Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing Essay

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The non-profit organization in question is a hospital. Healthcare is a very sensitive issue when it comes to finances. Its price can be extraordinarily high, and yet its nature is such that a person often cannot refuse it without harming themselves. The populations that best represent the “market” of our non-profit hospital are people who cannot afford care at for-profit hospitals. This includes people living in a state of poverty, at-risk populations such as senior citizens, adults with intellectual disabilities, and any others that require help but have extremely limited funds. In some cases, these populations are not eligible to receive help from social groups, such as seniors who still have income-eligibility. Therefore, our hospital aims to help people who would not have any help otherwise.

Due to the non-profit nature of the hospital, financial support requires a certain level of promotion. For hospitals, a popular promotion strategy lies in the affiliation with religious denominations for additional funding. The care provided by the hospital is an invaluable resource and has a strong benefit to the community. By emphasizing the charitable mission of the hospital in its promotion, it is possible to secure several donations from both religious connections and people seeking to improve the well-being of their community. Finally, to maintain a positive attitude toward the hospital, it is important to properly redistribute the funds across the goals outlined in the strategic plan. Otherwise, the community might lose trust in our activity.


Non-profit organizations have to be extremely diligent in all financial matters. Non-profit hospitals operate to serve vulnerable populations because they are often unable to afford for-profit care. By promoting charitable activity and partnering with religious denominations, non-profit hospitals can maintain their operation.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 6). Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing.

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"Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing." IvyPanda, 6 Sept. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing'. 6 September.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing." September 6, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing." September 6, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Nonprofit Organizations and Hospital Financing." September 6, 2020.

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