Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz Essay

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Two main candidates:

  • Democratic party: Hillary Rodham Clinton, former secretary of state.
  • Republican party: Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas since 2013
StateDemocrat (Clinton)Republican (Cruz)
New Hampshire4
New Jersey14
New Mexico5
New York29
North Carolina15
North Dakota3
Rhode Island4
South Carolina9
South Dakota3
West Virginia5


There is no use denying the fact that presidential elections can be a good opportunity for different candidates to show their skills in rhetoric and their ability to persuade people. Usually, the most topical questions are discussed, and different possible solutions to existing problems are suggested by candidates. With this in mind, it is possible to say that there are several hot button issues that will be obviously discussed by candidates as these questions can bring popularity and guarantee victory. That is why it is possible to discuss the most topical problems of our age in this work.

It is obvious that the first question, which will be discussed by all candidates, is the crisis in international relations and some possible ways of its solution. Nowadays, relations between different countries are very tensed. It is even possible to say that the current situation is similar to the situation which was peculiar to the years of the Cold War.

There are two main blocks in the world which have different ideas and points of view on the same problems. The USA and countries of the European Union can be taken as representatives of the first block while Russia and its allies comprise the second one. It is obvious that there have always been some differences in the point of view on some processes between these countries; however, nowadays, these differences become crucial and make normal relations between these states impossible (Koren para. 4).

Events that happened in Ukraine at the end of 2014 and during 2015 triggered the development of confrontation between these two blocks. The USA and Europe accuse Russia of interfering in the domestic affairs of Ukraine and providing help for rebels in the East of Ukraine. However, Russia, at the same time, underlines the legitimacy of all its actions and underlines the necessity of negotiations between all belligerents. It is obvious that this conflict does not promote the development of stability and peace in the world. Moreover, a great number of sanctions, which were created to weaken Russia and make it give up, also influence countries of the West and the USA as traditional market outlets are destroyed, and economies of states suffer. Resting on these facts, it is possible to say that the issue of international relations will become one of the most discussed by different candidates (Trenin para. 2).

The USA is one of the main initiators of sanctions against Russia, and it proclaims its intention to make this country retreat and give Crimea back. However, it is obvious that not all citizens of the USA are satisfied with the current political course. Moreover, the government of Ukraine makes many controversial steps that can be treated in different ways. With this in mind, it is possible to say that different politicians will exploit this very situation in order to get a benefit from it and increase the level of their popularity. Different possible variants, starting with the force solution and ending with negotiations with Russia and some concessions, will be suggested. Moreover, some main steps connected with the conflict in Ukraine will also be discussed.

Situation in the Middle East

The next issue, which will probably be discussed, is the situation in the Middle East and American troops there. Nowadays, this region became one of the main problems of the whole civilized world. The latest events in Yemen and in other countries of the Middle East show that these local problems can develop into some global threats to the whole world. The thing is, that situation is complicated by the fact that the issue of terrorism is combined with some religious and ethnic conflicts. That is why the problem becomes very complicated.

Islamic State of Iraq and Levant is taken by the majority of states in the world as a terrorist organization. However, local people support it, especially those who have the same religion and culture. That is why it is very difficult to find the right solution to this problem. The USA is already involved in this conflict. This region has always been in its sphere of interest, and that is why there is a great number of American troops in the Middle East (Witte’s para. 5).

With this in mind, it is possible to suggest that all candidates will discuss this very issue. The main question is whether the USA should become even more involved in the conflict and use its military forces to solve it or some other way should be found. There are adherers to both these points of view, and that is why it is possible to say that candidates will try to convince as many people as it is possible in order to increase their popularity.

The Issue of External Debt

However, there is one more hot button issue that will obviously be touched. It is the issue of the economy. The problem is that the USA has the greatest external debt, which increases every second (Chaufen para.3).

Moreover, modern conditions have a pernicious influence on the economy of the USA. Additionally, in terms of sanctions and the world financial crisis, it is impossible to achieve some significant improvement in the economy of the state. Resting on these facts, it becomes obvious that some serious measures are needed. That is why candidates will obviously discuss the issue of the economy of the state and some possible ways of its improvement. Moreover, it is possible to predict different strategies of their behavior. Some candidates can directly say that some unpopular measures will be needed for the country to be able to overcome all problems and continue its development. Moreover, these measures can be enumerated and suggested as the only possible variant. Besides, some candidates can promise a significant improvement of the economy of the state, not underlining the necessity of strict measures in order to increase their popularity.

With this in mind, it is possible to conclude that candidates will center their speeches around these three main problems which should obviously be solved as soon as it is possible. Moreover, solutions to this problem, suggested by different candidates, will influence the level of their popularity.

Works Cited

Chaufen, Alejandro. ““. Forbes. 2015. Web.

Koren, Marina. “How 2014 Became the Worst Year in U.S.-Russia Relations Since the Cold War“. National Journal. 2014. Web.

Trenin, Dmitry. ““. The National Interest. 2014. Web.

Wittes, Tamara. “Brookings. 2015. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 11). Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz.

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"Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz." IvyPanda, 11 June 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz'. 11 June.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz." June 11, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz." June 11, 2020.


IvyPanda. "Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz." June 11, 2020.

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