MTC: Strategic Use of Technology Report

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IT tools and systems have become ubiquitous in the context of business and economy recently. The increased role of technology in business can be explained by the fact that organizations are entering the global market and are willing to use the tools that will allow them to maintain consistent communication across the supply chain. As a business analyst in the Chief Information Officer’s (CIO’s) department of Maryland Technology Consulting (MTC), it is the responsibility of the author of this report to evaluate the current use of IT and ICT tools in the MTC setting, providing recommendations concerning their further use in the future. Due to the necessity to introduce more rigid control tools for the target setting, it will be necessary to incorporate innovative tracking and monitoring tools as the means of supervising the production process.

The first and the most required step toward managing the quality issues observed at MTC will imply setting standards for supervision and control. Namely, cameras an other monitoring tools will need to be introduced into the target environment so that the incidents implying deviation from the established quality standards and norms, as well as the organizational behaviors that can be deemed as unproductive, could be spotted immediately (Oh et al., 2019). The specified change si expected to introduce greater orderliness and better cohesion into the actions of staff members at the manufacturing stage of the production process.

The described change aligns quite well with the current standards and objectives of MTC, which revolve around the delivery of impeccable services and meeting the needs of its stakeholders. In turn, the latter should not be reduced solely to the organization’s customers but, instead, including its potential audiences, the company’s suppliers, retailers, business partners, investors, s well as the local and global communities. Once MTC accepts the responsibility that it holds to each of the specified parties, the company will be able to progress.

In addition to the monitoring techniques mentioned above, MTC will need a better framework for communication between employees and managers. Thus, the issues associated with the production process will be managed, and staff members will receive a chance at working under better conditions in an improved setting (Lin et al., 2019). The described change is likely to address the presence of the human factor that affects the quality of the end product to a significant extent.

Finally, the tools that will help to build an effective framework for retrospect into the key stages of the production process, as well as tracking down and eliminating any threats that may occur to the organization t the specified stage, reports should be used. By using a digital report format, the company will be able to submit crucial details concerning its progress and provide eh basis for a complete analysis of its accomplishments at a specific time slot.

Since MTC ill need to reinforce the efficacy of its production process by reducing the number of defects produced in its course, it will need to deploy monitoring tools and supervision techniques that will contribute to better quality. Therefore, MTC will have to incorporate IT and ICT technologies in order to retain its competitive advantage and survive in the present-day market rivalry. From a strategic perspective, the current manufacturing process could use significant improvements since it represents a rather mismanaged framework with several stages of it being left completely unsupervised. Thus, the conclusion of monitoring techniques will allow making staff members more conscious about the fact that they need to deliver the product of consistent quality. In turn, the improvement in product quality will also require changes I the existing workplace environment to incentivize staff members to be more productive.


Lin, Y. P., Petway, J. R., Anthony, J., Mukhtar, H., Liao, S. W., Chou, C. F., & Ho, Y. F. (2017). Blockchain: The evolutionary next step for ICT e-agriculture. Environments, 4(3), 50. Web.

Oh, Y., Busogi, M., Ransikarbum, K., Shin, D., Kwon, D., & Kim, N. (2019). Real-time quality monitoring and control system using an integrated cost effective support vector machine. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(12), 6009-6020. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 25). MTC: Strategic Use of Technology.

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"MTC: Strategic Use of Technology." IvyPanda, 25 Feb. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'MTC: Strategic Use of Technology'. 25 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "MTC: Strategic Use of Technology." February 25, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "MTC: Strategic Use of Technology." February 25, 2022.


IvyPanda. "MTC: Strategic Use of Technology." February 25, 2022.

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