Organizational Identification in Multinationals Report

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The article Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Identification in Multinational Enterprises: Differences at Home and Foreign Branches was written recently, and its audience is HR managers. The author relies on the scholarly sources that cover topics such as management, decision-making, the employees’ satisfaction and behaviors, and their impact on the organizational turnover and financial prosperity. In this instance, the author focuses on the particular sphere and attempts to discover whether the organizational identification has an effect on the attitudes of the employees in national and international units of the company. As for the assumptions, the researcher states that dissimilar organizational (cultural and social) contexts have an adverse impact on the behavior of the employees and their satisfaction.


Consequently, the critical goal of the article is to prove that the employees have different attitudes while the organizational identification is a central influencer of their behavior. Meanwhile, the researchers attempt to discover that the workforce in foreign and domestic enterprises faces different identifications of the same company. In this case, the author wants to persuade that the correlations reflected above exist while underlining the need to use unique strategies for different units. To find solutions to these questions, in the first place, the author presents an interdependence between satisfaction, turnover intentions, behaviors, and organizational image with the help of the literature review to shape the hypotheses. As for the evidence, each topic is supported by the arguments from the scholarly sources. For example, the authors rely on the theory of Leach et al. to underline the connection of satisfaction with the group performance.

The author takes advantage of the theory of organizational prestige and the increase in satisfaction by referring to Pratt and Reade. The scholar uses these works to support the hypothesis while the headings offer a clear understanding of the themes. Apart from the theory to back up the main argument, the author utilizes experimental analysis to evaluate the operations of domestic and international campuses of the universities while applying Likert scale to assess their satisfaction and analyze different components by descriptive statistics. Nonetheless, the main limitations are the restricted geographical scope and inability to consider different social groups. The future research has to focus on discovering the role of organizational identification on different employee groups. To avoid bias, the author supports conflicting sides of the arguments with references.

Summary of Background and Analysis

Overall, the author focuses on the HR sphere while the main issue is the fact that the HR managers underestimate the role of organizational identification and its impact on the employees. In this case, the author defines that this assumption of the practitioners is incorrect and emphasizes that the role of the organizational identification cannot be underrated. Various theorists such as Pratt and Reade support the connection between company’s image and their performance and satisfaction while underlining its ability to enhance organizational identification. To support these hypotheses, the author relies on the descriptive statistics while evaluating the results of the questionnaires acquired from the universities that have foreign campuses, and the main limitations are social and geographical scopes of the study.


While criticizing the article, the topic is well-defined, as it clearly depicts the main concepts such as organizational identification and its correlation with employees attitudes and satisfaction in foreign and domestic enterprises, and it implies that the universal strategy for all units cannot be applied. Meanwhile, the keywords and headings reflect the main concepts, and the arguments are logical. As for the evidence, it is majorly prescriptive while some components are persuasive and rely on the well-known theories.

For example, the primary benefit of Pratt’s argument is its ability to find a positive interdependence between satisfaction and company’s prestige. Meanwhile, these findings only back up the claim but not persuade the audience. As for other sources, they offer general information to support assumptions and are rather general and descriptive while statistical information is difficult to understand by the HR managers, as they are do not have a well-developed statistical background. Nonetheless, the author refers to the absence of previous researches to support this argument.

Alternatively, the article expands other readings on this topic while the counter argument that refers to employing the universal strategy is considered by presenting numerical data and theoretical models. One of the major assumptions is the fact that different social and cultural contexts may affect the employees, and it is fully covered and presented all interdependencies between constructs such as satisfaction, prestige, and turnover intentions in the research findings while strengthening the central claim. Meanwhile, the application of the argument leads to the optimization of the organizational decision-making and new internal communication strategies that consider the cultural specifics. These results raise a strong response, as these findings change the understanding of the HR practices in both practical (optimization of HR department and communication) and meaningful (theory) ways.

Original Contribution

Overall, the topic discussed in the article is highly original, as no previous studies were conducted in the selected field. In this instance, it can be actively used by scholars to continue discovering organizational identification and its influence on the other constructs such as satisfaction and attitudes. Its original findings can be actively employed by the HR managers and assist them in optimizing their communication strategies. Considering cultural and social differences between units operating in dissimilar countries will not only help enhance their performance but also assist in reaching organizational integrity and higher return on investment.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 4). Organizational Identification in Multinationals.

Work Cited

"Organizational Identification in Multinationals." IvyPanda, 4 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Organizational Identification in Multinationals'. 4 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Organizational Identification in Multinationals." August 4, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Organizational Identification in Multinationals." August 4, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Organizational Identification in Multinationals." August 4, 2020.

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