The Message of Christ: Sermon Project Report

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Sermon on Kingdom and Discipleship


Surrendering to Christ is the defining characteristic of a genuine believer, and it takes many various forms in the life of a disciple. Learning more about this specific mark for complete devotion, commitment and fruitful routes is crucial. Jesus addresses the masses, yet only individuals are given the call to follow. Instead of placing unrealistic demands on individuals, Jesus seeks hearts wholly surrendered to Him. Young adults are the target audience of this sermon, which is intended to help them understand the significance of being a devoted disciple of Christ.

Kingdom and Discipleship

Kingdom discipleship is the method of endorsing followers who totally surrender to God in order to have a close connection with Him. The first point to note is that Jesus requests followers and Matthew (Mark 2:14) and Phillip (John 1:43) make similar calls. Being my follower, which means to join one as his servant or to accompany another, is another possible expression (Andrian 2020, 36). Since it is in the critical tense and thus a directive, Jesus is the one who is calling, and the prospective disciple is the one who is being called. People respond to Christ’s initiative, and Christ takes the lead.

Additionally, the call demands a response; for instance, in response, Philip searches for Nathaniel and told him about Jesus. Immediately after being called, Peter and Andrew left their nets followed Jesus (Mark 1:18). “Arise and follow him,” Matthew said in Mark 2:14. Jesus’ call did not get a good response from everyone. A particular monarch heard Jesus issue a stern summons (Luke 18:22). Jesus made the same call to Philip, Matthew, Peter, and Andrew. They nevertheless responded, even though it was unfavorable.

After seeing Christ, no one can stay impartial, and ignorance would be an option anymore and Jesus’ call is founded on previous connections. One can only assume that Philip and Matthew knew Jesus before answering His call concerning them. It is said that Jesus was already familiar with Andrew and Peter. It is implausible to think that men would give up their careers, families, and communities to follow a stranger. Both then and now, this is not the method of how disciples are made. The potential disciples had previously heard Jesus speak and had examined His message. In the quiet hours of the night, they had discussed Him and inquired of others in the church about Him. In other words, they assessed the situation, evaluated Jesus personally, and decided to support Him. A commitment to be a disciple is not made in ignorance.

The previous connection implies that evangelizing comes before discipleship. Before becoming a disciple, people must be evangelized. Some members of congregations who have not been ministered are making an effort to follow Jesus. In another way, evangelism and discipleship are inextricably linked. To encounter the new beginning is to look forward to development toward maturity, and to recognize Jesus as Redeemer is to accept Him as Lord (McGraw 2022, 89). Therefore, a disciple of Jesus is someone who follows him. Another idea is that discipleship develops as a result of following Christ. Not only is there nothing as quick discipleship but there is no such thing as simple discipleship.

One cannot become a true disciple by standing on the sidelines; one can only become a true disciple by following Christ. People must start following to become disciples, they cannot simply study about it (Harmainen 2018, 11). If people are not making any effort to become disciples, praying for God to make them is irreverent. Christ is calling us to a relationship that will last forever. Half discipleship is a paradox in terminology because discipleship is a call that lasts until death. Discipleship is a concept that should not be discussed in terms of temporary discipleship. The call is unrestricted; it knows no boundaries of time or space and has no expiration date. From the call to discipleship sermon, people can learn that Jesus is the leader, the change Christians need, and He gives meaning to Christians’ lives.

Jesus as the Leader

Jesus is the supreme ruler, and the instruction to “follow me” symbolizes His divine authority to give orders and to take the initiative. The breeze and the water must obey Jesus’ voice for them to do so. He was not subject to any authority, but He possessed the power to order demons. Just as He has the power to order humans to follow Him, He has the right to order the disciples to do so. Although Jesus has the authority to issue commands, followers must carry them out. This instruction is relatively straightforward and exemplifies what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus. No of the cost, following Jesus changed them and will transform humans.

Jesus Changes People

When Jesus declares, ‘I will make you fishers of men,’ he means that they would no longer be fishermen but rather fishers of men. Except for John, all these men fled and abandoned Jesus as He was put to death. However, these same men ultimately dedicated their lives to Christ. They were cowards until Jesus made them courageous. These were ignorant people who went on to preach to thousands of people and astounded scholars with their knowledge of the Bible and responses; Jesus changed them. Even with Jesus standing in front of them, these men found it difficult to believe. However, after Jesus’ death, they still had the faith to carry out his commission to spread the gospel throughout the world, regardless of the cost. In John 15:5, Christ stated “, “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Individuals cannot do anything that holds any religious value without Christ. Without initially developing a connection with Christ, they cannot do anything to please God.

