Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom Coursework

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A preschool teacher is among the people every human being interacts with, and remains indebted to all his/her life. This job is very challenging although it is enjoyable. Dealing with young brains that know close to nothing can be very stressing. However, for a passionate preschool teacher the virtues of patience and understanding are of utmost importance. Patience and understanding enable the teachers to regulate their reactions toward the behaviors of some kids. Patience helps new teachers to settle down at this new institution in a sober manner.

Good preschool teachers should understand the roles, duties, expectations and challenges they are likely to encounter in the course of their career. Such an understanding will help them in laying out the logistics of their work to ensure that they will not feel like losers after all their years of service. Just like in all other aspects of life, the success of a preschool teacher lies largely on his/her understanding of his/her work and planning.

Mutual respect between teachers and their students is usually a big determinant of the performance of both the teacher and class. A preschool teacher should manage the class in a manner that ensures that he/she is able to gain the respect of his/her class without frightening the group of students. For many teachers this approach is very challenging especially because children will appear disrespectful even when they do not mean to. Teachers should also give respect to their students because respect is a two-way affair.

Dedication is very important in preschool teaching. Although many people assume that kids are young and thus will not understand a teacher’s reluctance, later in life those kids are able to recall which of their teachers was dedicated or not. Ergo, dedication in classroom and even extracurricular activities is key and almost mandatory if one is to have a successful career in preschool teaching.

The art of organization is another important skill every preschool teacher should possess. A teacher is the resource person in the classroom and he/she should therefore be in a good position to locate necessary material upon demand and not the other way round. A class of students will always look up to their teacher and the manner in which the educator behaves is more likely than not a great influence to the behaviors adopted by the kid. With this in mind, preschool teachers should always know where classroom materials are placed and even train the class to put the materials where they should be in case they are misplaced. In addition, the teacher should make sure the classroom organization is maintained. The classroom structure should include specific places for reading, resting, and the teacher’s desk among others.

Preschool teachers have the best chance of assisting students with low self –esteem to recognize their state and work on their esteem before it is too late in life to change. Therefore, it is extremely important for teachers to uphold good behaviors among the children. This can be done by acknowledging outstanding deeds through praises and rewards.

It is true that man cannot live a solitary life. Everyone needs friends at one point. A good preschool teacher should make friends with individual students and get to understand them from an individual’s point of view. This will assist the teacher to know how to deal with individual students and even offer assistance in a profitable manner to them.

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IvyPanda. (2022, June 3). Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom.

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"Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom." IvyPanda, 3 June 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom'. 3 June.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom." June 3, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom." June 3, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Preschool Teaching and Nuggets of Wisdom." June 3, 2022.

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