PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm’s International Trade Skills Report

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PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is an international professional firm that offers assurance, tax and advisory services as part of their consultancy practices. These are the three main services that this company offers globally. Assurance involves auditing financial statements of a given company. PwC reviews financial statements of a given firm or company and comes up with independent publication indicating whether those statements were true as presented by the company. Many companies engage independent audit firms to review their financial reports thus PwC comes in handy in this field. Tax services offered by this firm include international revenue provisions, deference with domestic tax laws and consultancy in human resource transfer within organizations. Advisory services cover a wide range of operations as business valuation, recovery services involved in businesses, improvement of performance among employees and crisis management among others.

The writer of this article focuses on advisory services for he or she qualifies for this position. PwC emphasizes diverse skill sets on advisory services. This firm hinges on advisory skills on strategy, finance, governance, revenue growth, sustainability, and delivering deal worth, technology, investigations, operations, risk and compliance among others. PwC places a lot of emphasis on these values because they believe in delivering quality services to their clients. In strategy management, this firm stresses on deep knowledge on industrial and technical issues supported by stringent market research. This is because they want to offer clients with independent accurate services on business environment research and analysis.

In revenue growth, PwC puts emphasis on candidates to have good knowledge on selling processes. This is because customer needs are changing by the day thus companies need to embrace consultative and long- term goals to enable them to address customer needs more efficiently. In governance, risk and compliance, the firm requires strategic thinkers because this forms the basis of identifying risks and opportunities. They also require individuals who can learn new skills because the business world is quickly changing.

Fundamentally, for a candidate to enter into the PwC workforce, needs to be open- minded and easy to learn new concepts. In several countries, it goes around universities to recruit fresh graduates because they are trainable. These individuals undergo a wide range of tests ranging from language to personal attributes. As long as individuals can learn and understand new concepts and go through the recruitment process successfully, then they are qualified to enter into PwC.

This company has a mantra that people working there come first. They have a high performing culture based on zeal for prosperity. They go around recruiting the best endowments and then train them to become professionals. This company has a rich training programme that avails the appropriate tools to candidates during training. Their recruitment sources include both traditional and non-traditional settings to foster diversity. In an ideal day, new recruits get the opportunity to mingle with veteran employees to have a real test of what happens in the company. New recruits get a mentor in the workplace to ensure that they learn quickly.

This vibrant culture at PwC includes professional development, which is very enriching and tailored to fit every employee. They emphasize coaching individuals on daily basis, providing distinguishable practical training approaches coupled with tailor-made programmes that enable individuals to nurture their credentials. The culture is diverse and it includes communities around it. It does not matter what part of the world you are in to work for PwC. This firm manages international skills efficiently and strongly believe that robust culture and flexibility in work life form the basis of quality performance and well-being of individuals in the company.

Another programme that this company has put in place called Early PwC International Challenge (EPIC) programme. This programme offers young graduates a chance to work abroad. This has been the culture of this company over years. EPIC allows candidates to work abroad early in their careers. Some of the destinations of EPIC programme include Canada, Australia, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Russia among others. The writer feels that due to this favourable culture in PwC, he or she will secure a place in joining this company’s team as it moves to the centre of consultancy around the globe. With a background in business studies, the writer fits best in this company.

The writer is interested in applying for a post in the advisory team, in terms of potential duties and tasks involved in this job. The job entails visiting different companies to advise them on business recovery plan as part of consultancy. After entering PwC, the writer will choose this line of work due to passion he or she has about helping people come out of their struggles. Many businesses are on the brink of closure due to the global economic recession they are experiencing right now. This puts the writer in a suitable position to help businesses to recover. Other businesses undergo difficulty times due to mismanagement and poor planning.

The technical skills required to fill this post includes a strong analytical and strategic mind. Contingency planning is also essential for an individual to become a good business recovery advisor. Business recovery process requires a critical and analytical mind, which can foresee future threats and opportunities. This requires contingency planning to establish fallback plans should the structured plans fail to yield fruits finally. In this process, the advisor probes circumstances that led to the down turn of the business events. Essentially, a business that requires a recovery plan is not doing well in its operations. This indicates that there are events that led to reduced output of the business. Therefore, the advisor needs to be averse with issues that led to business closure. The same thinking that created a problem cannot solve it; therefore, a different approach in solving business problems is paramount. A business recovery advisor offers this thinking. After evaluating the issues that led to reduced output in the business, the advisor then applies his or her knowledge of putting businesses back on track.

There are personality traits that place the writer in a very good position to secure a place in PwC workforce. Essentially, PwC looks for talent, which the writer possesses in abundance. The writer has excellent communication skills and good interpersonal skills and this puts him or her in as good position to handle the job of business recovery. The writer remains focused and goal oriented, a key factor that PwC hunt for. Other personal attributes that PwC go for include ability to work under pressure. Companies work to beat deadlines to satisfy their clients and PwC is not different.

They want someone who can manage pressure and deliver results at the same time. They also look for an individual who can build relationships quickly. Advisory services rely entirely on handling people’s problems and if an individual can build relationships quickly, that becomes an asset. PwC also looks for a team player and an individual who adapts well to new working environments. The person should be diligent, honest, independent and self-motivated. These personal attributes coupled with outstanding training programmes for new recruits, makes PwC stand out in consultancy world.

As part of personal development, the writer studied strategic management to improve his zeal for solving problems. The writer also possesses a diploma in information technology, which ensures him or her to compete well in this competitive market. He or she has some project management skills after managing micro projects as part of attachment during long holidays. As a fresh graduate, the writer has the energy that is required to propel PwC to great heights. These qualifications, coupled with the strong personal attributes prepare the writer to make an immediate impact in PwC.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 20). PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm's International Trade Skills.

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"PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm's International Trade Skills." IvyPanda, 20 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm's International Trade Skills'. 20 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm's International Trade Skills." November 20, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm's International Trade Skills." November 20, 2021.


IvyPanda. "PricewaterhouseCoopers Firm's International Trade Skills." November 20, 2021.

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