Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo Essay

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If I were a brand, I would be TotallyBamboo

My personal brand is reflected in the principles of TotallyBamboo. This brand is famous for producing simple kitchen utensils made entirely of bamboo. Despite the fact that the company’s products are devoid of decoration, they look refined and beautiful. Moreover, thanks to bamboo, it is durable and sustainable.

My Brand Features

As the main features of my personal brand, it is vital to highlight the pursuit of goals and teamwork. I know how to use various techniques and tools to accomplish my tasks. Besides, I have skills like hard work, inspirational leadership, and friendliness. Among other brand features, I want to highlight innovation, correct allocation of resources and energy, and a high level of attention to each client. Therefore, these features of my personal brand allow me to achieve essential goals using practical marketing tools.

My Brand Attributes

My name is (Name) and I am (Age). I am learning (Education). I was born in (Nationality). Among my main goals is to acquire essential skills for the profession of consultant manager. Since I was a child, I have developed creative abilities, as well as the possibility of critical thinking. I have attended a significant number of courses and activities such as piano, drawing, solfeggio, vocals, and others. In addition, I was actively interested in architecture and interior design. These factors shaped me as a versatile, creative person ready to solve complex problems.

Differentiating Myself and My Strengths

My personal brand differs from others because I can combine creativity with rationality. The skills I have developed allow me to identify situations in which each method would be most effective. Moreover, I can combine simplicity and sophistication in my work.

My Goals SMART model

The SMART model shapes the goals of my personal brand. Therefore, my skills and knowledge aim to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals (Santangelo, 2020). The process of setting goals in my work is critical, as it allocates resources and time wisely. The SMART model enables both short- and long-term goals to be consistently created and developed.

MBA Enhances My Personal Brand

My personal brand, after my MBA, will acquire skills that have improved exponentially. In the diagram, you can see a significant increase in my abilities. Among the main changes, it is essential to highlight the rise of such skills as communication, time-planning, forming strategy, and managerial skills. Moreover, it will improve my overall quality of work. The significant increase in my abilities after the MBA is due primarily to the considerable number of practical tasks solved during my education. Moreover, the practice of teamwork allowed me not only to improve my communication ability but also to develop inspirational leadership skills.


Santangelo, J. J. (2020). Setting goals – quick & easy worksheet, theory and SMART goals! John James Santangelo PhD.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 28). Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo.

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"Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo." IvyPanda, 28 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo'. 28 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo." May 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo." May 28, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Personal Brand and Marketing Management: TotallyBamboo." May 28, 2024.

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