Recycled water is obtained from waste water and contaminated water that has been subjected to thorough treatment to ensure that it is proper for use for different purposes.
Consequently, the government in the United Arab Emirates resolved for the implementation of better and advanced construction strategies that would ensure energy was conserved therefore providing a solution to the increased rate of pollution that [...]
Population growth among the humans is leading to over exploitation of the eco system in trying to provide food, shelter and clothing. The imbalance in ecosystem is eventually leading to extinction of some species from [...]
The Florida Everglades is one of the last bastions of nature left in the U.S.where human progress has pushed plants and animals alike to the fringes of human civilization.
Attfield defines environmental ethics as the study of ethics of the day to day interactions of human beings with their environment and their impacts on the systems of nature.
Thus, it is classified as a primary pollutant because it is the most common pollutants in the environment. In the environment, the impact of carbon monoxide is felt overtime, since it leads to respiratory problems.
It is however important to understand the causes of the environmental degradation and the ways to reduce them, which will promote the improvement of the environmental quality.
By saying that "the idea of nature contains an extraordinary amount of human history,", the author wants to show that, though when defining nature most of the times we tend to separate humankind from other [...]
At the end of the films, man's relation to nature shows a strong sense of commitment to conservation. It is the swamp which ultimately leads Snow White to a teeming life of the forest.
Environmental ethics may be defined as the study of ethics of the day to day interactions of human beings with and their impacts on the systems of nature.
This land is human property that is "by whatever means necessary", and people should find the abilities to control their power and make it less harmful to the land, nature, and all those who live [...]
The ecological footprint is "the quantitative assessment of the biologically productive area required to produce the resources and to absorb the wastes of an individual, city and region".
Soils, oceans, forests, dunes are small pieces of the natural environment we all live in; human beings were created to live in fruitful lands and forests rich for food and things that can be used [...]
According to Sachs, one of the most significant challenges of sustainable cities is the high ecological footprint. The example of Curitiba, a city in Brazil, can be used to explain further.
However, the government of the UAE is also concerned with sustainability and the Emirates' ecological footprint. In addition, the ecological footprint of Dubai is likely to be different from the one produced by Abu-Dhabi or [...]
Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion and contamination of resources such as air, water, and soil, which leads to the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.
In this paper, a comprehensive comparison of the two scientific shifts is developed to enhance knowledge in the shift from growth paradigm to sustainability paradigm, attempting to predict the time needed for the world to [...]
In order to ensure that the study does not digress a lot on the inter-dependence that exists between the ecosystem services and the corporate world, the study will concentrate on the dependency of the forest, [...]
The reliance of a business or corporation on ecosystem services depends on the location of a business, the source of its materials and the technology employed.
The effects range from high level of energy consumption and use of transportation, cooling and heating facilities up to the sustenance of social thriving of urban neighborhoods. One of the greatest effects of urban sprawl [...]
As a result of the fact that these gases are present in the atmosphere in excessive amount, the heat that is sent back from the surface of the earth is put off by the atmosphere [...]
Specifically, the approach to solving the problem will span a careful investigation into the effects of bottled water and waste bottles in the environment, through the collection and analysis of primary data, interviewing company executives [...]
Atlantic Canada is also home to the Island of New Foundland and the northern region of Labrador which are majorly dotted by floating icebergs because of their proximity at the Northern areas of the province.
The fuel has the backing of some of the influential figures in the automobile industry. Ethanol has the capacity to absorb water in the engine such that one eliminates the need for addition of such [...]
Given that corporations undertake process that cause harm to the environment, they have a moral obligation to preserve the environment for the sake of humanity.
Economists in the region explain that the fracking process is very economical to the tribe compared to other methods but it is alleged that this will only be in the short run as the dangers [...]
Thus, this analytical treatise attempts to explicitly discuss the environmental and health consequences of locating the proposed oil refinery near the human settlement of Utah. Therefore, refinery of oil and production of gases is expected [...]
Two approaches to the issue of environmental protection of forests will be examined in the following paper, the approach described in the article "The American Forests" by John Muir and in the article "Save the [...]
The aim of this document is to describe the nature of a bush fire prone land and the fire safety measures desirable to prevent any accidental occurrences of bush fires.
Two basic practices of tree spiking exist; spiking the tree at the bottom of the tree trunk, and spiking the tree way above the trunk, as high as one can reach.
Nevertheless, based on a keen analysis of the works of these authors, there stand some loopholes, as they do not give a detailed procedure of the steps to follow in order to realize the dream [...]
Limited growth Although the industry appreciates, the efforts of environmental movements like Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and Friends of the Earth, the industry feel that the requirements of the set policies limit its [...]
Populations that live in risk prone areas are more likely to suffer loss of land to the increasing sea level and risks of dangerous waves; when the temperatures increase; they lead to melting of the [...]
In a more terrifying note, and perhaps a threat to Maine ecosystem, the government of Bahamas approved this development to be located close to the shoreline, which consisted of a mangrove system and healthy coral [...]
In the article 'Psychology in an Age of Ecological Crisis,' Stokols et al traces the influence of the global and environmental conditions on people's cognition, behavioral patterns, and well being In summary, this article examines [...]
In addition to this, architects use simply available materials for these future green technologies of architectural designs. However, future green technologies will see architectural designs economical in terms of water, energy and cost of materials [...]
In this case the buildings which are put up need to meet certain standards which are in line with the expectations of environmental sustainability as well as ensure that the quality of the building is [...]
In conclusion it can be said that the entire essay is a form of critique against modern day lifestyles where the author uses examples drawn from nature in order to show the difference between what [...]
There were nearly 20 ambulances at the scene of the accident to help transfer the injured people to the hospital. In addition to the Joint Terrorism Task Force that was deployed at the site of [...]
The energy crisis that the world is currently facing is due to the pollution, over exploitation and depletion of natural resources; therefore, there is an urgent need for the concerned parties and organizations all over [...]
While keeping the principles of environmental leadership in mind, this research paper reviews the activities of the Environmental Leadership Program, which is a group of professionals who train environmental leaders from diverse backgrounds, and encourage [...]
The literature of the global age incorporates all the ecological concepts associated with the literacy of the ecology, ecological linguistics and the literacy of place.
Pages: 7
Words: 1845
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