Pennsylvania Counties Census Research Paper

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Further comparative analysis of the selected criteria will be based on data from the 2010 census conducted in the state of Pennsylvania, in particular, in the counties of Beaver and Philadelphia.

The posed questions are:

  1. Why are many of the indicators higher in Beaver County than in Philadelphia County?
  2. Why is the marriage rate significantly higher in Beaver County than in Philadelphia County?


Beaver County

In 2010, the median income per family was appraised at $60,672. The area used to be once dominated by the heavy steel industry. However, a severe decline in steel production caused new, smaller sectors and services to appear in the area. The median annual income of the entire United States equals $65,712, making the county’s residents live below the average standards (Beaver County, n. d.).

The largest industry in the county is healthcare and social assistance; the manufacturing field and retail trade follow it. Besides, Beaver county deals with mining, oil and gas production, and quarrying, the most high-paid industries. This county’s income level is higher due to the oiling and gas fields that provide more job opportunities. In addition, the population size is smaller, which guarantees work eligibility for more individuals.

Philadelphia County

The median income per family was estimated at $40,423 in 2010. It was evaluated that the county had more than 20,000 enterprises in the district (Philadelphia County, n. d.). Some of the widely spread industries are healthcare, social care, educational services, and retail trade. There are numerous job opportunities for people willing to work in the sphere of education. The county’s labor market is often regarded as the capital of “Eds and Meds” (standing for education and medicine) due to multiple healthcare and educational institutions located in the area (Population, n. d.). The income is almost one-third smaller in Philadelphia County because of its large population size and racial-ethnic diversity. The majority of residents do not have citizenship and work illegally.

Family Size

Beaver County

The family size in Beaver County is 2.83 people, which means that most families living in the area include either a wife and husband or a married couple and one child. The county’s population equaled 170 thousand people in 2010 (Beaver County, n. d.). There has been a significant decline in population growth and birth rate. Nevertheless, the county’s family size remains on the average level across the state. In addition, Beaver County’s territory is comprised chiefly of boroughs and townships, which implies that people are used to leading family lifestyles. Besides, married couples have a tendency to live in private houses rather than apparent. This signifies that they tend to have at least one child.

Philadelphia County

The average household size in Philadelphia County was 2.48, and the average family size was 3.22. It was estimated that there were 86.8 males for every 100 females (Philadelphia County, n. d.). This proves that people tend to get married more often and start families. The family size in the county remains on the average level across the country. However, the number exceeds the one in Beaver County due to several factors. Primarily, the population size is almost ten times bigger, which signifies that individuals tend to create larger families (Population, n. d.). In addition, Philadelphia is the city of numerous educational institutions where the younger generation can obtain a degree. Therefore, this opportunity is seen as a significant factor contributing to the enlarged family size.

Percentage of Married People

Beaver County

The percentage of married people is 59 people, which is higher than the US average. Such a high level of marriages occurs because the average age of people in the district is 45 years (Beaver County, n. d.). Consequently, people tend to get married in adulthood, which prolongs their marriage and helps them build a more trustful relationship. In addition, the population is much smaller, which makes it more or less easy to find a partner.

Philadelphia County

The percentage of married people is 34, which is average in the USA (Philadelphia County, n. d.). Living in urban areas makes a person more selective in regards to partners. What is more, people in Philadelphia County are more concerned with building a prosperous career rather than getting married. However, it is estimated that the majority of couples or families are not officially married and prefer cohabitation for a long time.

Age Distribution

Beaver County

In 2010, the average age of all residents of Beaver County was 45.3 years. The age distribution is the following: citizens under 18 – 19%; aged between 18 and 64 – 59%; citizens aged 65 and over – 22% (Beaver County, n. d.). Beaver County citizens’ age distribution is unequal due to several factors. First, the countryside territory of the state does not attract many young people. Second, the major group belongs to the category between 18 and 64 groups, which is conditioned by the predominant socio-economic factors such as career opportunities or income. Thus, since Beaver County primarily offers jobs in the healthcare, oil production, and mining industries, middle-aged people are fully entitled to receive benefits.

Philadelphia County

The median age in Philadelphia County was 34,7 years in 2010 (Philadelphia County, n. d.). The age distribution is the following: citizens under 18 – 22%; aged between 18 and 64 – 64%; citizens aged 65 and over – 14% (Philadelphia County, n. d.). The first factor explaining the higher percentage of those under 18 is the prevalence of urban areas. Besides, it occurs due to the fact that the majority of the county’s residents are people engaged in educational activities. It implies that mostly young residents (either native or foreign) reside in the county’s areas.

Poverty Level

Beaver County

Beaver County is among the poorest counties in western Pennsylvania. It was identified that one in five children in the district is born into poverty. In 2010, the county was listed 32nd in terms of poverty, with 11,7% of the population who lived below the poverty line (Beaver County, n. d.). However, the number is lower than the national average of 12.3% (Beaver County, n. d.). The most vulnerable group is women aged 25-34; the racial groups exposed to poverty are the whites, followed by blacks.

Philadelphia County

The poverty rate in Philadelphia County was 23% in 2010 (Philadelphia County, n. d.). Considering the large size of the population of this country, it can be stated that the number may be equivalent to the one in Beaver County. Moreover, such poverty percentage owes to the increased foreign population size who cannot obtain citizenship to work legally. It is also conditioned by the relatively high unemployment rate and inability to pay education fees to find a job further.


Having completed the analysis by comparing the numerical data, it became surprising to me that Beaver County residents’ median income exceeds Philadelphia’s. I did not know that mining and oiling industries are widely spread in Beaver County and that many people make money off it. Finally, it was unexpected that the poverty levels would be this high in these areas. Besides, I am still wondering how can poverty level be reduced in order to stabilize the economy of these counties.


Philadelphia County, PA. (n. d.). Data USA. Web.

Beaver County, PA. (n. d.). Data USA. Web.

Population. (n. d.).US Census Bureau. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, August 11). Pennsylvania Counties Census.

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"Pennsylvania Counties Census." IvyPanda, 11 Aug. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Pennsylvania Counties Census'. 11 August.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Pennsylvania Counties Census." August 11, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Pennsylvania Counties Census." August 11, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Pennsylvania Counties Census." August 11, 2022.

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