Newspapers, Books, Magazines as Media Forms Term Paper

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Traditional and modern media forms are important in the enhancement of communication (Center for Media literacy, 2011). They are essential in eliciting social change and promoting knowledge acquisition. Different media forms target different audiences, and their popularity differs in relation to the type of information being transmitted. Print, broadcast, and digital media forms ensure that information is communicated at the local, national, and international levels. Newspapers and magazines are types of media that have been in existence for decades. In addition, the book industry also promotes the transfer of knowledge and information. The aim of the current research is to analyze the role of the media and assess the importance of newspapers, books, and magazines as media forms.

How, what, and why we use the media

The primary role of any type of media is the transfer of information. Fog (2013) acknowledges that the media keeps the public updated on issues occurring on local and global scales. Moreover, globalization and advancement in technology has enhanced the role of the media and hastened information transfer. There are various types of media, and they range from traditional to modern digital forms. The print form is the oldest type of media in which information is printed on a medium.

Examples include newspapers, magazines, and journals, among others. Although the popularity of print media has reduced drastically over the decade, a significant number of people still read newspapers and magazines. Broadcast media encompasses radio and television forms, which are still popular throughout the world (Center for Media literacy, 2011). Some of the most famous television networks in the United States include ABC, CBS, and NBC, among others. The broadcast media has been in existence for over 50 years and has been pivotal in transmitting information about sports, politics, weather, and the economy.

Fog (2013) notes that modern digital media has overshadowed the print and broadcast media. Digital media enables the transfer of information on digital platforms such as phones, computers, and IPads. The information can be easily copied and downloaded. Additionally, the information is transmitted faster in comparison to the analog forms. Presently, social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, and Myspace have become the most popular digital forms of communication among the youth. Social networking enables people to interact and communicate faster and more effectively.

According to UNESCO (2014), the media plays a critical role in the transmission of information regarding issues happening throughout the world. It ensures that the public is constantly updated on important social, economic, and political issues. The society relies on the media for information, which is important at the local and international levels. In addition, the media is educative as it plays a role in the transfer of knowledge to the public.

Media forms such as the televisions and newspapers mostly focus on those topics that are likely to provoke public debate. Such issues could be economic or political. UNESCO (2014) also notes that political issues communicated through the media determine the political course taken by leaders of various governments. The mass media acts as a “watchdog” and keeps the government in check with regard to the use of public funds and effective leadership.

In this regard, Dwivedi and Pandey (2013) indicate that the mass media shapes the economic and political agenda of the nation. It ensures that the public acquires information about certain issues that are important in society. In this respect, people become more knowledgeable and updated on important issues affecting them. In addition, people are able to devise ways in which various issues within the community are developed or improved to enhance their lives. In regard to governance, the presence of media enables the communities to develop ways in which the lives of the people are improved (UNESCO, 2014).

Fog (2013) acknowledges the role of the media in shaping culture. An example is a popular culture, which was popularized through televisions, magazines, and newspapers. As a result, the culture was assimilated by various groups in the United States and continues to be popular until today. Dwivedi and Pandey (2013) note that the culture of society is shaped according to what the media deems right. An example is the fashion trend, which is adopted depending on what the media represents and deems fashionable. Additionally, the media also popularized the hip-hop culture, and it became part of the cultural identity of African Americans.

Advertisements in magazines and newspapers also tend to shape the behavior and culture of society. Fog (2013) indicates that the media has played a major role in the adoption of western culture and values by other nations. Media channels such as Disney have played a crucial part in shaping the values and attitudes of children. Specifically, children depend on these channels for knowledge on what is right or wrong in the society.

There is a likelihood that the images transmitted by the media enhance sedentary lifestyles and materialistic lives. Since the society is majorly dependent on the media for knowledge and information, it is possible for people to adopt the values presented by the media. Such cultural adaptation is expected to have both negative and positive impacts on the lives of the people. Negative, because it can lead to the loss of an individual’s culture and the adaptation of a different culture.

Positive, because the media is likely to instill constructive values and beliefs among individuals in the society. In summary, the media is an integral part of the modern society and shapes its culture and perspectives. The dependency of the society on the media for information ensures the success and popularity of the various types of media and promotes knowledge and literacy.

How, what, and why the book industry is important

Stockar (2006) indicates that the book industry has been in existence for many centuries and has played a crucial part in the promotion of knowledge. The book industry consists of many subsectors that enhance knowledge in different disciplines. Some of the disciplines include; education, art, children’s books, religion, fashion and design, history, and climate. Different books have different formatting and color depending on the kind of messages being transmitted (Pearson, 2012).

An example is educational books, which consist majorly of black texts and limited images. On the contrary, children books contain colorful images that enhance their learning capabilities. Metzger (2009) indicates that the industry has been undergoing transformation over the recent decade to incorporate advancement in technologies. As a result, e-books have been developed to meet the demands of the digital era. Moreover, there have been shifts in the global production and distribution of books as many multinational companies join the industry. Therefore, the industry has been making millions of dollars annually and expanding despite the decline in production of printed media.

