Photos of Examples of Natural Textures Essay

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The Photo of Dunes by Shainblum (2021)

The photo of dunes with a fast fall-off is attractive because of the way the shadows are used in the image. The fast fall-off creates a sharp transition from light to dark, which creates a sense of depth and drama in the image. The shadows themselves add texture and interest to the sand dunes, making them appear more three-dimensional and sculptural. The contrast between the light and dark areas of the image adds visual interest and draws the viewer’s eye into the scene. This effect is enhanced by the pattern of the shadows, which creates a sense of movement and flow in the image. In addition, the bird which is captured in motion acts as a detail which creates certain story to the image.

The Photo of Dunes by Shainblum

The Photo of a Cowboy’s Shadow

The Photo of a Cowboy's Shadow

The photo of a cowboy’s shadow cast on the earth with small grass is a striking image because it captures a moment that is both simple and evocative. The shadow of the cowboy is the centerpiece of the image, as it stretches out across the dark barren earth and is framed by the surrounding grass. The photo is shown in a black and white coloring which emphasizes the dramatic effect and certain danger of the situation. The viewer can see the outline of the cowboy’s hat, the curve of his back, and the shape of his legs and something that resembles a running person’s shadow and a wooden fence. The small blades of grass in the foreground provide a sense of depth, scale and danger while exhibiting an unnerving texture.

The Photo of a Shell

The Photo of a Shell 

Black and white macro photography of a shell in a dark surrounding is an attractive way to capture the texture of the shell in a detailed and impactful way. By removing the distraction of color, the photographer focused on the intricate details of the shell’s texture and patterns. The shadows help to create depth and dimension, while the highlights emphasize the intricate curves and ridges of the shell’s surface. The dark surrounding serves as a perfect backdrop, helping to make the texture of the shell stand out even more. There is also a slow fall-off of the shadow which add dimensionality to the image. The use of a macro lens helped to capture the smallest details of the shell, such as the tiny bumps and ridges that would have been barely visible to the naked eye. This opportunity creates a sense of intimacy with the subject.


Shainblum, M. (2021). [Online image]. Web.

The Photo of a Cowboy’s Shadow [Online image]. (n.d.). Web.

The Photo of a Shell [Online image]. (n.d.). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 18). Photos of Examples of Natural Textures.

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"Photos of Examples of Natural Textures." IvyPanda, 18 Feb. 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Photos of Examples of Natural Textures'. 18 February.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Photos of Examples of Natural Textures." February 18, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Photos of Examples of Natural Textures." February 18, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Photos of Examples of Natural Textures." February 18, 2024.

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