Digital Advertiser Limited is an advertising agency that began its operations two years ago located in New York City with an initial workforce of 10 employees which has steadily grown to 100 employees currently. With this expansion has come an increased information requirement.
Digital Advertiser has contracted Blue waves Consultants to propose and design their current and future computer network topology requirements.
It is envisaged that the company needs will require an increased workforce of up to 200 people within two years. This proposition is based on the three-layer hierarchy model of the network topology, which is an improvement of the initial non-redundant flat topology. The diagrams below depict the various scenarios proposed. The proposed network topology must be scalable and make use of the latest in internetworking technology (Oppenheimer, 2010).
Its foreseen that the future of the network topology expansion process majorly depends on the technology used. Wireless technology is becoming more reliable in terms of scalability and cost through the issue of a full-proof security solution on such networks remains debatable. These propositions have depicted both wired and wireless technology to some extent.
Oppenheimer, P. (2010). Top down network design (3rd ed.). Indianapolis, Indiana: Cisco Press.
Appendix 1
Network topology supporting the initial environment of 10 employees

Appendix 2
Network topology supporting the current requirement of 100 employees

Appendix 3
Network topology supporting the future requirement of 200 employees