It is quite curious to observe the way parents are teaching their children to be kind and good to others and right after the lesson they express quite negative feelings to a family member who called in an inappropriate time. Ironically, adults are the ones who need to be taught to behave and interact with others. You may ask why it is that important. The answer is simple. Proper social interaction translates into your personal happiness. So, if you feel unhappy or the whole world seems dull, you should follow simple tips for being happy.
It is possible to identify three major aspects: family relations, social interactions and “altruism” (Carter n.p.). Even though you may sometimes think that you had enough with your relatives in your childhood, it is a very wrong position. Your family members are the team of your major supporters and it is essential to keep a strong bond with them. Apart from family relations, it is crucial to be able to interact with peers (friends, colleagues, neighbors, and so on). Communication and support is what people need. The contemporary society has numerous opportunities to be actively integrated. Of course, altruism is the basis of your happiness. Some people may think that others do not deserve their empathy or even attention. However, this leads to isolation and you will soon feel neglected. It is important to be kind and polite just as you keep saying to your small children. Remember that to err is human and people are different so we all may need different things.
Those who got bored while reading the information provided are likely to pass on to the ending. Especially for such people: do remember about the impact of extreme isolation. Extreme isolation leads to various mental issues and the suffering of Russell Crowe in A beautiful Mind (2001) will seem a nice journey for those who will (voluntary or involuntary) become isolated.
Works Cited
Carter, Christine. Happiness Is Being Socially Connected. 2008. Web.