In any way we may want to look at the subject of environmental conservation, the fact remains that our lives revolve around the environment in which we stay. Everything around us directly affects the quality of life we lead starting from water to the air we breathe.
However, due to endeavors for economic growth that are being carried out by individuals and companies alike, environmental degradation has become imminent. Natural resources are being exploited in a manner that destroys the environment. Moreover, functions of various corporations have proved to be harmful to the environment. They cause pollution and directly or indirectly cause harm to living things whose life depends on the environment.
The effects of environmental degradation are being felt in various parts of the world. Global warming, Ozone layer depletion and water scarcity are all due to environmental degradation. If care is not taken now, a time will come when it will be too late for any meaningful steps to be initiated as far as environmental conservation is concerned. In this regard, corporations as well as individuals have a role to play in ensuring that the environment in protected not only for the present generation, but also for the future ones.
It is important to note that environmental conservation is very crucial for sustenance of human beings. Natural resources are very crucial not only for economical growth, but also for social development of nations. It is important to note that a country with abundant natural resources has a high potential of developing quickly compared to a country that is not well endowed with natural resources. Unfortunately, natural resources will be exhausted one day if the environment is not conserved (Mullerat & Brennan 2005).
Future generations will not have resources to sustain them if the current generation misuses available resources. On the same note, environmental conservation is crucial to ensure a clean environment free of diseases and other substances that are harmful to human beings.
The bible says that the role of protecting the environment was given to human beings from the day the world was created. Man was supposed to be the caretaker of everything that was created by God. By extension, human beings have not only an ethical responsibility, but also a moral obligation to take care of the environment.
Given that corporations undertake process that cause harm to the environment, they have a moral obligation to preserve the environment for the sake of humanity (Mayer 2013). To begin with, corporations usually use a lot of resources that are extracted from the environment. While much is done to ensure that returns to input is high, very little is done to ensure that natural resources are utilized properly.
Nevertheless, if the amount of resources wasted in various firms is limited, a lot of natural resources can be saved for future use. Therefore, it is upon corporations to ensure that they recycle any resource that they use to reduce current consumption for the sake of future use. It is important to note that technological advancement has greatly helped in coming up with ways of maximizing output using minimal inputs.
The role of preserving the environment is the responsibility of everybody. It should be noted that in many cases, firms release their waste either to waterways or to dumping sites. Some of the wastes contain toxic substances which can be harmful to human beings and wildlife alike (Coyle 2004). However, though these waste substances can be treated to reduce their harm to the environment, some corporations do not take the initiative of treating their waste. Consequently, firms end up causing environmental pollution. It is the obligation of corporations to treat their wastes before releasing them to the environment. Moreover, corporations should take the initiative of minimizing the amount of chemical wastes released not only to waterways, but also to other places.
Furthermore, inputs used by various corporations in their production processes are very crucial. Unfortunately, during the process of production some of the gases produced are not environmental friendly. Harmful gases which include carbon and sulphur gases are released to the atmosphere.
Environmentalists are urging that the amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide released to the environment should be reduced (Newton 2005). To save both current and future generations, corporations have an obligation of reducing the quantity of carbon and other harmful gases released to the environment.
Similarly, corporations through their corporate social responsibility initiatives can make people aware of how to conserve the environment. Being users of natural resources, corporations should take up the role of spreading information about importance of environmental conservation to the community at large.
This can be done during corporate social responsibility programs as well as through dedicating some pages in corporate magazines for environmental education (Mayer 2013). Corporations may also take the initiative of organizing public rallies where they will educate the community about the benefits of conserving the environment.
For their day-to-day activities, firms have to use various resources. It is important to note that not all resources are renewable. Nevertheless, these resources are vital for the continuity of firms. Though efforts are being directed towards the use of alternative resources, non renewable resources still remain vital. As a result, corporations will have to utilize these resources with care knowing that they will need them in future.
In this regard, corporations are advised to have an environment management system in place. Environment management system is very crucial in evaluating environmental impact of various activities of a corporation. This will be essential in minimizing negative environmental impacts expected as a result of any activity.
It is important to note that corporations which have environment management system in place will be able to avoid costs related with negative environmental impacts (Keinert 2008). Corporations have an ethical obligation to have an environment management system it in place, despite the fact that this is not a legal requirement.
The government cannot do everything for corporations. Corporations depend on the government to protect them from various forms of possible unfair competition by instituting some laws. The government cannot be responsible for the mess created by corporations.
Operations of corporations produce toxic substances to the environment. It would, therefore, be just fair for corporations to clean up the mess because they create it in the first place. Support to various environmental groups is therefore crucial to help in conserving the environment.
Similarly, corporations are out to maximize their profits from whatever activity they get involved in. One way of maximizing profits is obviously by reducing the costs of production. Efficiency in company operations means that a company can avoid a lot of wastes thus saving a lot of money (Newton 2005). Moreover, by conserving the environment a company is able to convey a good message to the public and thus winning customers’ confidence. In this way, the company can save the environment while at the same time increasing its income.
As the current generation we have the obligation of ensuring that future generations will have means of sustaining their livelihood. We should not exploit resources indiscriminately without taking into consideration that future generations will also need to survive (Coyle 2004).
Environment will be beneficial for the current generation as well as the future generation. Consequently, corporations have the obligation of ensuring that while demands of the current generation need to be satisfied, this should not be done in a way that jeopardizes ability of future generations to meet their needs. As a result, the argument of Des Jardins regarding the obligation of businesses to current and future generations is vital.
Environmental conservation is a very crucial subject in any forum. The effects of environmental degradation are far reaching thus the need for environmental awareness among people in society. It should be noted that environmental sustainability is very crucial for socio-economical development. However, it is difficult to prioritize environmental protection given the fact that many shareholders want their managers to concentrate on the core aim which is making profits.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that much as corporations should aim at providing their customers with what they need, this should be done taking into consideration the question of environmental sustainability. It is our moral and ethical responsibility to take care of the environment not only for our sake, but also for the sake of future generations and humanity in general.
Reference List
Coyle, B 2004, Risk Awareness and Corporate Governance, Global Professional Publishing, Middlesex.
Keinert, C 2008, Corporate Social Responsibility as an International Strategy, Springer, New York.
Mayer, C 2013, Firm Commitment: Why the Corporation is Failing Us and How to Restore Trust In It, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Mullerat, R & Brennan, D 2005, Corporate Social Responsibility: The Corporate Governance of the 21st Century, Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn.
Newton, LH 2005, Business Ethics and the Natural Environment, John Wiley & sons, Hoboken.