Leadership Legacy Issues Compare & Contrast Essay

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Leadership is an important skill and trait that allows individuals to guide others towards specific goals and aspirations in a given setting. For a long time, leadership has been viewed as a complex issue, which no one can easily claim absolute prowess.

The ability of leadership to attain results is dependent on many factors such the followers, the environment, resources, and activities that go towards the achievement of the goals that the leadership is established to attain. Despite the uncertainties of leadership, an elaborate literature has been dedicated to the activities or qualities that make leadership successful and effective.

For instance, Your Leadership Legacy by Galford and Maruca and Leadership by DuBrin are two important books that propose various approaches that are advanced towards guiding leadership roles towards better outcomes for the setting where it is applied. This paper discusses the concept of leadership by drawing a comparison from the above two books. The goal is to show how the topics in the book Leadership are reflected in Galford and Maruca’s work.


Leadership is defined as the act or ability to lead others towards a specific goal. Leadership is practiced in many situations, both formal and informal. However, it is guided by the desire to achieve specific goals that have been agreed upon by the individuals, a group, or organizations. However, of the settings where leadership is practiced, organizational leadership has received more research and mentioning in the existing research.

Organizations provide an important platform where leadership accountability can easily be measured against well-established goals and respective deliverables. However, one might want to know what makes leadership good or successful.

While the ability to achieve the specific goals that have been set forth is a good way and a popular method of assessing the effectiveness of leadership, the effectiveness of leadership can only be measured in terms of whether one or more of the specific goals have been achieved or not. This paper focuses on the books Your Leadership Legacy by Galford and Maruca and Leadership by DuBrin. The aim is to show how the latter book’s contents appear in the former.

Leadership Approaches

In their book Your Leadership Legacy, Galford and Maruca present important approaches that leaders can use to plan for the success or legacy of their leadership. In other words, the effectiveness or success of leadership should not be a matter of evaluation after the completion of a given project, program, or a setting where the leadership is applied.

Rather, it should be a systematic process of planning beforehand for the success of the leadership, even before the beginning of the application of the leadership approaches by the given leadership. According to Galford and Maruca (2006), leadership approaches and outcomes should be foreseeable. They should be well designed from the start to ensure prosperous leadership.

Similarly, the other book Leadership by DuBrin offers important characteristics and qualities of a leader that are vital for successful leadership. The book defines governance as the capacity to instigate and provide for others towards the accomplishment of administrative objectives.

The ability of leadership to put a lasting impression and impact on an organization is viewed as an important aspect of determining successful leadership. In the process of creating a lasting impact or ‘leadership ‘legacy’, Galford and Maruca (2006) establish important qualities and characteristics of leadership that leaders must adopt in their leadership practice.

The qualities and approaches that allow a leader to be successful and/or leave a legacy lead one towards an in-depth analysis of various leadership qualities and practices that separate successful leaders from the rest. Accordingly, leadership is a systematic process that should involve active planning and execution of plans that will ensure that the leader not only helps the organization to achieve its specified goals but also the ability to ensure lasting changes and improvements or impacts that will positively affect the organization even long after the leadership has been changed.

While the book by DuBrin (2015) does not discuss leadership through the leadership legacy approach, it offers important qualities and characteristics that should be evident in an effective leader and hence indirectly concurring with the approaches that have been put forward to guide leaders towards the leadership legacy as Galford and Maruca (2006) establish.

Successful leadership understands the importance of leadership role in the achievement or letdown of the organization. In this case, it is imperative to understand that headship is vital from the beginning for the attainment of the immediate and lasting objectives of an organization. In chapter one of Leadership by DuBrin (2015), the book discusses the important role that leadership plays in an organization, especially in guiding and inspiring others to achieve their respective goals and deliverables to ensure the overall achievement of the organizational goals.

According to DuBrin (2015), the importance of leadership can only be understood by firstly appreciating its nature. In this case, headship is summed up as a collective obligation, partnership, or affiliation between a leader and the supporters. Further, DuBrin (2015) makes important comparisons between leadership and management.

As a mutual obligation and collaboration, headship is not a one man’s show. It requires the input of all members of a given organization or setting where the leadership is applied (DuBrin, 2015). As such, a leader does not micromanage people. Instead, he or she supports and inspires them towards believing in their abilities and consequently working actively towards achieving the goals for the benefit of the organization and themselves.

