Pathophysiology of Depression Article by Brigitta Essay

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Severe disorders call for various treatment methods in a clinical setup. In this case, the paper focuses on depression and the relevance of pathophysiology in its clinical treatment. The life-threatening disorder affects a large population worldwide and hence requires caution. The study in the clinical field aims at understanding the mind and brain behavior and the spread of depression signs. Depression and anxiety have similar neuroendocrinological dysregulation hence sharing pathophysiological mechanisms (Brigitta, 2022). Antidepressants are applied in treating depression as they help in fixing the biochemical hypothesis, which controls the depression impairment hence reducing the affection and the functionality of central monoaminergic. While applying these antidepressants, an individual must understand neuroscience, discover genetic revolution and aid in the treatment process.

The presentation of the article to the class is specifically drug action understanding. The monoaminergic system is the primary element in depression treatment. Since depression affects the brain and nerve system that regulate the body’s response, there is a need to control the disorder’s movement in the body (Brigitta, 2022). The final effect of depression is a factor that must be considered when treating depression. There are genetic influences in depression issues; hence all external and internal factors are vital in the treatment.

The clinical application of pathophysiology in depression should promote ethics through proper communication between the physician and the patient. It is essential to consider humanity in clinical practices to build a trustworthy background for the patient during assessment interviews. Ethically, the patient can express himself through the impact of a successful treatment. Culture sometimes displays depressed people as mad by creating awareness in the community before they understand it is just an illness and people can be cured. They prefer isolating the affected patients after receiving their medication, discouraging them from interacting with social groups during the illness periods.


Brigitta, B. (2022). . Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). Pathophysiology of Depression Article by Brigitta.

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"Pathophysiology of Depression Article by Brigitta." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Pathophysiology of Depression Article by Brigitta'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Pathophysiology of Depression Article by Brigitta." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Pathophysiology of Depression Article by Brigitta." May 7, 2024.


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