Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults Essay

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Mathematical knowledge is crucial in my day to day activities. As a prospective educator of mathematics, having knowledge in algebra and geometry is very important. In a bid to live comfortably in the society as an adult, I am required to give answers to the puzzles of life. I therefore feel satisfied and excited when I provide solutions to problems. It is through the exhaustive study of algebra and geometry which are key branches of mathematics that I attain the capability to solve these problems. Mathematics is a broad discipline composed of diverse branches among them algebra and geometry which are a testimony of my actions.

Knowledge of algebra 1, algebra 2 and geometry presents me with numerous benefits such as a brighter career future as an educator, ability to make wise and sound decisions and how I can apply the learnt concept in related fields such as engineering and educational administration. These benefits are very important to me as an adult.

History has it that algebra was discovered by the Arabs in ancient times and that it began by the use of occasional abbreviations up to the modern equations that are studied and applied today. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, algebra is defined as “a generalization of arithmetic in which letters representing numbers are combined according to the rules of arithmetic.” The UXL Encyclopedia of Science defines algebra “as a branch of mathematics that deals with using mathematical concepts to solve a problem using the equation given”.

The acquisition of knowledge on this branch of mathematics presents me as an individual with various benefits among them an opportunity to a brighter career future. Currently the job market is so competitive in the sense that securing a job anywhere demands the knowledge of algebra. Thus studying algebra enables me to be better placed in the job market.

Secondly, algebra enables me as an adult to be mentally disciplined in terms of decision making and self-control. I am able to reason in a logical manner while trying to figure out answers to diverse puzzles encountered in life. Real life situations will sometimes require me to make decisions for instance on what I eat or buy and above all how to plan for my own future. In deciding the best option to take, algebra equips me with the important lifelong skill of mental discipline.

Through the study of algebra, I am able to make rational choices throughout when I face such encounters that test my ability to judge. This in turn earns me pride and self-confidence in my efforts to understand complex tasks. Therefore, without some knowledge in algebra, I risk losing control over my life and this will force me to depend on others to run my life.

A number of fields involve algebraic knowledge. Therefore, by studying algebra I am able to develop a deeper understanding of immense ideas discussed in related disciplines such as psychology, chemistry, business, technology and many other areas. A good example is how I can apply algebra in computers. Data entry and analysis using the computer shows how algebra has resulted in advancement of scientific and technical knowledge. Since this branch of mathematics relates with other fields of study, it presents me with formulae that I can use in making generalizations across the related fields of study.

Geometry on the other hand according to Webster’s dictionary, is defined as “that branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines and angles.” Just like algebra, geometry equally presents adults with a variety of benefits which cannot be overlooked. The study of geometry benefits me as an adult in the sense that I am able to comprehend as well as appreciate phenomena surrounding me. Major cities in the world are facing various problems posed by urbanization. One of these problems is the increasing population that is steadily decreasing the available space for settlement.

Consequently this has led to policymakers and developers opting to apply geometry in constructing skyscrapers so as to create space for the increasing population. Man-made wonders of the world such as the Great Wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt, the Forbidden City and many more are a proof of the aesthetic value of geometry. The various experts who invented these marvelous phenomena applied this core branch of mathematics in creating them. Thus it is by studying geometry that I would understand and appreciate the existence of such wonderful phenomena.

Geometry empowers me with lifetime instruments to modify the immediate surroundings. These instruments which include skills in problem-solving, reasoning and the power to think in a theoretical manner, are significant in my day to day activities, the environment, decision-making and the economy. In addition these instruments can be applied in different fields such as engineering, medicine and physics among many others. For instance I can apply problem-solving skills learnt through the study of geometry in related fields because its concepts can be employed in other subjects. Since studying is aimed at bringing change in our society, geometry will transform me into an active agent of development in this dynamic world.

Another benefit that I can acquire is that geometry opens career opportunities and advanced learning. Careers in fields such as architecture, civil and structural engineering are among a list of opportunities that geometry presents us with. These fields can help me secure a good job that will in turn lead to an improvement of my socio-economic status. In addition, geometry helps me to raise my level of education since it is divided into various sub-fields.

These sub-fields become areas that satisfy intellectual hunger. For instance after completion of a given level of education such as middle school, I can opt to pursue further education at a higher institution of learning in any of the numerous areas of geometry. This will enable me to proceed and make a contribution to the body of knowledge through conducting research in my area of specialization therefore making me a competent mathematical educator.

The world is steadfastly embracing science and technology in all the aspects of development. In conclusion, it goes without saying that for me to fit in this technological world, I must have mathematical knowledge which is vital in coping with the rapid change. Human beings either knowingly or unknowingly make rational decisions basing on the knowledge acquired through studying concepts in algebra and geometry. This emphasizes the fact that algebra and geometry are part and parcel of my life which is inseparable from mathematics. Thus, these branches of mathematics give me a foundation to my future career as a mathematical educator.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 1). Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults.

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"Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults." IvyPanda, 1 May 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults'. 1 May.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults." May 1, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults." May 1, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Mathematical Knowledge Power and Benefits for Adults." May 1, 2022.

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