Effective leadership recognizes the importance of the qualities that the other members of the organization bring on the table. It provides them with an active and open platform where they can make important contributions to the overall success of the organization (DuBrin, 2015).

By recognizing leadership as a shared and collaborative role, the leader allows members who have expertise in specific areas of the group’s activities to rise and guide the team towards the achievement of the deliverables that are expected for the specific task. Such shared responsibilities allow a team or an organization to recognize and use them to its advantage based on the various qualifications and strengths that are found within each member of the group, hence giving the members a role that ensures that they feel that the organization’s leadership values their input.

The second most important component of a leader is the relationship. DuBrin (2015) views leadership as a relationship-building process. In other words, governance does not occur in an empty space. In this case, it is important for leadership to enhance and build the relationship, which will lead to its validation. Good leadership recognizes how ‘people’ are essential resources in any organization.

Consequently, they work actively towards making good working relationships that will support the leader and the organization towards achieving the expected outcomes. When the followers feel discontented or disconnected from the leadership, they are likely to have low motivation or have opposing views on the goals of the organization and hence leading to their failure.

Therefore, successful leadership is built upon close and strong working relationships with the people who are important to the success of the organization. Echoing the same sentiments, Your Leadership Legacy by Galford and Maruca (2006) offers important insights into what makes a successful leader who can leave a legacy.

Effective and successful leadership goes beyond the ability to achieve an organization’s goals and deliverables, but also the ability to influence the individual positively. The ‘individual’ in this case refers to the people who are being led by the leader in a given setting or organization. Therefore, the leadership legacy or leadership effectiveness can be achieved through the people (Galford & Maruca, 2006).

An effective leader not only understands the importance of adhering to the vision and mission of an organization, but also ensures a highly motivated labor force, which believes and shares the vision and mission of the organization. Without people, a leader can never make a heritage. Hence, leadership is strongly tied to the followership in the given setting. This description of leadership compares well with DuBrin’s (2015) definition of leadership as a relationship.

Galford and Maruca (2006) give an analogy of the photo mosaic to explain leadership. Accordingly, leadership is viewed through the collectivity of all members in an organization, just as a photo mosaic is only possible by bringing individual segments of the photos together to form a whole picture that is relevant and understandable. The photo mosaic analogy can be viewed as indicating leadership as a shared responsibility and collaboration as DuBrin (2015) puts it.

Desirable Leadership Qualities

Leaders must possess various qualities that make them capable of leading others towards the success of a given activity or towards the achievement of a legacy. While the qualities of a leader may vary from one individual to another, a combination of some or all of them makes individuals stand out from the rest as good leaders. In Chapter 4 of Leadership by DuBrin (2015), the author views these qualities as behaviors, attitudes, and styles that leaders adopt or naturally uphold.

Such elements are important in ensuring the success of the leadership. Firstly, DuBrin (2015) regards the initiation of a workable leadership structure as the most important plan that leaders should have to ensure the best outcomes for the team that they lead. In terms of contemplation, the leader must understand the importance of a good working atmosphere where responsive sustenance, cordiality, affability, and conviction prevail.

When the followers feel that their emotional needs are addressed, they are likely to be more effective and motivated to work (DuBrin, 2015). In addition, a leader who creates a warm, friendly, and trustful environment promotes a good working relationship with employees while ensuring that they are highly motivated to perform to their best for the benefit of the organization and consequently the success of the leadership.

The second most desirable quality of a leader is initiating a leadership structure (DuBrin, 2015). A leader has the ability to organize the team with well-cut goals and expectations that will guide the group towards a successful completion of the expected goals. In this case, the leader ensures and supports relationships by organizing clear-cut goals and specific tasks for each member or team in the organization.

Further, the boss establishes clear procedures and schedules, expectations, and realistic goals that ensure that each group achieves its expectations. The leader is also at the forefront in establishing unambiguous roles for each individual. Besides, he or she has to define how such roles relate to the other group members’ agenda while at the same time demonstrating their relevance to the overall organization or project.

Without a working structure, a group is likely to have troubles such as poor communication and ultimately the failure to complete what is expected of it. In the above paragraphs, it is evident that DuBrin (2015) has put forward important qualities that are desirable for a leader. These qualities are also reflected in Galford and Maruca’s (2006) work on Your Leadership Legacy.

