Monkey Cookies Company’s Promotion in Media Essay

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Monkey Cookies is a gourmet cookie franchise located within the UAE that specializes in the sale, delivery and distribution of freshly made cookies. Baked directly within their individual stores or delivered to their customers, each individual cookie is handmade and contains an assortment of ingredients ranging from marshmallow fluff (i.e. the white marshmallow tasting stuff they put on top) to various candy bars, spreads (ex: Nutella) and an assortment of other ingredients that are meant to entice customers to come into the store and indulge in what many describe to be a “guilty pleasure”. Due to the nature of the product being sold, the store primarily caters to young customers (i.e. school children, high school students and young adults), however, other customer demographics do patronize the products of the bakery due to the high quality of the product being sold as compared to grocery bought cookies (Tong, McCrohan & Erogul, 2012).

Fact Sheet

Monkey Cookies


  • Local entrepreneurs that started the business on their own
  • Founded in the UAE in 2008


  • Both sells and delivers freshly baked cookies
  • Cookies have an assortment of styles and textures
  • A single bakeshop has an estimated 120 customers within a single day and sells an average of 1,000 cookies a day.
  • Is normally located near a school so as to better target its preferred customers


Sharjah (Univercity Road), Sharjah


  • Primary consumers of Monkey Cookies consist of grade school and high school students that are from nearby schools
  • Competitors
  • Store bought cookies
  • Al Hallab
  • Local bakeries

Pitch Letter

Dear, Mr. Journalist

We have recently started a brand new enterprise called “Monkey Cookies” that is located along Sharjah road. It is a concept that has never been seen before in the UAE since we focus on what we call “comfort food”. We sell products that primarily appeal to young children and teenagers yet can be enjoyed by adults as well. Our products consist of freshly baked high quality cookies that can be eaten with a glass of fresh milk. This is a business concept that capitalizes on creating a comfortable and nurturing atmosphere within our stores that lets our customer relax and enjoy themselves so that they can experience the full gamut of flavours that come with patronizing our establishment (Entrepreneurship vital for future growth, 2013).

It is due to this that we would like to invite you to try our products and write a special interest piece about how our store started and how it is the embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit that is a valued commodity within our culture.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Public Relations Director.

News Release

The Monkey Cookies Grand Promotion

On May 5th, 2014, Monkey Cookies will be celebrating its 5th anniversary with a huge promotional deal for its customers. Starting 8 am in the morning till 7 pm in the evening, the company will have a 50% discount on all its products for in store sales. This promotion coincides with the start of summer vacation for local schools and, as such, is a great way to meet up with friends that you have been missing over the summer (Majumdar & Varadarajan, 2013).

The promotion will begin promptly at 8 am and will be on a first come, first served basis. No reservation on particular cookie batches will be allowed, however, the store will continue to make batches from early morning till mid afternoon. As such, there should be more than enough cookies to satisfy all of our loyal customers and should prove to be a very delicious and enjoyable experience for everyone that comes!

Do note that seating within the establishment will be limited; however, takeout orders do fall under the promotional guidelines and, as such, will be allowed.

We hope to see you at the start of our celebration!


Monkey Cookies Management.

Feature Release

Monkey Cookies to Open Branch in Abu Dhabi

May 23, 2011: 1:40 p.m.

News Facts

Monkey Cookies, a local bakery that specializes in the sale of gourmet cookies is planning on opening a new branch in Abu Dhabi in order to expand its operations beyond its current market.


The source behind this information is straight from the management department of Monkey Cookies that explained the need to expand in order to continue to become a successful company.


The manager of the company stated the following: “we believe that it is necessary to expand into other markets so that we can continue to become a viable company in the future and penetrate more market segments”.

About Monkey Cookies

Monkey Cookies is a bakery that specializes in the creation of gourmet cookie treats

Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media

Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media

Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media

Reference List

Entrepreneurship vital for future growth. (2013). MEED: Middle East Economic Digest, 57(7), 19.

Majumdar, S., & Varadarajan, D. (2013). Students’ attitude towards entrepreneurship: does gender matter in the UAE?. Foresight, 15(4), 278-293.

Tong, Q., McCrohan, D., & Erogul, M. (2012). An analysis of entrepreneurship across five major nationality groups in the United Arab Emirates. Journal Of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 17(2), -1.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 22). Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media.

Work Cited

"Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media." IvyPanda, 22 Apr. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media'. 22 April.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media." April 22, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media." April 22, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Monkey Cookies Company's Promotion in Media." April 22, 2021.

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