Venn Diagram
The articles on the topic “New York City” from Wikipedia and NWE were selected for review and comparison. Based on the analysis results, it is possible to say that the Wiki-article is better than the NWE article in multiple aspects: informativeness and detail, structure and readability, credibility, and visual representation.
First of all, though the articles cover some similar themes related to New York such as history and culture, the information in Wikipedia is by far more detailed. The overview of the matters presented there is more comprehensive and, thus, provides a better chance to develop a good insight into the topic of interest. Additionally, the Wiki-article “New York City” (2018b) covers a broader range of sub-themes that are not covered in the NEW entry at all: public safety, environmental pollution, et cetera.
Another winning feature of the Wiki-article is how it is structured. Sections and sub-sections are clearly defined and plenty of charts, diagrams, and other visuals are included there. It facilitates the information search and the overall readability of the provided material. Lastly, big sections of text in the NWE article do not have references. Moreover, it is noted in the Credits section that the NEW writers “rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article” (“New York City,” 2018a, para. 17). It means that this article is merely a tertiary source and is not of high quality. Contrary, the Wiki-article gives references to over five hundred media and scholarly resources, which significantly increases its overall quality.
New York City. (2018a). Web.
New York City. (2018b). Web.