For instance, the quality of consideration is well handled in the ‘What King of Impacts are You Having?” segment where Galford and Maruca (2006) discuss important actions that determine whether the leadership practices are generating positive or negative impacts on employees and consequently the overall organization.

Further, the book considers the ability of the leader to connect with the employees as an important part of the process of legacy leadership where the interaction goes beyond the confines of the criteria of interaction that is dictated by the organization. In other words, a good leadership allows people to achieve high levels of satisfaction, a feeling of being in the right place, and motivation to work with the organization.

Galford and Maruca’s (2006) book discusses the importance of creating a good working environment where employees will be more willing and inclined towards delivering their best in their respective roles. In the section “What Role Are You Playing?”, Galford and Maruca’s (2006) delve into both intentional and unintentional impacts of leadership on the behavior of the followers.

In terms of the intentional impact, the leader is in control of his or her actions. The actions have a direct impact on how the followers react and/or act in their respective roles. One of the most important intentional impacts of leadership is the ability to create a good working structure where the skills of individuals are matched with the requirements of a given project or program in the organization.

This process kicks on at the inauguration of an individual’s entry into an organization where the skills and responsibilities that are deemed essential for the role at hand are matched with the qualifications, knowledge, abilities, and skills of a potential employee. The most qualified contender is hired. Further, during the execution of various projects, the leader also plays an important role in matching the skills and responsibilities of individuals with the requirements of the project at hand.

The importance of the process of matching responsibilities and roles with the skills and qualities of the individual is to ensure that each individual is performing at his or her best. This working strategy ensures that employees’ skills and impact are valued.

Types of Leadership

DuBrin (2015) recognizes leadership as having different qualities and leading approaches, which are all aimed at delivering the best outcomes for the organization. Although the leadership approaches aim at achieving the best outcomes for the organization, they vary significantly in terms of how the practice of leadership is undertaken.

For instance, DuBrin (2015) recognizes contingency and situational leadership as an important type and approach to leadership. This leadership strategy is highly dependent on the specific situations where the leadership practice is applied. In other words, it is difficult for the leadership to make important decisions without a consideration of the prevailing conditions in a given setting.

However, such leadership is criticized for being responsive, rather than proactive. The leadership decisions are often made very close to activities and outcomes, which give followers a short duration of reacting or effecting the desired changes to drive the project towards the final goals and outcomes. By understanding the prevailing conditions and situations, the leader is in a better position to make important decisions that will guide the project or program towards the desired goals and outcomes (Moynihan, Pandey, & Wright, 2012).

However, such leadership approach requires close interaction with employees and the program to ensure that the leader is aware of the nitty-gritty details of the project. At times, these minor elements can make the leader feel as if he or she is very intrusive on the followers who may not take it well since they may feel as if they lack their independence.

However, the secret for the successful application of the contingency and situational leadership lies in its ability to promote good working relations where respect and open communication prevail. Employees will feel free to communicate and get feedback from their leader. This move will also provide the leader with the important information that is needed for decision-making as the project continues.

The second leadership style or type is the charismatic and transformational leadership. According to DuBrin (2015), charismatic and transformational leadership focuses on creating a highly conducive working environment where the followers are inspired to perform to their level best on their volition. Such leadership is based on good working relationships between the leader and the followers and/or between the followers themselves.

The leader is at the forefront in creating good working relationships where each individual or stakeholder who contributes to the success of the program understands his or her role in the organization (Birasnav, Rangnekar, & Dalpati, 2011). He or she actively works towards the success of the given role and in overall, the success of the organization.

Such leadership is based on the goal of achieving high motivation levels of followers, as well as matching the goals of the organization or project with the individual goals of motivation and satisfaction in the workplace. Based on this approach, the leadership focuses on encouraging followers towards a level of interaction where their activities in the organization will lead to self-gratification and satisfaction.

The ability to achieve such an interaction between the organization’s goals and the individual aims of satisfaction and purpose for the employees allows followers to get inspiration from the leadership and to work towards the successful completion of the tasks, not just for the success of the organization, but also for the employees or follower satisfaction.

On the other hand, Galford and Maruca (2006) discuss their approaches to leadership using different approaches that are centered on building a legacy leadership. In the book, chapter three discusses the role and importance of natural traits and roles of a leader. These traits and roles can be viewed as focusing on the types of leadership that DuBrin (2015) discusses in his book.