Jesus Gives Christians’ Lives Meaning

Jesus promised to turn His followers into professional fishermen. Their new position would be much more crucial than their prior one. Fish are not worth nearly as much as men. As a result, their lives would have a lot more significance and meaning than they already do. Fish had a short-term worth in the amount they could be sold for, but catching men was an endeavor with a long-term reward. Humans were made with a higher cause by a Creator, so He sent His child to reveal what that goal is to us. People’s lives have meaning when they start catching men instead of fish or producing wealth.


James, John, Peter, and Andrew leaving everything behind to accompany a stranger might seem unusual. However, Jesus was not a total stranger; John the Baptist had been ministering in this region and informing people of Jesus, who John had just recently baptized. According to John 1:40–42, Andrew met Jesus and presented his brother Simon to him. James and John most likely learned about Jesus from them and via the work of John the Baptist. It was not a supernatural experience where the words of Jesus had some unusual power over the people’s hearts. They already knew who Jesus was, and He told them to respond to what they knew by making a choice, a commitment, or both. They quickly put aside their nets and accompanied Jesus instead of waiting for a later time that would be more opportune.

People are being called by Jesus today, and He wants to guide them along His plan for their lives. He aspires to transform people in their entirety and give them a prosperous, meaningful existence. If believers forgo sin and themselves and put Him above their jobs, He wants to utilize them to be fishers of men. He urges Christians to grow in trust and boldness so that they can bring many men to His ministry.

Sermon of Eternal Life in Christ


Humankind has been trying to find a way to defeat death and obtain eternal life since man’s decision to sin tainted the world and introduced death into it. Unfortunately, some approach it incorrectly because they do not consult God’s word for direction. Humans may keep falling short of true eternal life without the guidance of God’s message. The purpose of this sermon is to teach young people how God assures His creation of eternal life.

Eternal Life in Christ

Christians contend that Jesus arrived on earth to save those who accept and believe in Him. According to the Bible, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a fountain of water that never runs dry” (John 4:14). Many Christians who read the Bible hold that Jesus is the only route to everlasting life and that He provided people with that method a long time ago. Christians have consistently confessed their sins and turned to the Lord in repentance throughout their years of faith (Malina 2021, 701). They have endured hardship and sacrificed their lives to spread the gospel of the Lord, led His congregations, carried crosses to serve Him, and shown others patience and tolerance. Christians already have the route to eternal life because they can follow the Lord; when He returns, He will raise them into the heavenly kingdom, where they will be granted everlasting life.

Nobody can argue that individuals still commit sins despite their ability to labor, strive, abandon, expand, pick up burdens, and follow the Lord. People cannot escape the shackles and power of sin and are stuck in a fixed schedule of sinning and repenting. They cannot follow the Lord’s instructions or put His teachings into effect. As an illustration, the Lord expects Christians to be straightforward, truthful individuals, but people frequently lie and cheat to uphold their desires, prestige, or status. People argue about minor issues when something interferes with their interests and even get resentful or envious of others rather than exercising the tolerance, patience, and love that the Lord commands.

While preaching and working, people frequently fall short of doing everything possible to glorify and proclaim the Lord and help others grasp God’s desire. The Lord demands that people love Him entirely. Instead, people frequently brag about how hard they work and how much suffering they endure to elevate themselves above their siblings and put others before themselves. Christians typically record their labors to deal with Christ and obtain a portion of the rewards of the heavenly kingdom, even when they abandon their families and careers to preach the gospel whenever possible. “Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever sins is the servant of sin,” the Lord Jesus declared. Subsequently, the servant does not remain in the home for always, but the Son does (John 8:34–35). In addition, the Bible states, “Death is the wages of sin” (Romans 6:23). God is sacred, and His realm is closed to the impure and the wicked. People may renounce and spend their resources for the Lord on the outside, but they are still slaves to iniquity, and their ultimate destination can only be obscurity and ruin.

