Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health Case Study

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Comprehensive List of Nursing Diagnoses

  • Unilateral neglect.
  • Impaired environmental interpretation syndrome.
  • Acute confusion.
  • Chronic confusion.
  • Ineffective impulse control.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Impaired verbal communication.
  • Hopelessness.
  • Risk for compromised human dignity.
  • Risk for loneliness.
  • Disturbed personal identity (NADA, n.d.).

Nursing Diagnosis

Disturbed personal identity.


The patient suffering from a kind of mental health disorder and distributed personal identity starts to recognize his own personality as a united whole.

The patient easily identifies himself/herself.

The patient has fewer difficulties when communicating with others.


Mitigation of the negative impact of any mental health disorder is a complex process that demands specific and individualized approaches to provide a patient with the most important and efficient methods that will promote his/her recovery and general improvement. For this reason, a plan that considers individualized needs of a patient, his/her current status and diagnosis is needed.

The chosen patient, 47-year-old male, suffers from schizophrenia. One of nursing diagnoses that could be applied to him is disturbed personal identity. Moreover, impaired verbal communication could also be related to him.

For this reason, a following nursing care plan and interventions could be suggested.

The main goal of this set of actions it the general improvement of the patients state, and his reporting about the decrease of the number of problems related to self-esteem and personal identity.

  • Speak clearly and directly to the patient in an understandable and professional manner for him to acquire the information and be able to process it.
  • Explain the nature of the problem and the main troubles that might result from it.
  • Explain the necessity and outstanding importance of treatment by pointing out possible complications and complete loss of personal identity.
  • Teach the patient how to use specialized techniques that might help him to gain control over his feelings and emotions and realize himself as a certain individual.
  • Provide the patient with an opportunity to perform various kinds of activity that might help him to remain an active member of society as it is important for his self-esteem.
  • devote time to one-on-one interaction with the patient to improve his self-esteem.
  • inform the patient when he starts to lose his own personality.
  • speak with the patient about his personal interests, hobbies, preferable activities, games, etc. to admit the unique peculiarities of his personality.
  • create the communicational pattern that appeals to the patients self-esteem and his feeling of dignity.
  • gain trust and establish comfortable relations with the patient.
  • avoid any actions that might trigger the growths of the patients dissatisfaction and suspiciousness.
  • teach the patient social skills to interact with people and relatives.
  • provide encouragement and praise for all success attained by the patient.

These actions and interventions have a certain scientific rationale that predetermines the expected outcomes and proves the necessity of the implementation of these measures. The fact is that the patient suffering from schizophrenia and characterized by a distributed personal identity has certain problems with socialization and realization of their place in a certain community or society (Townsend, 2011). For this reason, all interventions should be aimed at the assistance with the communication and socialization skills. Moreover, patients suffering from this disease might fail to establish trustful relations with people who surround them and provide support. For this reason, it is crucial to create the environment that will promote the establishment of close relations between the patient and his nurse. It will have the great positive impact on the recovery process and contribute to the improved outcomes. However, the patient should be able to function without any significant assistance and realize his personality as a united whole.


Evaluating the given plan and suggested interventions, it is possible to state several crucial points. First of all, the suggested course of actions has a scientific rationale that comes from the researches related to the issue. Schizophrenia could be considered a great problem of the modern age and there are numerous attempts to mitigate its negative impact by providing appropriate care for patients who suffer from it. In this regard, the suggested plan aims at providing the patient with the most important conditions, medications, and treatments that might result in better outcomes. Yet, if to investigate the outlined goals and outcomes, it is possible to admit the fact that the focus on the restoration of the patients self-esteem and assistance in the reconsideration of the attitude to his personality is crucial for the whole recovery process as it might guarantee the improvement of the quality of life. Furthermore, there are certain specific nursing interventions that are suggested to mitigate the negative impact of schizophrenia and help a patient to continue his existence.

These should also promote the establishment of trustful relations between a nurse and the patient and the further evolution of their cooperation. As one can notice, the majority of interventions are aimed at the explanation of the problems a person suffering from the disease might face and the ways to overcome these very problems. Besides, a nurse should also be ready to devote a certain amount of time to the communication with the patient. These interventions are needed to establish relations between a nurse and the patient and promote the further improvement of their cooperation. Finally, there are also interventions that are introduced to improve the patients understanding of his identity by emphasizing activities, hobbies , and games he likes. These unique parts of a persons character determine its formation and serve as distinctive features between individuals. That is why their consideration is extremely important for a patient as it will help him to preserve the main aspects of his personality.

Altogether, the given plan could be considered efficient enough to guarantee the improvement of the patients state and his further existence as a part of local community or family. The plans obvious strengths are its focus on the individualized needs of the patient and creation of the main interventions that should satisfy these very needs. Moreover, it also contributes to the recognition the importance and necessity of the prescribed treatment. The patient will obviously accept the course and engage in the process. However, there are also several weaknesses of the suggested plan. First, it is not able to foresee all possible complications that might appear in the course of treatment. Additionally, there might also be some problems with the assessment of a patient’s state and provision of a relevant response to new alterations.

The creation of the efficient plan is an integral aspect of the modern system of the delivery of nursing care as it helps to improve the state of a patient and guarantee his speedy recovery. That is why a specialist should be ready to implement the interventions that might contribute to the better outcomes.


NADA. (n.d.). The complete list of NANDA nursing diagnosis for 2012-2014. Web.

Townsend, M. (2011). Nursing diagnoses in psychiatric nursing: Care plans and psychotropic medications. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 1). Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health.

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"Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health." IvyPanda, 1 Sept. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health'. 1 September.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health." September 1, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health." September 1, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health." September 1, 2020.

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