Job Analysis and Rewards Report

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The main reason for carrying out job analysis is to develop job specifications and descriptions that will assist in employing the appropriate quality of labor force needed in a company. The common aim of a job analysis is to record the job requirements and the work done. Job analysis is done as a foundation for later developments or advancements in an organization such as compensation strategies, job description, job domain definition, selection systems, training requirements evaluation, creating performance appraisals, and promotion criteria. This paper will examine the job rewards and analysis within a company.

Job rewards

Job analysis Boudreaux Gasket Company is a small family business near Gueydan, Louisiana, run by a father and his son, Richard. The son has pursued a degree in management. Richard decided to develop a job description for the family-owned company since its workforce had gone from 300 to over 700 employees within two years. Therefore, the management a formal recording that would guide them in order to run the company appropriately. Most of the jobs in the company involve operating punch presses.

Boudreaux Gasket Company is a manufacturing company that is advertising for the position of punch operator. The post requires the prospective candidate to work on a full-time basis. The duties and responsibilities of the punch operators have been described. Some of the duties and responsibilities include; setting up and operating CNC punch press to punch holes and create flat patterns or layout marks in the metal. Secondly, reading job specifications to determine machine adjustments, and programs, and material requirements among others. In addition, the minimum and desired qualifications for the right quality punch operator have been described. The qualifications that have been described include such areas as experience period, educational level, knowledge, and skills.

Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

Intrinsic rewards are found within the job context and are strongly associated with components and leaders doing their best. According to the description given concerning the position of a punch operator, it is clear that the job is challenging. Therefore, the intrinsic reward includes the challenges experienced while performing the task and the satisfaction one gets after doing the job. The second intrinsic reward for this position includes recognition since the employee in such a position determines how perfect the processes are conducted (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, par. 1).

On the other hand, extrinsic rewards on the other hand are rewards that are provided from external of the job performance. Thus, at the Boudreaux Gasket Company, extrinsic rewards include the salary the punch operator will get after carrying out what he or she is assigned to do, in the form of duties and responsibilities. The second extrinsic reward for the punch operator is the title he or she has been given within the company (Kouzes & Posner, 2002, par. 2).


For the job to be more rewarding to the employees, the company can improve on the extrinsic rewards by giving its employees bonuses and benefits of the job to the employees. As a result, the productivity of the employees will be increased. Secondly, the company can heighten the rewards such as the professionals; the excellence or quality of production might arise since the employees feel that they are carrying out a better task, hence, they are more strongly binding to the professional measures.

Job analysis plan

A job analysis plan is a significant component in the compensation plan and job grouping. It includes gathering extensive information concerning the duties and roles of a task, knowledge, skills, and capability needed for the job, the level of education, intrinsic and extrinsic relationship, and work surroundings. Therefore, some of the methods that could be used for job analysis include; observation, interviews, and use of questionnaires. Therefore, in order to develop an appropriate job description for the position of punch operator in the company, one needs to tour the working area or site and see the employees carrying out their duties. By using the observation method, one will gather information regarding the required knowledge and skills for the position. The observation method of job analysis is the best especially for a position of a machine operator. Moreover, through observation, one is able to gather first-hand information and knowledge concerning the task of a punch operator.

Secondly, one might give the employees questionnaires containing several questions that one needs to know from the employees. Some of the questions which one might include in the post of the punch operator could be; the duties and responsibilities of a punch operator and the level of education one should have among others. This will help one to capture and understand all the tasks or duties which the required candidate needs to perform. Moreover, interviews can be conducted to collect information regarding duties and responsibilities. Therefore, one is supposed to summon the employees and ask them oral questions on an individual basis. The use of interviews in collecting information will help the incumbent to explain or describe duties and responsibilities which are not recognizable (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005, p. 56). Both questionnaires and interviews will only help one to gather information indirectly.


Job analysis is a crucial component within an organization since it assists in analyzing the materials and developing the required strategies in order to achieve the objectives and goals of the company. In addition, effectively established, worker task descriptions are communication techniques that are important for the success of an organization.


Cascio, W. & Aguinis, H. (2005). Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management (6th Edition). New York: Prentice Hall

Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2002). The leadership challenge (3rd Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 10). Job Analysis and Rewards.

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"Job Analysis and Rewards." IvyPanda, 10 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Job Analysis and Rewards'. 10 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Job Analysis and Rewards." December 10, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Job Analysis and Rewards." December 10, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Job Analysis and Rewards." December 10, 2021.

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