The mass media play a significant role in shaping society’s perception of various phenomena. These sources of information contribute to the dissemination of both positive and negative knowledge. This aspect has not bypassed military forces, whose actions were constantly covered in various newspapers and articles. Particularly important in this context was given to wartime, when the support of society and the state was critical. Therefore, this work will explore how the military forces of the United States of America and war were presented to society in wartime by various medical sources.
The first newspaper that published articles about the activities of the American military forces in the war was The Life Magazine. The magazine published articles and photographs about the battles of the USA and Vietnam. This period in the country’s life was one of the most serious and detrimental for the country’s general state and society. People were constantly interested in the events of the war and the successes and defeats of American soldiers. The issue of 1965, titled “Wounded Marine Evacuated in Vietnam,” depicts young men helping an injured soldier (“Wounded Marine Evacuated in Vietnam,” 1965). Thus, the press draws attention to the hard fate faced by American soldiers and causes compassion and pity. Moreover, it can be said that the mass media promoted awareness of the price that people pay daily in war, the price of human life.
Within the framework of this paper, the following article from Life Magazine called “Mekong Delta,” dated 1963, has a particular impact. This article highlights the earlier events of the war between the United States and Vietnam. The main part of this source provided a closer look at the events in Vietnam. Hence, one of the articles in the magazine called “We wade deeper into jungle war” contained photos from the immediate scene of the struggle of the countries (“Mekong Delta,” 1963). This contributed to providing an understanding of the terrible events taking place in the war and emphasizing the bravery and dedication of American troops. It is worth noting that honor was also given to Vietnamese fighters, which underlined that ordinary people who wanted to defend their country alone went to war. In addition, the magazine provides information about how soldiers on both sides treated each other, which was characterized by more respect and respect than hatred. Therefore, the lesson can be deduced that people should not have a negative attitude toward those who sacrifice their lives on the battlefield.
A unique view of American troops during the war was provided in the article “Spies and lies,” This article focused on a photograph taken during the First World War. It is stated that it “encouraged Americans to spy upon one another, to be “vigilant” against those who criticized American involvement in the war” (Creel, 1969, p. 234). As part of this activity, there were severe and harsh repressions of those parts of the population who opposed military actions and called for peace. This was because these people were seen as a threat to society and spies, which spread a negative attitude towards the war taking place in the world.
In conclusion, the mass media significantly shape public opinion regarding such critical events as the war. Depending on how these sources of information portray the actions of the US military forces, people’s attitude towards them depends. Analyzed media sources like Life Magazine and the article “Spices and Lies” have confirmed this point of view. These sources reflected the horrors and difficulties of Vietnam and World War I, providing valuable insight into these events.
Wounded marine evacuated in Vietnam. (1965). Life Magazine. Web.
Creel, C. (1969). Spies and Lies. This Fabulous Century: Sixty Years of American Life, 2, p. 234.
Mekong Delta. (1963). Life Magazine. Web.