Kinesiology: The Study of Human Movements Coursework

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It is known that one of the rational and effective means of forming health and a healthy lifestyle is physical culture; it is also essential for people with disabilities. A severe physical ailment violates the functions of the body as a whole and significantly impairs the coordination of movements and orientation (Hoffman, 2017). Modern technologies allow one to understand better the mechanics of actions involved in sports activity by studying the pattern of motion of the human body. Kinesiology is the study of human movements, both related to sports or physical exercises and related everyday activities (Hoffman, 2017). Understanding the basics of kinesiology can help improve athletic performance and reduce stress levels associated with sports and physical activity.

The course in kinesiology helped me a lot theoretically in terms of muscle functioning. Having been involved in different sports for many years, I did not realize my muscles had been working this actively and needed relaxation and massage. The field suggests kinesitherapy – the therapy associated with the treatment of correct movement and specially designed decompression exercises on special equipment as a therapeutic agent (Hoffman, 2017). The main pathologies in which kinesitherapy is used are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, gout and a number of others. However, there are also pleasant “side effects”: the manifestations of many somatic diseases are reduced against the background of the use of kinesitherapy. Hence, the field taught me to recognize how one’s body can be cured by movement.

In addition, I have finally added a routine activity to my daily schedule. Apart from the gym, I walk at least 10,000 steps a day to fasten my metabolism and strengthen my musculoskeletal system. So far, I can see significant changes – now, I can easily walk more than a specified number of steps without paying attention to the pedometer. This daily activity has become enjoyable to me and provided me with an opportunity to explore the local area.

Remarkably, kinesiology is located at the intersection of psychology, psychotherapy, neurophysiology and bodily practices. It implies that by involving both bodies, conscious and unconscious, one can improve their physical performance and decrease the level of stress. I have also studied the basics of bodily-oriented therapy, which helped me understand the regular pattern of an organism’s reaction to certain emotions and events. Compounded by kinesiotherapy, I have concluded that these sciences can work together to boost positive health outcomes. For example, when one is struggling to express their anger through doing much physical activity such as boxing or intensive running, they do not realize how much energy they waste. Trying to convey emotion, such people disregard how their muscles are hurt when they perform non-stop exercises. By adding the elements of kinesiotherapy and bodily practices, one can be mindful of proper breathing and find less harmful ways of emotional release.

In summation, the result of the course of kinesitherapy is a comprehensive recovery of the entire body, not of any one system or group of organs. It also helps to eliminate the cause and not remove the symptoms of ailments for a while. This movement-related science taught me that activity is a key to staying healthy, efficient, and more aware of one’s body and psyche. My activity level has been boosted – I started incorporating exercises into my daily routine to sustain my well-being.


Hoffman, S. (2017). Introduction to kinesiology (5th Ed.). Human Kinetics.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 27). Kinesiology: The Study of Human Movements.

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"Kinesiology: The Study of Human Movements." IvyPanda, 27 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Kinesiology: The Study of Human Movements'. 27 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Kinesiology: The Study of Human Movements." May 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Kinesiology: The Study of Human Movements." May 27, 2024.


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