This paper highlights my business “problem” and offers some insightful remarks about my investigation. The study based on the comparison of a rival competitor’s financial figures and other credible sources determined that people might be ready and willing to play golf in the case when strategies are put together to attract more individuals into golf sport.
First of all, critically analyzing the business concept of an outdoor activity sport, my investigation suggests a target of non-traditional golfing segments, particularly women and youth. I believe that this innovation will be interesting because previously they had never participated in this game. In addition, the development of mini-golf courses that perhaps would be more suitable for women and children taking into account its size and cost seem to be interesting. Entry age reduction also would be useful in order to acquaint young people with an interesting game, as golf is a game that is sweeping the impression from the first minute. Playing golf is universal: people can play alone or with partners. The same game golf partners could be of different levels and qualifications. Golf playing is not just a new sports hobby – it is an introduction to a specific culture, beautiful and aristocratic.
Moreover, nowadays golf is one of the most popular amateur sports in the United States, and it continues to gain recognition in the world. Therefore, one of my business strategies is to develop my golf company not only in the United States but also to extend geographical frameworks stepping up to the next level of development and profitability. For example, among countries interested in golf there are England, Germany, Sweden, and others. However, expanding of business to another region is not an easy task. A businessman has to think over every aspect including rival rates, staff, and period of the entry into a new market.
In addition, I have learned that it would be very useful to reduce the cost of golf equipment, golf courses, and fees in order to attract more people to my business and allow people with middle or low income to enjoy that nice sports activity. Instead of purchasing new facilities I could remodel, renovate, and upgrade the existing ones. Even despite the fact that golf was originally considered an elite sport, everyone would be able to play it regardless of financial wealth or the physical form.
I consider my investigation is useful and significant in order to resolve the problem of inaccessibility of golf for all people. The analysis of the data that was made by me can be easily proved as I used the evidence taken from credible sources. I used problem-solving strategies and techniques (brainstorming and PDCA method) and illustrative materials such as tables and graphs to prove my point of view. Consequently, I may conclude that the goal desired by me was achieved to some extent because I provided a reader with the useful and comprehensible information.
In conclusion, it should be noted that I would continue to work towards solving my business project in the future, as it is not completely resolved. I am pondering over the idea that my golf club needs the coaching staff and perhaps individual training of members could be a good source of additional income and attraction of people.