Why Humans Lack the Path to Eternal Life

One must first comprehend the ministry of Christ and the results it produces to comprehend why individuals lack the path to eternity. The Israelites were living in sin, could not uphold God’s rules, and were at risk of being sentenced to bereavement by those laws during the time the Lord Jesus manifested and acted. Through the text “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17), Christ encouraged individuals to confess their transgressions and turn from them. After assuming the form of errant flesh and going to the cross as a sin offering for humankind, Jesus finished His work of atoning for humankind’s sins. People can experience the Lord’s grace and benefits if they embrace the Lord Jesus as their Savior, pray, and repent their transgressions to the Lord (Colberg 2020, 288). These are the results that God’s work of redemption has already brought about.

People can discern that although Jesus undoubtedly possessed the means of obtaining eternal life, He merely provided His followers with the road to repentance, which had the effect of causing them to confess and turn from their sins. He did not explain how to attain eternal life or be free from sin and entirely pure. The Lord Jesus demanded that people confess their sins, repent, cease transgressing, forsake themselves, pick up their cross, obey the Lord, and love the Creator and others according to God’s word. As long as people pray to God, confess their misdeeds, and repent after coming to faith in the Lord, their sins are pardoned (Young-won 2020, 73). Nevertheless, no one can dispute those satanic traits such as arrogance, greed, deceit, and evil are profoundly ingrained in individuals and are what lead them to sin.

Even though people appear capable of doing good things, these satanic inclinations rule them; this does not mean that their dispositions have changed. Christians are nevertheless capable of trickery and dishonesty when they deal with others. People frequently accuse and condemn God when events do not match their preconceived assumptions. No Christian has evaded the bonds of sin in the past two thousand years, and none has successfully changed their way of life, no matter how diligently they repent and work (Matthew 2019, 417). People have not attained the path to eternal life nor been thoroughly purified from sin.

Finding the Path to Eternal Life

The return of Jesus will herald the revelation of the path to everlasting life. In the Era of Grace, the sole purpose of the redemptive effort was to cleanse people of their misdeeds and grant them forgiveness. The Lord Jesus has often stated that He will return and would do so to show believers the path to eternal life so that they may obtain it. However, God’s salvation will be complete; thus, this is why God will be fully saved.

When the Lord Jesus comes again, he will reveal the truth, carry out the work of vengeance commencing with God’s home and handle people’s sinful natures. He will free believers from the shackles of sin, allow them to act out the truths of God’s word, and provide them everlasting life. This means that, before God can save people and give them life, He had to first free them from sin by enabling them to receive the Lord Jesus’ redemption. Based on this, He will once more grant them the knowledge that will free us from the bonds and restraints of our sinful natures, cleanse and transform our corrupt tendencies, and create in them new beings.


People must trust the deed of the resurrected Lord Jesus, recognize the truth revealed by the Lord during the final days, and embrace the Lamb’s path if they want to find the path to eternal life. To be a Christian does not preclude one from experiencing suffering in this life. People’s sin has tainted this world, and much misery is present. However, becoming a Christian implies that one’s guilt was covered by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and that one can have eternal life by obeying Him. In John 3:16, the Bible says, “For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life”.


Andrian, Tonny. 2020. Discipleship in the Concept of Power Ministry Based on the Kingdom of God. Journal Didaskalia 3 (1): 30-39.

Colberg, Shawn. 2020. Lord, Have Mercy on Me, a Sinner: Aquinas on Grace, Impetration, and Justification. New Black friars 101 (1093): 286-300.

Harmainen, Antti. 2018. ‘The One and Only True and Salvation Faith. Approaching Religion 8 (1): 5-16.

Malina, Artur. 2021. Baptism of Repentance for the Remission of Sins: Mark 1:4 In Its Context. The Biblical Annals 11 (4): 689-707.

Matthew, Iain. 2019. Memory and Hope in Eternal Life: “The Memory Has Changed into Eternal Apprehensions of Glory” (2N 4.2)”. Teresianum 70 (2): 403-435.

McGraw, Ryan M. 2022. Why Did Jesus Live a Perfect Life? The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation, By Brandon D. Crowe. Evangelical Quarterly 93 (1): 88-90.

Young-won, Kim. 2020. The Revolutionary Life Extension of Transhumanism and Christianity: Cyborg and Eternal Life. Literature and Religion 25 (1): 59-82.

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