Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management Essay

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Nowadays, we live in a consumer society. It means that people constantly produce and consume different types of goods, starting with food and ending with some advanced digital devices. That is why, it is quite obvious that demands for these goods also become more complicated. People need to be sure that a product, which they use or consume, is of a good quality and cannot make harm to their health. Under this conditions, such issue as total quality management obtains great importance. Having started its development at the beginning of the 20th century, it has now achieved great results and help people to obtain good products. Thus, there were some people who contributed to the development of TQM greatly and who changed its main sense. Joseph Juran is one of these people.

He was born in Romania in 1904 and then his family moved to the USA. It should be said that this event was one of the most important in the life of a philosopher. Having migrated to the USA, the family still had to live in poverty and Joseph realized that it was only for him to change his life. He was one of the best pupils at school and managed to enter Minnesota University. Since that time his life had changed. Having graduated, he managed to become one of two engineers of Inspection Statistical Department. It was the turning point in his career, as he realized that the quality of a good was vital as it was the main factor of its success.

Due to this recognition, Juran developed his own idea of quality. According to his teaching, quality is “fitness for use” (“Joseph M. Juran”. para. 5). In other words, it means that a product should work in the way which will not dissatisfy a customer and will lead to the appearance of desire to buy it again. Additionally, having created his quality trilogy, Joseph Juran has contributed to the development of the issue of TQM. It consists of such points as quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. These three issues show the way in which high quality of a product could be achieved.

First of all, Juran points the necessity of the development of infrastructure which will be able to guarantee the further improvement of the quality of good. Only under these conditions, some significant results can be achieved. Moreover, he also says that it is not enough to achieve the needed level of quality and stop development of this issue. Only constant improvement of quality and its comparison with the goals of manufacturer can be taken as the guaranty of a stable work of any organization (“Joseph M Juran: Quality Management Thinker” para. 5).

It is difficult to overestimate Jurans contribution to the development of TQM. His work Quality Control Handbook is now taken as one of the main sources connected with the issue of quality and every engineer should have it. Moreover, he was the first scientist who managed to take into account the human aspect of quality management which lead to the appearance of total quality management (“Joseph M. Juran”. para. 3).

Resting on these facts, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. It should be said Joseph Juran can be taken as the person who influenced development of TQM greatly and created a great number of regularities and points which are still topical for this science. That is why, every manufacturer should take his ideas into account and act in accordance with them.

Works Cited

“. SkyMark. n.d. Web.

Joseph M Juran: Quality Management Thinker. n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 7). Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management.

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"Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management." IvyPanda, 7 July 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management'. 7 July.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management." July 7, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management." July 7, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Joseph Juran and His View of Quality Management." July 7, 2020.

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