Over the past few years, the state of health among the residents of the Lake Troubled Shallows has started raising some major concerns. According to the existing data, the diabetes screening concerns have risen to the nth degree. Herein the need to develop a comprehensive health plan based on the concept of Health Communication and Health Information Technology suggested by the Healthy People 2020 state initiative (Healthy People) emerges. The community, therefore, is facing the problem of poor information management. By using modern tools for enhancing communication among the community members, the local healthcare team will be able to spread awareness among the target audience fast and efficiently.
It should be noted that the problem of data management has spread to not only the Lake Troubled Shallows community, but also across the entire country. Indeed, the nationwide rates for the diabetes awareness and the information availability on the subject matter are beyond deplorable. As the recent statistics shows, only 10% of the population remain aware of the concerns (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010, p. 4), whereas the rest of the U.S. demographics remains under a tangible threat, with 9.6% of the American population having diabetes in 2014 (America’s Health Rankings, 2014, p. 15).
Defining the leadership capacity within the specified region, as well as within the United States in general, one must admit that the country has a major potential for developing a complex and efficient information management system, yet does not use its resources to their full capacity. Thus, the promotion of modern media as the tools for improving the leadership strategy should be viewed as the top priority of the state.
For this purpose, several objectives need to be achieved within the community, as well as in the healthcare system of the United States in general. First and most obvious, information literacy must be enhanced within the target area; this can be achieved by using modern media, particularly, social networks, in order to make the information concerning the diabetes screening facilities and the schedule available to the target population.
Next, the issue of leadership must be addressed directly. It is obvious neither the authoritative approach, nor the laissez-faire method works for the community and the entire system of the U.S. healthcare. Hence, a transformative leadership model, which will motivate the existing healthcare authorities to alter the present-day information dispersion tools, must be utilized.
Needless to say, trustworthy resources need to be consulted in the process of changing the healthcare environment in the Lake Troubled Shallows. As far as the topics that must be revisited are concerned, the essential resources can be split into two major types, i.e., the information on the issue of diabetes, i.e., its symptoms, its prevention and treatment, and the addresses of the nearby hospitals (for patients); and the data concerning transformative leadership as related to the issue of diabetes (for healthcare specialists). Hence, the following list of resources should be taken into account:
Reference List
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2008). Methods for insulin delivery and glucose monitoring: Comparative effectiveness. Web.
America’s Health Rankings. (2014). 25 years. Web.
American Diabetes Association. (2008). Standards of medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus. Web.
American Diabetes Association. (2014). Type 2 diabetes test. Web.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Diabetes report card. Web.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Fast facts on diabetes. Web.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Registry of recognized programs. Web.
DiabetesCare.net. (2014). Diabetes education. Web.
Harvard School of Public Health. (2014). Simple steps to preventing diabetes. Web.
International Diabetes Federation. (2012). Global guideline for type 2 diabetes. Web.
National Diabetes Education Program. (2014). 4 steps to manage your diabetes for life. Web.
National Diabetes Education Program. (2014a). Redesigning the health care team: Diabetes prevention and lifelong management. Web.
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National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. (2014a). The A1C test and diabetes. Web.