MRP: Riordan Electric Fans Essay

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Riordan has to utilize an effective MRP in order to develop and distribute quality electric fans. As observable in most other organizations, this concept is becoming increasingly applicable. Particularly, this is relevant for successful product development and initiation into the market. A successful manufacture and launch of new product requires a comprehensive internal and environmental analysis.

In these processes, various factors must be considered and evaluated (Sheikh, 2002). Riordan already manufactures electric fans in some of its oversea branches. It is imperative to note that practical lessons can be drawn from these operations. These might assist in the establishment of strategic electric fan manufacturing and dispersion procedures. This paper presents a market research plan for the manufacturing of Riordan electric fans.

The MRP for the Manufacturing of the Riordan Electric Fans

The human resource is a fundamental requirement in any manufacturing resource planning. This is because they provide the necessary capacity and services that ensure all new demands are met within the system. Strategic location of the manufacturing company is crucial for an effective system. Normally, raw materials for manufacturing electric fans might be hard to locate and transport (Sheikh, 2002).

This requires Riordan to be situated very close to the source of important raw materials. Ideally, the consideration helps in different ways. For instance, it minimizes the costs associated with transportation and preservation of the raw materials. It is also vital to manage the resources and inventories in a proper and transparent manner.

Corruption and embezzlement of resources has always led to the decline of many organizations involved in manufacturing activities. Another critical observation is to advance effective systems for supply chain management. Procurement processes must also be based on integrity.

There needs to be a clear and well articulated guidelines for production processes (Sheikh, 2002). The fundamental aim of Riordan should be to minimize the expenses involved in the production of the electric fans. Riordan must recognize the significance of ensuring maximum time efficiency within all its manufacturing activities.

Environment, health and safety issues involved in the manufacturing of the electric fans must be adequately considered. Laid down worksite frameworks are suitable for reducing injuries and other inconveniences associated with occupational health risks (Sheikh, 2002). Standard operating procedures are crucial within all systems of manufacturing.

Notably, the standard procedures act as crucial guidelines for all workers involved within different manufacturing units. Observably, this is a part for strategic management. It enables the practice of total quality management and assurance processes within the entire organization. Riordan must initiate effective collaborations. These may be done with other important business organs such as distributors and marketers.

The objective of this initiative is to enhance the process through which all the manufactured electric fans reach the intended clients or market. The intermediaries must be assessed actively for compliance and efficiency before such collaborations are undertaken.

Market research is a basic tool for assessing the probable areas in which the electric fans might be distributed (Sheikh, 2002). Apart from this, the observation helps in the examination of the level of demand resident within various markets or geographical destinations. Riordan must ensure maximum environmental protection and corporate social responsibility.

These indications must be established within all regions of operation. Generally, there are several elements for consideration before the actual initiation of manufacturing process. Riordan must consider all these observations in order to remain competitive.


Sheikh, K. (2002). Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II): With introduction to ERP, SCM and CRM. London: McGraw-Hill.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 15). MRP: Riordan Electric Fans.

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"MRP: Riordan Electric Fans." IvyPanda, 15 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'MRP: Riordan Electric Fans'. 15 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "MRP: Riordan Electric Fans." April 15, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "MRP: Riordan Electric Fans." April 15, 2019.


IvyPanda. "MRP: Riordan Electric Fans." April 15, 2019.

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