Occupational Health Assessments Essay

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Health assessment is one of the most sensitive phases of the nursing process. It lays the foundation upon which subsequent procedures can be conducted successfully. Every individual is entitled to the highest possible quality of health and nothing should be allowed to compromise this right (Jarvis, 2008). However, the day-to-day encounters of life may pose a great challenge to the maintenance of good health. Medical professionals usually take this fact into consideration during health assessment procedures. The essay discusses occupational health assessment and how it can be used to enhance the quality of health.

Occupational health refers to a specialty in the field of medicine which is concerned with understanding the interaction of individuals’ health with their respective work (Acutt & Hattingh, 2008). It seeks to explain how work can affect people’s health and also how ill health can affect the effective execution of their responsibilities. Doctors usually handle a number of people who have health concerns related to their work. They may either be sent by their employer or bring health complaints on their own which are work-related. The physician will therefore be forced to conduct a thorough assessment of the situation. This is what is referred to as occupational health assessment.

Occupational health assessment involves the examination and evaluation of an individual by a medical professional with an aim of establishing the relationship between the worker and the nature of work performed by the person (Harrington, 2002). The doctor examines the role of the individual in the place of work as well as their historical background as far as their work is concerned. Cases of prolonged illness and hence the absence from work have prompted employers to seek occupational health assessments for their employees. Most employers seek occupational health reports before employing an individual while others require that their workers go for occupational health check-ups on a regular basis. There is also the need to know the main reason(s) for seeking medical attention particularly with regard to the nature of health complaints (Jarvis, 2008). This process takes place long before any physical examination is recommended or conducted. These assessments are generally geared towards determining the fitness of an individual to perform a given job.

Apart from examining a person’s fitness and suitability for a given task, an occupational health physician may recommend specific improvements to the working conditions for the sake of workers’ safety and effectiveness. Doctors can even make visits to the workplace to ascertain the conditions and to judge whether they are fit for the employees (Harrington, 2002). Some working environments may pose health hazards to the workers who may end up falling seek due to exposure to these hazards.

Occupational health assessment has proved very useful in ensuring that employees are protected from potential health hazards in their places of work. It helps in detecting health threats in advance to prevent any further health risks (Oakley, 2008). Furthermore, this assessment assures the employers that their workforce is in good health and can therefore work optimally. The findings by occupational health doctors can be very useful in determining the potential of an individual in relation to the nature of work to be done. The physician can assess a person for the ability to lift weights, visual acuity, and so forth. The doctor can then advise the client accordingly or when necessary, write a report to the employer detailing the fitness and the nature of treatment which the employee needs to be accorded (Acutt & Hattingh, 2008). The doctor, at his/her discretion, may conduct a physical examination on the client. It is, however, important to note that occupational health assessment reports should not be used by employers as a basis for firing their employees. This is a legal issue in most countries of the world.


Acutt, J. & Hattingh, S. (2008). Occupational health assessment: management and practice for health professionals (3rd ed). Juta & Company Ltd.

Harrington, J. M. (2002). The essence of occupational health (5th ed). Wiley-Blackwell

Jarvis, C. (2008). Physical examination and health assessment (5th ed). St. Louis: W.B.

Oakley, K. (2008). Occupational health assessment (3rd ed). John Wiley & Sons Saunders Co.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 22). Occupational Health Assessments. https://ivypanda.com/essays/occupational-health-assessments/

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"Occupational Health Assessments." IvyPanda, 22 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/occupational-health-assessments/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Occupational Health Assessments'. 22 March.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Occupational Health Assessments." March 22, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/occupational-health-assessments/.

1. IvyPanda. "Occupational Health Assessments." March 22, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/occupational-health-assessments/.


IvyPanda. "Occupational Health Assessments." March 22, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/occupational-health-assessments/.

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