This is evident in the case of a company like Amazon, which makes billions of dollars annually from book sales. Stockar (2006) indicates that the existence of the education sector has played a vital role in promoting the survival of the book industry. Provided there is demand for books in the academic arena, they will always exist. Additionally, novels have made a significant impact in the book industry and novelists have been the main source of success in the industry. This is because the readers have their favorite authors and would do anything to read anything written by them.

Pearson (2012) reports that the ability of books to promote knowledge is the reason why the book industry is still a success after many years. Thus, the importance of the book industry lies on the impact that the books have on the lives of individuals. Books promote learning. Learning is a vital process in the lives of human beings as it boosts human development. This could explain why books have been present since ancient civilization.

They act as source of information that is transferred throughout history. Perhaps this is why one can read about ancient civilizations such as the Mesopotamia today. Metzger (2009) recognizes the importance of the book industry in improving the verbal abilities of individuals. Children are introduced to books at tender ages to enable them become better communicators (Stockar, 2006). The books also ensure that children improve on their pronunciation and vocabularies.

According to Stockar (2006), reading books makes people knowledgeable and smarter. This is true in the case of educational books used in school as they offer an outstanding wealth of knowledge. Academic books are based on evidence-based research and hence assist individuals to gain more knowledge on various topics. As a result, they promote the creation of exceptional professionals in the employment sector. Books are important in learning about our culture and history. In this view, future generations are able to learn and understand how and why their culture developed. Thus, they promote cultural pride in the society and enable the transfer of cultural values from one generation to another.

Metzger (2009) acknowledges the importance of books in entertainment. Books are fun to read and guarantee that time is better managed especially by young people. Books are more thrilling than modern mass media forms. In this regard, books promote the reduction of stress and encourage relaxation among the readers. They tend to provide solutions to various issues that affect the personal and public lives of individuals.

An example is motivational books, which help readers to improve on some challenging aspects of their lives. Religious books also offer spiritual guidance and motivation to the readers. The solutions provided by these books tend to shape lives and provide guidance on issues that are difficult to deal with. In reference to Metzger (2009), books are used by entrepreneurs to make them exceptional leaders. This is because they provide them with information on how to deal with their employees and motivate them better. Some of the books contain information that helps in creating strong images and maintaining positive attitudes toward leadership.

As aforementioned, the most important aspect of the book industry is broadening knowledge. This knowledge ensures better communication between individuals (Stockar, 2006). Additionally, a person’s personality is judged by his or her ability to communicate to others indicating that books are a critical part of life. Conversely, poor communication has limitations as it creates a poor impression.

In conclusion, it is clear that the book industry plays a pivotal role in the lives of human beings. In the absence of books, the industry would not have the impact that it has today. Thus, the importance of the book industry can only be assessed through analyzing the role of books in the society. In summary, it is clear that books are a form of media as their sole purpose is to promote communication and enhance knowledge.

How, what, and why reading newspapers at homes is important

Hansen (2015) explains that newspapers are forms of print media that have been around for decades. This form of media provides a host of solutions on salient issues in the society. Thus, most homes buy newspapers on a daily basis to ensure that they are always updated on these issues. The front page of the newspaper determines whether the readers will buy it or not. This explains why major newspaper agencies such as the New York Times concentrate on headlines which are controversial or are likely to elicit massive public debate.

In the United States, there are daily and weekly newspapers. In specific, there are almost 1700 daily newspapers, which are read by approximately 114 million individuals. Moreover, the newspapers are mostly published twice daily. They cover local, national, and international issues that relate to politics, economy, and social aspects. This sector is competitive and the publishers work hard to have the best headlines to ensure that their newspapers are the best.

Weekly newspapers usually target residential populations near cities or rural regions. Unlike the daily newspapers, the weekly forms majorly focus on issues affecting the target communities. Examples of the most famous newspapers include; USA Today, Times of London, and The Guardian among others. The delivery of message in these newspapers determines the kind of readers that they have. UNCP (2014) notes that newspapers cover topics that include politics, entertainment, education, and sports.

People buy newspapers in their homes despite the presence of broadcast and digital media forms. According to the University of Victoria (2015), newspapers are affordable and are crucial in promoting literacy among individuals. This is because they play a role in educating, informing, and entertaining people. They also act as mediums that inform the population about the actions of the government. As a result of the diversity of topics presented in the newspapers, they are popular among the young and the old.

Similar to the role of books, newspapers promote efficient use of language and communication. Hansen (2015) states that this form of media promotes critical thinking as it enables the readers to question the integrity of the information published. This is particularly evident during political campaigns and issues that relate to the reliability of the government. The University of Victoria (2015) indicates that newspapers have a universal presentation in which the information is first outlined, and the details explained in later pages. The headlines enable the readers to determine whether they want to read the newspaper or not.

The presence of newspapers in homes can also provoke healthy debates among family members. Moreover, individuals are able to compare the information on the newspapers with reports from the television, radio, or the internet. Hansen (2015) explains that newspapers are crucial in the dissemination of information regarding significant issues in the society. In this view, they are able to change individual’s attitudes about various matters.

