea of the happenings in the IT industry. Plus, the review of books and podcasts ensures that one is constantly in touch with the website for latest news on the IT investment and outsourcing front.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 27). IT Investment and Sourcing.

Work Cited

"IT Investment and Sourcing." IvyPanda, 27 Oct. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'IT Investment and Sourcing'. 27 October.


IvyPanda. 2021. "IT Investment and Sourcing." October 27, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "IT Investment and Sourcing." October 27, 2021.


IvyPanda. "IT Investment and Sourcing." October 27, 2021.

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