Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques Essay

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People may think and want to live together in harmony. It is a general perception among the majority of the citizens. But this does not always mean that people’s expectations become their accomplishments. Crime has continued to be part of humanity for different reasons. Murder is a crime that can lead to imprisonment after a trial. Premeditated murder is a crime of wrongfully and intentionally causing the death of another human being. One rationally considers the timing, or method of doing so, to either increase the likelihood of success or to evade detection or apprehension.

State laws in the US differ and vary in their definitions of premeditated murder. It is one of the most serious homicides. The offender receives greater punishment than the manslaughter charge. It is punishable with a death penalty, or a life sentence without the possibility of parole. The federal law criminalizes it at Title 18 United States Code Section 1111 (Wastell, Weeks, Wearing & Duncan, 2012).

The police must first make an arrest. It is the act of taking a person into police custody. It could be voluntary or non-voluntary. It depends on the actions of the suspect. There are circumstances that lead to an arrest (Wastell, Weeks, Wearing & Duncan, 2012). The police officer may observe the crime personally. The officer may also have a probable cause after conducting further investigation. A valid warrant of arrest can cause the officer to make an arrest.

The order of detention identifies the crime by the suspect, names the individual, provides suspect’s location, and authorizes the police officer to proceed with the arrest. However, the arrest can become unlawful if there is reasonable evidence to prove that the police violated the law during the detention process. It can lead to the nullification of the case by the courts. But the offender may voluntarily present himself or herself to the authorities for the arrest.

The year 2054 comes with its new ideas about solving crimes such as the premeditated murder. There is a tank in which the police place about four people to tap their brain waves with computers (Wastell, Weeks, Wearing & Duncan, 2012). It becomes easy to monitor and prevent crime. There has been no report for murder for the past six years because of this technique. There are rigorous procedures that one has to go through to make an arrest legally binding.

For this process to be validated and become acceptable as a formal means of arresting a criminal for premeditated murder, it has to be constitutional. By 2054, there have been significant developments that allow electronic equipment to measure crime. When it is possible to scan the minds of citizens, then it becomes legally possible to apprehend such criminals and take legal action against them (Wastell, Weeks, Wearing & Duncan, 2012). Even the cases can still progress using the electronic equipment so as to save time and reduce costs. Since one of the reasons that can cause an arrest is if the officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that a crime might be committed. Whether the reason is by electronic scanning or other means, it still becomes legally possible.

Police profiles are important because they guide the police to make a decision on whether or not to make an arrest. Criminal profiling is a criminal investigative analysis. It gives details that are important to turn a suspicion into a probable reason for arresting a suspect. The use of profile to take police action is morally permissible when there is historical evidence of such behavior. It can also result from the strong evidence that can easily lead to the starting of criminal charges against the individual.

The police officers should be extremely cautious to avoid breaking the law. They also need to ensure that they do not present a weak case before the court because that could quickly bring down the case. But profiling has for the past years been excellent (Wastell, Weeks, Wearing & Duncan, 2012). Profiling includes the full names of the suspect. It also requires that the officer gets information from reliable sources and fills correct information. The officer should not commit prejudices in the process of carrying out his or her work. Profiling has to be secretive so that the suspect does not start hiding information.

Some of the approaches to offender profiling include geographical approach. One has to analyze the patterns, according to time and location of the crime scene (Wastell, Weeks, Wearing & Duncan, 2012). The investigative psychology approach looks at the presented offending behavior and style of offense. The typological approach examines the particular characteristics of the crime scene and can categorize the offender. It is also important to find out whether the offender is suffering from mental illness or has some psychological abnormalities.

Premeditated murder is planned murder. If the police can stop such crimes through modern technology, then they can keep the citizens safer. It is important that the means and ways of scanning and profiling become part of the law to safeguard the interests of the persons carrying out the arrest.


Wastell, C., Weeks, N., Wearing, A., & Duncan, P. (2012). Identifying hypothesis confirmation behaviors in a simulated murder investigation: Implications for practice. Journal Of Investigative Psychology And Offender Profiling, 9(2), 184-198. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 16). Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques.

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"Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques." IvyPanda, 16 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques'. 16 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques." August 16, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques." August 16, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Premeditated Murder and New Preventive Techniques." August 16, 2020.

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