They also improve reading habits and enhance comprehension of political and economic topics that may not be well understood through other media forms. As a result of the advancement of digital media, newspapers are now available in electronic forms. This has increased the number of readers and the accessibility of newspapers. In conclusion, newspapers are a form of traditional media and continue to be popular after many decades.

How, what and why the magazine is decrying

Unlike newspapers, magazines provide a more comprehensive analysis of a particular topic. The University of Victoria (2015) states that the publishing process of magazines is lengthy in comparison to that of newspapers. Moreover, this form of media has editorial calendars that give a schedule of the issues planned on an annual basis. The magazines focus on different issues depending on the emphasis of the publishing companies.

Some magazines for example, focus on lifestyle while others concentrate on cooking or sports. The editors of magazines should ensure that the materials published are worth reading and capture the interest of the readers. Despite the contribution of these media forms in the promotion of trends and values, they have been less significant in comparison to other types of media. This is because they are expensive to print and publish and most companies cannot afford the costs. However, such limitations are slowly being eliminated by the presence of digital media. The popularity of magazines has declined throughout history (UNCP, 2014).

The increased popularity of digital media, development of the film industry, and advancement of digital technology are some of the aspects speculated to cause a decline in the popularity of magazines. Despite these limitations, there are three unique characteristics of these media forms that explain their existence in the modern society. First, they easily adapt to changes in social and lifestyle patterns. Second, advanced technology has pushed their publishing cost down.

Lastly, readers tend to be attached to specific magazines and hence continue to buy them despite the decline in popularity. The editors and publishers of magazines have been known to transform their contents depending on the preferences of the audience. Additionally, they undertake research to determine the issues that are deemed interesting or important by majority of the readers. This could explain why magazines take longer to publish in comparison to newspapers.

Lazare (2014) acknowledges that various magazines have been critiqued in the past due their covers and content. Some of the most common accusations include over sexualization of the images. In this view, such images impact negatively on the readers and limit the popularity of the magazines. UNCP (2014) explains that some magazines unlike newspapers present explicit images of male and female models. Such images tend to have negative influence of the lives of young people.

The pictures of slim female models on the covers have been one of the major causes of criticism toward these forms of media. Such images tend to depict the society as being more acceptable of young and thin women in comparison to ‘plus sized’ females. In addition, young people grow up believing the contents of the magazines. This can affect their self-esteem in cases where they do not resemble the images presented. According to Lazare (2014), these media forms have been accused of creating unrealistic standards that the society is required to live up to.

The magazine publishing companies have constantly faced lawsuits due to their negative portrayal of celebrities and other influential personalities. Additionally, most of the images portrayed in these forms appear too perfect, which is unlikely to be the case in real life. However, it is important to note that the negative publicity is majorly directed toward fashion and lifestyle magazines.

Despite the negative portrayal of the magazines, they have played a significant role in shaping the culture of the society. In reference to Lazare (2014), entertainment magazines have transformed the mainstream journalism and increased the number of readers. Additionally, they tend to cover many aspects that are also presented in other media forms. Readers also buy these magazines to understand the lives of popular celebrities in the society.

One of the most common entertainment magazines is the Cosmopolitan, which has been successful for several decades due to the number of fans addicted to its contents. UNCP (2014) notes that the development of teen magazines has presented a platform that young people can relate with. As a result of the nature of some mainstream magazines with regard to their negative images, teen magazines have been developed to provide positive information that enhances the lives of young people.

The influence on younger audiences promotes the survival and popularity of the media form. The availability of different forms of magazines ensures that the interests of different readers are met (University of Victoria, 2015). An example is the sports magazine, which is popular among sports lovers. Educational magazines also promote the transmission of knowledge and language abilities among the readers. Based on this assessment, it is clear that different types of magazines play different roles among the audiences and elicit different responses.

Despite the setbacks in the past, the success of the magazine industry today is an indication that this form of media will overcome other challenges in the future. It is therefore safe to conclude that magazines like other forms of media are important as they enhance communication and educate the readers about various issues that affect them.


Center for Media literacy. (2011). 20 Important reasons to study the media. Web.

Dwivedi, P. K., & Pandey, I. (2013). Role of the media in social awareness. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 67-70. Web.

Fog , A. (2013). The supposed and the real role of mass media in modern democracy. Web.

Hansen, F. (2015). Perceived instrumentality and value importance of newspaper information. Web.

Lazare, S. (2014). TIME Magazine criticized for ‘malicious’ anti-teacher cover. Web.

Metzger, C. (2009). Books as history: The importance of books beyond their texts (review). Web.

Pearson, D. (2012). Books as history: The importance of books beyond their texts. London: The British Library and Oak Press. Web.

Stockar, D. v. (2006). The importance of literacy and books in children development. Web.

UNCP. (2014). Print Media . Web.

UNESCO. (2014). Free media contribute to good governance, empowerment and eradicating poverty. Web.

University of Victoria. (2015). Books, journals, newspapers, magazines. Web.

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