Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair” Essay

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America is a powerful country having the best Constitution. This country was considered to be the leader of righteousness striving to protect national and democratic values of the state. Nevertheless some aspects of the state law and Constitution are considered to be completely unfair in the attitude to the nationality of the country.

According to the Declaration of the USA all people are equal and the main task of the government is to protect them and secure their rights. Still, a lot of people of African-American origin are subjected to cruel discrimination. Some students suffer humiliation at education institutions because of their race. According to the justice of the country the people of different races are to have the same civil rights as the Native Americans and the law reality should have been the same, though this aspect is not observed.

Bill of Rights does not cover domestic violence laws. It is considered to be the social problem of Americans of the current century rooted several centuries ago. Present situation makes the society feel embarrassment and oppressiveness. Domestic violence is the result of the law system development. Many centuries ago this state was perceived on the level of private family life while the time has changed the situation and now it is the global problem of publicity. For example, in the state of Virginia the women have the right of injunction qualifying in case she is in danger of being assault. Is it fair to follow the law stating that if a woman did not certify her injuries she would not need any help and injunction?

One more unfair aspect of the law side of the USA is considered to be Civil Disobedience connected with the wrong law-making system. Civil Disobedience is defined as the refusal of laws obedience aimed at making some changes or corrections in the law system of the country or governmental policy having non-violent character. The main purpose of this aspect is the promotion of unfair laws or their consequences. Thus, the example of the unfair law can be regarded that one concerning minorities position in the society who are refused to vote and suffer humiliation because of their weak social state.

In this case the person who suffers unfair laws considers that the Constitution of the country is close to the evil and the law expresses ignorance to this person. It leads to social violence and national disorder. The state of the law-making system provided by the government is far from being perfect and Americans are completely aware of this fact. Certainly, the Constitution of the USA is considered to be excellent in terms of the native inhabitants of the country, though it is impossible to state the same about other nationalities living in the country.

So, the analysis of the Constitution and Law system of the USA proved some unfair aspects causing global social problems. It is important to stress that Americans as many other nationalities suffer injustice and misunderstanding to the governmental formation providing the society with new laws. American rules and law aspects provide well being of the population in general, but there are still some unfair points to be corrected in order to make improvements to the national condition of the country.


Grossman, Richard. 2001. Corporations and the USA Constitution. Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy.

A Proclamation of the US President. 2004. Law Day. Web.

Johnson, Michael. 2007. Domestic Violence Laws. Law History of the USA. USA.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 25). Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair”. https://ivypanda.com/essays/justice-in-america-it-is-not-fair/

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"Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair”." IvyPanda, 25 Sept. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/justice-in-america-it-is-not-fair/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair”'. 25 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair”." September 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/justice-in-america-it-is-not-fair/.

1. IvyPanda. "Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair”." September 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/justice-in-america-it-is-not-fair/.


IvyPanda. "Justice in America: “It Is Not Fair”." September 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/justice-in-america-it-is-not-fair/.

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