Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event Essay

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The informational flow that fills the air and web browser cash is full of semi-professional and amateur authors that do not offer information, present insufficient research, and maybe useless for the entire information space. The paper is focused on the news that is associated with Xavier basketball team players (Jordan Crawford in particular), and the instance of a slam-dunk that Lebron James – an American professional player missed after his inability to protect the basket from a sophomore Crawford.


The discussed event is almost casual, and happening with particular regularity in the world of sport: a school league player Jordan Crawford managed to break the defense by a professional player Lebron James. The event was not taken seriously by any player of both teams, while resonance to this event was given by the fact that Nike company was not interested in the broadcast of this moment. Therefore, the representatives had to confiscate a camera from a photographer who managed to take some shots.

The controversy of the situation is in the fact that neither Crawford, nor James pay sufficient attention to this event, and regard it as a casual one. Journalists, on the contrary, consider that this may be a step forward for Crawford, and a disgrace for James, and the Nike Company. Consequently, analysis associated with this event should be very accurate, and for staying objective, journalists will have to avoid interpretation. Messaging character of the notes is a proper alternative for destructive denunciations and disgrace. Sean Deveney’s (in NBA Draft Preview, 58) note is of a messaging character, and it lacks any analysis; however, it gives sufficient details for the readers could make an independent analysis of the event. Deveney aims at giving an unprejudiced explanation of the situation and emphasizes that Crawford does not pay too much attention to this dunk.

The other sources (Ostler, 2009; Grupp, 2010) fail to offer a reliable interpretation of the event. These articles are full of unconfirmed facts and single-sided analyses. Regardless of the fact that some authors try to keep a neutral position, the interpretation and analysis that they offer are mainly semi-professional. Hence, Ostler (2009) emphasizes that Nike has confiscated the videotape, and then, made the record public in order to regulate the emerging conflict. Hence, the author gives his own apologies, and then criticizes the quality of the record, hinting at the opportunity of video editing.

However, it is hard to blame authors of these notes for the absence of structure, analysis, or meaning, as most of the sources that paid attention to this event were restricted to the statement of the fact. One of the authors that offer a full picture, and quite a sober interpretation of the events is Chris Chase (2010). He offers a clear statement of fact, and pays sufficient attention to the following events, as well as to the reason of the “scandal.” Therefore, there is no need to analyze all the blog posts, news notes (it is hard to regard some of them as news articles), and videos. The short news line post gives the clear analysis of the event, describes an episode that points out the righteousness of this analysis and interpretation, as well as offers clear and almost unbiased forecast of further events.


The news associated with Xavier player Jordan Crawford and Lebron James is described by numerous sources and authors. However, few authors are able to offer clear, full, and unbiased analysis of the events, as most of them are focused on the particular aspects and facts of the event by tearing them of the general context. Some blame the Nike Company, the others criticize Lebron James’ game, while the actual importance of the event is explained by the fact that young league can offer potential players for professional teams.

Works Cited

Chase, Chris. LeBron Gets Dunked on by Xavier Player, Confiscates All Video. Yahoo! Sports. Web.

Deveney, Sean. Can the Guy Who Dunked on LeBron do More than Dunk? NBA Draft Preview. Sporting News. American City Business Journal. 2010.

Grupp, John. Xavier’s Crawford tired of throw-down talk. Pittsburgh Tribune Review. 2010. Web.

Ostler, Scott. Knucklehead of the Week: LeBron James. San Francisco Chronicle 2009. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 8). Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lebron-james-and-xavier-player-news-a-resonant-event/

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"Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event." IvyPanda, 8 Jan. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/lebron-james-and-xavier-player-news-a-resonant-event/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event'. 8 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event." January 8, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lebron-james-and-xavier-player-news-a-resonant-event/.

1. IvyPanda. "Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event." January 8, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lebron-james-and-xavier-player-news-a-resonant-event/.


IvyPanda. "Lebron James and Xavier Player News: A Resonant Event." January 8, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/lebron-james-and-xavier-player-news-a-resonant-event/.

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