Photovoltaic System Advantages and Applications Research Paper

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During the last ten years, some energy system transformations have been observed. Nowadays, there are many people, who do not find it necessary to use fossil fuels to cover their needs in electricity and other energy sources. The idea to use such renewable resources as the sunlight and wind seems to be powerful due to the possibility to obtain and use energy with ever-greater efficiency (Beck 312).

The concerns about global warming and human impossibilities to deal with fossil fuels without any negative outcomes make the government and special organizations consider the worth of renewable energy and learn better the peculiarities of a solar photovoltaic system that can produce clean energy (Ramaprabha et al. 320). This paper aims at describing and evaluating the solar electric system, known as PV (photovoltaic), its working peculiarities, the application for the cooling purposes in buildings, and the identification of this system’s advantages in scientific, economic, and environmental spheres of life to prove the necessity of development of this system in different regions of the world.

How a PV System Works

The energy crisis is one of the inevitable situations people have to face one day. Still, people continue making numerous attempts to solve the challenges, and the use of solar energy with the help of the PV system is one of the latest achievements that makes it possible to use the light of the sun in a clean and versatile way as the “direct conversion of radiation into electricity” (Krauter 19). There are several reasons why the PV system should be recommended for consideration. On the one hand, the system is modular and can be expandable in the cases of emergency or need (Beck 314); on the other hand, the developers of PV technologies offer the guarantees to more than 25 years (Krauter 19).

Photovoltaic is the process during which the conversion of light in electricity happens at the atomic level. Any person can install the system near the house and get access to free electricity. Still, to succeed in such an installation process, it is necessary to comprehend how the system works. In brief, photovoltaic is the method of electric energy production with the help of special semiconducting materials that can cause the photovoltaic effect.

A solar cell is a semiconductor diode that consists of a p-n junction and performs the function of impurity doping (Krauter 21). The photovoltaic effect may be produced with the help of some alloy materials the cooperation of which leads to the creation of two layers. One layer is the back contact of the p-type (that consists of positive mediums), and another layer is the front contact of the n-type (that consists of negative mediums) (Patel 164).

The presence of such misbalance that exists between p- and n-type layers, a new layer is created where the charge can be divided as soon as light reaches it. The charge can be spread through different metallic constructions and used as the sources of D.C. (direct current) or A.C. (alternative current). Regarding the peculiarities of this process, the above-discussed solar (photovoltaic) cell is the semiconductor material with a special wafer between positive and negative fields that help to capture the sun rays and convert them into electricity that is necessary for developers.

PV Power Technologies and Building Cooling

PV power technology is based on the possibility to gather solar energy and turn it into electricity. Still, it is not the only benefit that can be observed in the system under analysis. The recent improvements in the PV system help to produce either electricity or cooling energy. The investigations of Mei et al. show that the air circulation behind a PV panel helps to gain control over the temperature and improve the electrical performance. “Furthermore, a controlled air flow in the cavity between the PV panel and the surface behind leads to solar air heating with the potential to be applied to building for winter preheating or summer cooling” (Mei et al. 1266).

At the same time, there is an opinion that the application of the PV system for the cooling purpose in buildings may be explained using the possibility to provide a building with electricity with the help of which the existing conditioning system may continue working using the energy offered by the PV system. Still, the investigations of the annual energy performance of the solar electric compression refrigeration system prove that that the dynamic stimulation is possible and can be improved with time (Fong, Lee, and Chow 3389).

The point is that the created photovoltaic thermal collectors can be used during the nighttime. Radiative heat exchange helps to convert a certain amount of cooling power the same way electricity may be converted. The gathered power can be used to cool floors and ceilings of buildings. However, not many countries can try this new opportunity because much cost is required to establish a new system and make sure it can support the possibility to cool buildings.

PV System Advantages in Scientific, Economic, and Environmental Fields

Taking into consideration the evaluation of the PV system’s work, it is possible to say that there are many environmental benefits people can get with it. Still, the investigations and even personal observations help to realize that the improvement of the PV systems on the planet may become a significant contribution to human survival. The electricity that is produced with the help of the PV system is clean. This kind of green energy is the safest source that can be offered to people.

There is no need for some fuel or other resources that can damage the environment. The light of the sun is the only source of energy that can be used. Therefore, air and water remain to be non-damaged as well. Besides, there is no harm to people or animals that can be near the working PV system. It works silently, and it is not visually obtrusive. Therefore, people can locate the PV system at their homes with ease. The system does not take much place, and people can locate it on the roofs of their houses to save space for other options. The only challenge is the price set on such systems developed by the experts.

Speaking about the economic aspect of the system, it is possible to say that solar energy is a renewable resource that can be available locally. People and organizations do not have to spend money on the transportation of this kind of energy. At the same time, the reduction of transportation needs is another environmental advantage that can be mentioned. People should not spend money on the energy they take from the sun. The only cost that is required is the purchase and the location of the PV system itself. Operating and maintenance costs of such a system are low in comparison to the costs spent on other possible renewable energy systems. Finally, it is necessary to underline that the source of this energy, the sun, cannot change or deplete. People should not take care of the harm they can produce to the source of this energy.

Finally, the working process and peculiarities of the PV system can be used as the main explanations of the scientific advantages. On the one hand, it is necessary to have an in-depth level of knowledge to analyze the essence of the system’s work and know-how to locate and use the solar cell. On the other hand, the experts have to learn how to use the energy available to them and benefit from the opportunities they get. In other words, the main scientific advantage of the PV system is the possibility to develop science in terms of solar energy.


In general, the solar electric system what is known as PV is a powerful source of energy and opportunities. There are many advantages to the PV systems in the fields of science and the environment. Still, people should remember that despite the amounts of energy offered, it is necessary to gain control of all activities that can occur in the solar cell. Energy power depends on the power of the sun. Therefore, people should appreciate the chance to use the sun as the main source of energy and continue studying it and its power respectfully.

Works Cited

Beck, Moussa, Kazem. “A Comprehensive Solar Electric System for Remote Areas.” ScienceDirect 209 (2007): 312-318. Web.

Fong, KF., Lee, CK., and TT. Chow. “Improvement of Solar-Electric Compression Refrigeration System through Ejector-Assisted Vapour Compression Chiller for Space Conditioning in Subtropical Climate.” Energy and Buildings 43 (2011): 3383-3390. Web.

Krauter, Stefan. Solar Electric Power Generation: Photovoltaic Energy Systems. New York, NY: Springer, 2006. Print.

Mei, Li, Infield, David, Eicker, Ursula, Loveday, Dennis, and Volker Fux. “Cooling Potential of Ventilated PV Façade and Solar Air Heaters Combined with a Desiccant Cooling Machine.” Renewable Energy 31 (2006): 1265-1278. Web.

Patel, Mukund. Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Operation. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2005. Print.

Ramaprabha, R., Gothandaraman, V., Kanimozhi, K., Divya, R., and BL. Mathur. “Maximum Power Point Tracking Using GA-Optimized Artificial Neural Network for Solar PV System.” International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (2011): 320-324. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 16). Photovoltaic System Advantages and Applications.

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"Photovoltaic System Advantages and Applications." IvyPanda, 16 July 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Photovoltaic System Advantages and Applications'. 16 July.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Photovoltaic System Advantages and Applications." July 16, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Photovoltaic System Advantages and Applications." July 16, 2020.


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