The human soul is among the aspects of human beings that control individuals’ behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. Saint Bonaventure explored the status and nature of the soul by showing how it continually searches for completeness and connection to divinity. The saint from the 13th century believed that memory, intelligence, and will are humanity’s finest faculties (Milne, 2021, p. 11). He believed that the Holy Trinity is naturally reflected in these three forces.
Exploration of the Soul
Since creation, God’s desire to have men following a divine path is revealed in the nature of the soul. Bonaventure contends that the soul possesses memory, intellect, and will as a complete spirit (Milne, 2021, p. 13). The soul is understood in line with the stages of man’s expedition, comprising of purgation, aptness, and light as the first three stages of humanity’s exploration (Milne, 2021, p.25). According to St. Bonaventure, ritual cleansing, professing, leading, validating, illuminating, regulating, and anointing are the main actions of the three stages (Milne, 2021, p.27). These elements are founded on the need for men to achieve greater levels and remain connected to divinity.
Roles of the Agent Intellect and Possible Intellect
Saint Bonaventure reveals the key roles of agent intellect (meant for abstraction) and the possible intellect (meant for susception) by examining their function in human life as seen from the interaction between the mind and sensory systems. According to Milne (2021), Bonaventure, perceives the agent intellect as a divine being that is in charge of abstraction and derivation of notions from the sensory information that is communicated to the mind (p. 23). Therefore, the agent intellect serves as a bridge between the feelings and the mind. Additionally, Bonaventure views the possible intellect as the portion that can comprehend the abstract ideas created by the agent intellect (Milne, 2021, p.33). Therefore, the possible intellect functions as a blank canvas capable of susception by allowing the mind to absorb and comprehend novel thoughts without prejudice.
In conclusion, Saint Bonaventure develops the expedition stages, using the soul as the symbolic foundation for his interpretation. In essence, the human soul is believed to follow a distinct pattern connecting with divinity throughout a man’s life. The soul carries man’s will, intellect, and emotions shaping one’s behavior. In essence, man’s life is centered on the search for completeness, attained through the divine connection of a man’s soul to its creator.
Milne, J. (2021). Saint Bonaventure and the divine order of creation. Medieval Mystical Theology, 30(1), 17-36. Web.