Motkamills Company’s Entry into the Global Economy Report

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The Motkamills Organization has been known for quite a while as a successful company operating in the wood industry. However, with the necessity to expand into the global economy realm, the firm has faced the need to introduce several changes into its design. In order to succeed, the company will have to face several essential choices; particularly, the opportunities concerning taking the course of sustainable development, the communication-based evolution and the redesign of the corporate leadership need to be considered (Norton 2012).


Energy Monitoring Program

In light of the recent focus on the significance of the green economy and sustainable use of resources (Räthzel & Uzzell 2013), it is essential that the energy monitoring program of the company should be reconsidered. Apart from contributing to the company’s reputation among the target customers and global partners, the specified approach is bound to have a tremendous effect on the overall resource management efficacy. The energy monitoring program to be designed, thus, must concern a reasonable consumption of resources and green use thereof. In lieu of the traditional approaches that lead to pollution, Motkamills must adopt the program that will help to shift to more sustainable usage of resources (Gwynne & Cristobal 2014).

Management Issues

Apart from the obvious necessity to incorporate an energy monitoring program into its design, the firm will have to consider several changes to its management strategy. Particularly, further expansion into the global market will require a more flexible leadership approach. Hence, it is desirable that the models such as the transformative leadership or a laissez-faire strategy should be viewed as possible options (Koenig 2011).


The decision, Uncertainties, and the Decision Criterion

Seeing that the firm is planning to expand into the global market, it will be reasonable to reconsider some of the strategies used or information transfer and the management of the key processes carried out in the setting of Motkamills’ affiliates.

Schematic Tree

Schematic Tree
Figure 1. Schematic Tree

As an alternative, the redesign of the leadership strategy by the organization will allow a change in the company’s current design, therefore, making it possible for the firm to coordinate the actions carried out in its departments, at the same time providing the managers of the affiliates with enough room for making local decisions.As the analysis carried out above shows, it is highly desirable that the company should reconsider its leadership strategy so that the necessary management tools could be adopted as far as the aspects of the company’s operations such as marketing, in general, and branding, in particular, should be addressed adequately.

The company could also put a stronger emphasis on communication with clients, therefore, steering the management process towards the analysis of the demand and, therefore, improving its production quality.

It would be wrong to assume that the above-mentioned changes cannot be a part of a single program aimed at the improvement of the firm’s score and raising its chances to win in the race for the top position in the global economy. However, at present, a single choice must be made so that the firm could identify the area, which requires the largest number of resources and, therefore, will have to be funded most substantively.

Similar Companies

Despite its unique approach and structure, Motkamills shares a variety of similarities with many other organizations. Particularly, the fact that the company is famous for creating several very strong brands that are known all over the world is one of the characteristics that make it similar to other firms. For instance, Motkamills can be compared to Pfizer (Products 2015), a pharmaceutical enterprise, which has created a number of strong corporate brands and has been evolving at a considerably fast pace in the environment of the global competition. Moreover, the focus on global development can be considered a common characteristic of the organizations specified above. While Pfizer has already been established as a strong and efficient corporation and Motkamills still has a long way to go in order to become a global leader.

Reference List

Gwynne, R N & Cristobal, K 2014, Latin America transformed, Hodder Education, London.

Koenig, A M 2011, ‘Are leader stereotypes masculine? A meta-analysis of three research paradigms’, Psychological Bulletin, vol. 137, no. 4, pp. 616–642.

Norton, M 2012, Sustainability: duty or opportunity for business?, Routledge, New York. Products 2015. Web.

Räthzel, N & Uzzell, D 2013, Trade unions in the green economy: working for the environment, Routledge, New York.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 16). Motkamills Company's Entry into the Global Economy.

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"Motkamills Company's Entry into the Global Economy." IvyPanda, 16 July 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Motkamills Company's Entry into the Global Economy'. 16 July.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Motkamills Company's Entry into the Global Economy." July 16, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Motkamills Company's Entry into the Global Economy." July 16, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Motkamills Company's Entry into the Global Economy." July 16, 2020.

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