Planet Earth and Deserts Essay (Movie Review)

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“Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts” describes the desert habitat while focusing on the deserts’ characteristics, demonstrating the basic natural processes, and discussing the mammals living in deserts.

Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts: Summary

Planet Earth (2006) is the documentary series produced by Alastair Fothergill and narrated by David Attenborough. “Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts” provides a detailed description of the desert habitat with references to discussing the basic natural processes and mammals observed in deserts.

Attenborough starts by stating that deserts cover one-third of the Earth, and they are not always hot because of the external factors such as the Siberian winds, for instance, and because of the extreme changes in temperature which can range from -40°C to +50°C as it is in the Gobi Desert. As a result, only a few mammals can live in such environments, and the wild Bactrian camels which have to eat snow because of the lack of water are such animals (Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts, 2010).

The narrator provides the discussion of deserts while paying attention to the deserts’ extreme and particular features. Thus, the Gobi Desert is remarkable because of being covered with snow, and this dessert is the result of the Himalayas’ effect; Sahara is the largest desert in the world; the Atacama is the driest desert in the world, and the biggest dunes are in Namibia. The life of animals depends on continuous searches for food and water. Nocturnal mammals can survive in deserts because of adapting to conditions. Attenborough ends his description by describing locusts that are typical for deserts. Locusts are inclined to destroy even that poor vegetation observed in deserts while flying from place to place (Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts, 2010).

The episode leaves a great impression because of demonstrating the unique harsh habitat and describing the natural processes characteristic of it.

Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts: Questions

  1. What proportion of the Earth’s land is covered by deserts?
    1. Two thirds
    2. One third *
    3. One fourth
  2. What is the extreme temperature range observed in the Gobi Desert?
    1. From -40°C to +50°C *
    2. From -30°C to +40°C
    3. From -30°C to +50°C
  3. What desert is the result of the specific rain shadow effects of the Himalayas?
    1. The Sahara Desert
    2. The Atacama Desert
    3. The Gobi Desert *
    4. The Utah Desert
  4. How can the Bactrian camels in the Gobi Desert get water during the winter season?
    1. To eat vegetation
    2. To find water resources
    3. To eat snow *
  5. What results of the wind power are observed in deserts, such as Sahara?
    1. Pyramids
    2. Dunes *
    3. Mountains
  6. What is the driest desert in the world?
    1. The Sahara Desert
    2. The Atacama Desert *
    3. The Gobi Desert
    4. The Utah Desert
  7. How often does rainfall in the Atacama?
    1. Some parts may not see rain for twenty years
    2. Some parts may not see rain for fifty years *
    3. Some parts may not see rain for forty years
  8. What do the elephants of the Namib Desert prefer to find to eat?
    1. Grasses’ roots *
    2. Grasses
    3. Hoppers
  9. How much water can the saguaro cactus take up?
    1. To six tonnes of water
    2. To two tonnes of water
    3. To five tonnes of water *
  10. What representatives of the desert fauna are called the “desert specialists” in the video?
    1. Lizards *
    2. Lions
    3. Camels


Planet Earth – Episode 05: Deserts. (2010). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 18). Planet Earth and Deserts.

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"Planet Earth and Deserts." IvyPanda, 18 Mar. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Planet Earth and Deserts'. 18 March.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Planet Earth and Deserts." March 18, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Planet Earth and Deserts." March 18, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Planet Earth and Deserts." March 18, 2021.

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