Article Summary
The topic of marriage has recently stirred debates amongst the millennial population. Interestingly, the millennial generation seems to be more inclined to the priority of parenting rather than the actual marriage. Most studies have indicated that few millennials prefer and value the essence of marriage.
Close to half or average of the surveyed Gen-xers population admitted that they appreciated good parenting. On the other hand, a closer percentage of the same population placed marriage to the similar capacity as parenting.
An analytical view and relation of these responses did not depict any significant association. This was, particularly, with their parents. Most parents were married and regarded marriage to be crucial to ones life. However, this was unlike the Gen-xers whose parents highly esteemed marriage, just like their children.
Recent studies have also depicted that adult Americans are increasingly regarding marriage to be obsolete. Fascinatingly, the Millennials largely supporting marriage are not keen to tie the knot. Most of the single Millennials long for marriage and love upbringing children in marriage.
The increasingly sporadic society seems to be changing marriage patterns, with the presence of several unmarried relationships. Transforming job conditions and social liberalizations have played a great role in making millennials to cherish parenting relative to marriage. The younger adults have lost the economic sense marriage.
The fact is, economic crisis has also played a critical role in these patterns. Seemingly, the Millennials lack confidence in the fact that a happily brought up child must have both parents. Perhaps, this is the reason why most millennial mothers are single relative to the Generation X mothers.
According to Pew, cohabitation plays a critical role in this variance. The Millennials are also more reluctant to risk parenthood as compared to their counterpart Gen-Xers.
Generally, the present generation largely varies from the one that existed before. Particularly, an analysis of the marriage as well as relationship patterns would clearly depict this notable variance between the two generations. The previous generation seemed more conservative concerning many issues.
For instance, it is observable that a greater percentage valued marriage and kinship ties within their society. There was an evident urge to get married and bring up a decent family, with a considerate number of children.
Considerably, a narrow percentage of this ancient generation also appreciated and practiced the divergent sexual and relationship behaviors that are presently notable. In the present generation, there are instances of cohabitation.
People engage in non-committed relationships and prefer being childless. The importance of family upbringing I s never important and people prefer single life. Unlike the previous generation, people oppose marriage and there is a particular observable old marriage age in the few who appreciate the incident.
Presently, the few who get married do this at a relatively advanced age relative to the practice observable in the previous generations.
The current population has increasingly appreciated childless relationships, with a desire to adopt and bring up children out of wedlock. Surrogate motherhood and fatherhood have cropped up with the advancement of biological technology.
Several reasons can be attributed to these notable disparities between the two generations. To begin with, the increasing globalization has highly influenced social networks, making liberalization more prominent with global societies.
People increasingly appreciate the publicly available pornographic material widely available in the media. The hard economic times has immensely impacted negatively in almost all sectors within the present society. Issues of unemployment are particularly contributive in the general society.
Due to these, people have increasingly diagnosed the economic sense of marriage and parenting. They have appreciated single lifestyle with sporadic sexual partners and cohabitation.
Increased globality has also enhanced the rates of international travels within populations. As a result there have been instances of intercultural diffusion and interchanges. Therefore, native or traditional practices pertinent to particular societies and communities have undergone significant erosion.
People are urged to adopt more globalized and urbanized lifestyles. Technology has availed pornographic materials within the increasingly adaptable social networks. Hard economic times have led to the development of unique social habits and economic practices.
For instance, the sex commercialization has immensely influenced people’s perceptions on the issues concerning marriage as well as sexual relationships. Additionally, there is an observably high rate of homosexuality notable within the present generation.
Perhaps, this would elucidate why most people are more confined to practice single life parenting or adopting surrogate babies. Increasing job demands within competitive global organizations minimize the time individuals have for their families.
Additionally, this also manipulates people’s attitudes towards creating time for the relationships and marriage. Employees are expected to work for longer hours and deliver extensive targets within longer durations. Because of increasing competiveness in the employment, workers are dedicated to meet inhumane job demands.
This is coupled with the urge to afford a fair lifestyle in a highly expensive economy. Thus, the present generation is more determined to sacrifice their relationship and marriage life for the purposes of meeting job and economic demands. Thus, it is important to note the present dynamics that have influenced the lifestyle in the present generation.