The natural roles and traits of a leader are important since they are a clear indication that leadership is not for everyone and that some people are better positioned to lead in relation to others. Above all, the most important trait in leaders is the ability to create and maintain good working relationships with mutual respect, which can be viewed as the charisma that is put forward in Galford and Maruca’s writing.

However, the most important and most influential determinant of leadership legacy is the ability to inspire and increase employee motivation in the workplace (Birasnav et al., 2011). Such inspiration via incentives will be closely tied to their satisfaction at the workplace. Such leadership is focused on improving employees’ outlook concerning their tasks and life while at the same time ensuring that they have the right motivation and skills to effectively deliver on their respective roles in the organization.

By tying job satisfaction to job delivery, a leader stands a chance to create a lasting impact on employees, especially at a time when many organizations are complaining about the lack of interest and the increasing disengagement of employees. These two elements are indicators of low motivation and discontent of the roles and the responsibilities of the employees and the actual roles that they undertake.

Such leadership can be viewed as charismatic or transformational. It goes beyond the boundaries of the organization. Consequently, it ensures that the leader is an inspiration and a positive influence on the followers at all levels. DuBrin (2015) discusses what he refers to as entrepreneurial leadership as an important leadership style and trait that a good leadership should uphold. In this case, it is worth noting that leadership is about creating value for the organization and the stakeholders.

This goal is achieved through the profits that an organization makes out of its business, thanks to the dedicated human resources. By thinking as an entrepreneur, the leader can devise ways of eliminating or reducing any unnecessary costs while at the same time maximizing profits through many activities such as venturing into new markets, increasing customer satisfaction, or through new ventures that provide new income streams.

On the other hand, Galford and Maruca (2006) cover this quality or approach to leadership in the segment ‘The Creative Builder’. Accordingly, legacy leadership is based on the ability of the leader to be creative in terms of coming up with activities and roles that will ensure that an organization remains not only relevant but also able to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors.

Further, these activities and roles are important in ensuring that an organization achieves high returns and recommendable levels of employee motivation and satisfaction, which will certify that the leader has achieved impressive impacts that will last for long while contributing to the creation of legacy.


Although the two texts approach leadership from different angles, it is evident that the contents of their approaches to leadership discuss the same methods and concepts that relate to effective leadership. Leadership legacy is about the ability of a leader to leave a lasting positive impression on individuals. The impression should last beyond the leader’s tenure.

Such headship emphasizes the desire to create important relationships and good working relations between the prime candidate and the supporters. It focuses on ensuring that employees are not only able to deliver on their roles but also get satisfaction out of their activities. The concept of legacy leadership as put forward by Galford and Maruca (2006) adds value to the leadership field.

It presents important qualities and activities that go towards the creation of legacy leadership. Such qualities compare with DuBrin’s (2015) leadership concepts. For instance, successful leadership is viewed as the ability to lead the organization towards the successful completion of the roles at hand while safeguarding the working environment where followers are satisfied and motivated to work for the betterment of the organization.

In this case, leadership is not a trial-and-error practice, but a discipline that requires systematic planning and actions that will drive the organization forward while at the same time ensuring that employees feel that they not only have a purpose but also obtain satisfaction from their roles. Further, the two books discuss the styles of leaderships that include charismatic and transformational leadership, contingency and situational leadership, and entrepreneurial leadership as DuBrin (2015) confirms.

Leadership is a highly researched discipline. Despite the enormity of the research, it narrows down to the ability to influence followers towards positive outcomes not only on the respective roles that are laid forward by the organization, but also on the general life where issues such as satisfaction, motivation, and a close feeling of purpose prevail. If a leader can achieve the above leadership goals, he or she can be considered a good leader who is on the right path towards the creation of a legacy.

Reference List

Birasnav, M., Rangnekar, S., & Dalpati, A. (2011). Transformational leadership and human capital benefits: The role of knowledge management. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32(2), 106-126.

DuBrin, A. (2015). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice and Skills. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Galford, R., & Maruca, R. (2006). Yoir Leadership Legacy: Why Looking Toward The Future Will Make You A Better Leader Today. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School of Publishing.

Moynihan, D. P., Pandey, S. K., & Wright, B. E. (2012). Setting the table: How transformational leadership fosters performance information use. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 22(1), 143-164.

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